Spanish men

Spanish flies are a sharp, caustic, deadly poison. They cause pain and pain in the insides and in general pain that stretches from the mouth to the pubis and is also felt near the thigh, kidneys and hypochondrium. Spanish flies produce ulcerations in the bladder, accompanied by pain and swelling, and from them the penis, pubis and neighboring areas swell with intense burning. They encourage urination, and when the person poisoned by them wants to urinate, he either cannot, or urinates with blood and pieces of meat with severe pain. In this case, sometimes there is diarrhea due to abrasions in the intestines, nausea and confusion of mind; the patient falls when trying to get up, and fainting occurs, preceded by heaviness in the head. What is most tormented by this poison is the poisoned bladder; the taste of kitran and zift is felt in the mouth. These animals are most harmful in the fall, around the rising of Sirius, before and after it.

The patient should be induced to vomit and given an enema with bedbug juice, and the medicines for vomiting and enema should include soda with a decoction of figs, and vomiting should be induced several times in succession. If the doctor, in order to protect the bladder, considers it necessary to bleed, let him do so, and then the patient should drink milk, flea plantain mucus and purslane juice with a lot of cream several times. At this time, he is given an enema of barley water, marshmallow, flaxseed mucilage and egg white, or of barley water with rice decoction, or with fenugreek decoction, or with wheat decoction. Buttery soups, almond butter, goose fat, soft-boiled egg yolks, ghee, honey, julab, almond butter and cow's butter are good for such a patient; water sweetened with honey, pine nuts and pine nuts, maybukhtaj with goose fat, honey wine also help him. and boiled wine with diuretic seeds, such as melon and kiss seeds, as well as fig infusion and violet wine. It is said that the antidote is the intake of quince oil and iris oil and Samian clay, and that laxation with a drink of water and honey is beneficial to such patients. Anyone who has drunk Spanish flies should drip rose oil into the urethra, but not from a syringe, but from a thin funnel, the softest one available, and use it in warm baths.