Methods for extracting teeth

Sometimes the situation with a diseased tooth reaches the point where it is completely untreatable, or whenever the illness that causes the tooth to suffer goes away, but soon returns. Further, the proximity of a damaged tooth to other teeth causes harm to them and transmits what it suffers from; thus, there is no way to heal it, and the only remedy is to tear it out.

The tooth is sometimes torn with forceps, after removing the meat surrounding its root. Before pulling a tooth, you should carefully look to see if the disease is hidden in the tooth itself. If not, then you should not pull the tooth; let it not be removed. This happens when the cause is in the gum or in the nerve located under the tongue. Although tooth extraction slightly relieves the pain, it does not eliminate it completely, and it returns; relief comes only from the fact that part of the matter immediately dissolvesTsteals, and the medicine reaches the sore spot.

Removing teeth that are not loose can be dangerous in many cases. Sometimes this exposes the jaw, causes decay of its substance and causes severe pain. It often also causes eye pain and fever. If you are convinced that removing a tooth is difficult and that the patient cannot bear it, then it is not good to forcibly loosen the tooth, this is one of the reasons that increases the pain. However, sometimes it happens that the cause is not in the tooth, and when the tooth shakes, the matter underneath it dissolves and the pain goes away.

Sometimes a tooth is removed with the help of medicines, then it is best to cut the gums around the tooth with a lancet and apply medicines on it. For example, they take the bark of mulberry root and saliva and grind it in the sun with strong vinegar until the composition becomes like honey, then they smear the base of the tooth with it three times a day. Or they grind the saliva and leave it in vinegar in the sun for forty days, then drip it onto the incised place and leave it there for an hour or two, and cover healthy teeth with wax. After this, the tooth is pulled and it comes out. Or instead of the salivator, they put the roots of a mad cucumber, or they smear the gums with arsenic boiled with vinegar, this relaxes the tooth, or they take equal parts of nettle seeds and galbanum, or nettle seeds and a double amount of incense and apply it to the base of the fang. Sometimes nettle seed is boiled with fig leaves  this relaxes the tooth and makes it easy to remove. The vinegar sludge itself is a wonderful remedy.

Or they take mulberry bark, caper tree bark, orpiment, saliva, greater celandine and coloquinth roots, as well as resinous milkweed, mix with dill juice or strong vinegar and leave to stand for three days, after which it is smeared. Sometimes they take one part of each celandine and mulberry bark, two parts of orpiment, mix it with honey and put it around the fang for a while. This removes the tooth. Or they take yarrow root santolino and milky juice of yattu part by part, or two parts of yattu root and put it on the tooth. If the tooth is weak, then melt wax and honey in the sun, then drip olive oil on it and order the patient to chew it.