Causes of dry fingertips

From time to time, any person on the planet develops certain skin cosmetic defects. Most of them are not serious, but nevertheless they require some measures to be taken. A common occurrence is peeling of the fingertips. The reasons for this can be very diverse. To eliminate rough fingertips using various means and methods, it is necessary to identify exactly why this disease arose.

It should be noted that this phenomenon can occur equally in both men and women. In addition, even a child can have rough fingertips. There are no distinctions in such symptoms. Let's take a closer look at why there may be dry and rough fingertips, as well as how to deal with this cosmetic defect.



For what reasons does the skin on your fingers begin to peel? If you have dry skin on your fingertips, this may indicate that the epidermis is renewing itself too often. The inner layers grow earlier than the upper ones peel off. It is for this reason that peeling of the skin on the fingertips appears. But what are the reasons that the skin renews itself so often? This may happen for the following reasons:

  1. the presence of skin fungus;
  2. an infection that parasitizes the epidermis;
  3. lack of vitamins in the body;
  4. overdrying of the skin due to external factors;
  5. the effect of low-quality cosmetics on the skin;
  6. change in air temperature;
  7. allergic reaction;
  8. genetic predisposition to peeling;
  9. insufficient hand skin care.


External factors

In most cases, the reason why the pads on the fingers become rough is due to insufficient skin care, as well as exposure to various external factors. The epidermis suffers greatly from cold, sun, wind, as well as frequent contact with pollution or water. In this case, hands must be protected from these factors. Otherwise, the skin will become too dry and will not retain moisture and all nutrients well.

If the tufts of fingers have become hard precisely for this reason, then the problem can be dealt with quite easily. To do this, you just need to take proper care of your skin. It is necessary to moisturize it regularly. There are many different cosmetics, masks, creams that can help you in this case.

If the reaction was caused by the use of low-quality cosmetics, then it must be immediately changed to a more suitable one, while simultaneously undergoing a course of antihistamine treatment.


Vitamin deficiency

In some cases, the skin begins to peel and crack due to insufficient nutrients in the body. In such situations, the epidermis simply survives itself, working hard. With the last of its strength, the skin tries to perform a protective function for the body, but it doesn’t work out very well. This skin needs urgent help. In addition to moisturizing, you should also make various vitamin masks and use multivitamins.

Fungal infection

If the fingertips wrinkle and begin to peel, then the reason may lie in a fungal infection of the skin. In such situations, ulcers may form on the skin, itching may appear, and sometimes the disease is accompanied by painful sensations. The resulting cracks may bleed. Such symptoms should alert a person. A fungal disease requires immediate treatment.


If you have lumps on your fingertips, or your skin has become dry and flaky, you need to get a diagnosis as soon as possible. This will guarantee that the problem will be resolved as quickly as possible. Of course, a dermatologist will be best able to determine the main causes of the disease. In some cases, consultation with other specialists is required.

How to fix the problem?

Rough fingertips cause people great discomfort. But what to do in this case? As mentioned earlier, you must first consult a doctor who will identify the main cause of this symptom. If the reason for the formation of dry patterns on the fingertips lies in simple dryness, then the specialist will prescribe store-bought and homemade cosmetics to moisturize the skin. In the case when they begin to peel and crack due to the presence of a skin infection or fungus, it is necessary to use complex therapy.


If the problem has not yet started, then antibacterial or antifungal ointments and creams will be sufficient. However, in some cases, specialists prescribe antibiotics to their patients. It would be a good idea to undergo a full examination in the hospital, since often problems with organs initially express themselves in the form of symptoms on the skin.

In a beauty salon

In beauty salons, there are currently a huge number of different procedures that help cope with dryness and flaking of the skin. In particular, many use the procedure of saturating the skin with lipids. She is a manicurist. Thanks to such an event, you can provide comprehensive hand care.

In addition, ultrasonic cleaning of the skin on the fingers is also performed. During this procedure, the top dry layer of the epidermis is exfoliated. Only the young remain.

Many modern salons use paraffin therapy, as well as various chemical procedures that cleanse and moisturize the skin of the hands.


In such establishments you can undergo a massage course, which significantly improves blood circulation in the extremities. When the skin receives nutrients and enough oxygen, it will begin to regenerate, resulting in more tender skin.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the effect of a salon cosmetic procedure usually occurs quickly. Such events are truly effective. However, these services cost a lot of money, sometimes significant. That is why many women prefer to use traditional medicine recipes to moisturize the skin.

Home Recipes

To eliminate dry hands at home, as well as get rid of flaking, use various moisturizing masks, baths, and cleansing scrubs. All this can be easily prepared from available products. You can use plain coffee or table salt as a scrub. Any vegetable oil is added to it, and the finished product is used to massage the fingertips in those areas where the skin is peeling. This way you can get rid of the unnecessary dead layer and improve the appearance of your hands.


After this, you should make a moisturizing hand bath. For example, a bath with olive oil is very effective.

Preparing the bath

You need to put enough olive oil in a bowl so that you can immerse your palms in it. The oil must be heated a little over low heat so that the temperature is pleasant for the hands. It is best to do this in a water bath. After this, the hands are dipped in warm oil and kept there for a quarter of an hour. There is no need to wash off the oil. After using the bath, hands are dried with a soft towel or dipped in napkins.

Potato bath

The fact is that potato broth has a healing effect. Baths based on this product have a positive effect on cracks that often appear during peeling. It is necessary to keep your hands in the broth for a quarter of an hour. Then a rich cream is applied on top and gloves are put on. It is best to carry out this procedure at night. In the morning, the gloves are removed.

Fermented milk baths

All fermented milk products have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This is why many women use sour milk-based baths at home. The scheme is the same. After the procedure, you should moisturize your hands and try not to do anything with them for some time.


Linseed oil

This product, in addition to moisturizing, is also able to nourish the skin of the hands with the necessary nutrients. It is recommended to rub flaxseed oil into the skin for 5 minutes. It will be very good if you perform this procedure every evening before going to bed. After this, the skin becomes soft and pleasant to the touch. Externally, the hands will look more velvety after this procedure.

Please note that it is also possible to mix several types of oils. You can add some aromatic to the main one, but you need to make sure that the product moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, and does not dry it out.


In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that it is also necessary to adjust your own lifestyle. In particular, experts recommend paying special attention to your diet and diet. It must be the most balanced, since the entire body must necessarily receive all the necessary elements and substances. Only in this way can you ensure smooth and velvety skin.


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Improper care, use of household chemicals, negative effects of the external environment - all these factors can lead to changes in the condition of the skin of adults. On the delicate skin of the hands, irritation may appear that resembles an allergy, peeling, dryness, cracking, dry skin on the pads of the fingers may occur - there are different reasons.

All these factors are not health problems, but cracks in the fingers can be a serious cause for concern. The reasons for their appearance are not related to weather conditions, age-related changes or household responsibilities. Wounds with the appearance of blood should be a mandatory reason to consult a doctor. Let's consider all the reasons and ways to solve problems when changing the appearance of the skin.

Causes of dryness and cracks

Dryness and flaking cause discomfort, especially if you add to this the fact that problem areas are cracked and burn. And with the appearance of itching and bleeding wounds, these signs become a real problem. The cause of such manifestations can be many factors. Eliminating their influence is not difficult. But if the causes of changes in the skin are diseases, then treatment must be aimed not only at eliminating unpleasant sensations, but also at eliminating the disease.

The reasons that may cause peeling of the skin on the tips of the fingers, itching, cracking and dryness may be as follows:

  1. Contact dermatitis - caused by the use of household chemicals, contact with allergens or aggressive substances.
  2. Fungus - the most common cause of the disease is weakened immunity.
  3. Psoriasis - the main distinguishing symptom is the appearance of droplets of blood.
  4. Eczema is a serious disease that is accompanied by dry hands, cracks, and bleeding wounds.
  5. An allergy is an individual reaction to certain factors.
  6. Vitamin deficiency - the cause of cracks and dry skin of the fingers of the right or left hands is a lack of vitamins in the body.
  7. Improper care of the skin of the hands - poorly moisturized skin can lead to dryness of the epidermis, which, when in contact with cold water or exposure to a cold wind, can become dry and covered with cracks and appear wrinkled.
  8. Diabetes mellitus can seriously impair the body’s blood circulation, including the nutrition of the hands, which can lead to dry skin.
  9. Frequent contact with water - it would seem that water will moisturize the skin, but in reality, everything happens the other way around - water greatly dries out the epidermis and washes away its protective fat layer.

Important! The question of why the skin on the fingers dries requires a thorough comprehensive examination by a dermatologist. Some diseases are quite difficult to get rid of. When identifying the causes of peeling and dryness, you should pay attention to the affected areas - palms, pads, interdigital areas, area near the nail plates.

Cracks on fingers near nails

Too frequent contact not only with household chemicals, but also with plain water, can cause irritation. The skin in the nail area begins to crack, peel, peel off; people often notice this on the index finger. If there are no factors such as household chemicals and water, then internal diseases may be the cause of discomfort.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, but the most common are fungus, eczema, psoriasis, hormonal imbalance, thyroid abnormalities or diabetes.

On pads

The reason that the skin on the fingertips dries out may be a lack of vitamins in the body. The most common symptom of a lack of nutrients in the body is the appearance of dryness, peeling, and cracks on the fingertips. There is no pain, redness or irritation.

Constant detachment of the epidermis leads to a “rough” effect. If the area of ​​the pads hurts or bleeding is visible, then this is most likely some kind of disease. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Skin on fingers breaks

Cracks without bleeding wounds appear due to the influence of external factors or internal changes in the body. The skin may begin to burst from a long course of taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Peeling with cracks can occur due to unfavorable weather conditions or too frequent contact with water.

For example, in winter or autumn, you need to watch your hands as carefully as possible. Similar signs may also be the first manifestations of diseases.

Skin is too dry and cracks until it bleeds

Some of the types of changes can be classified as the most dangerous. In most cases, bleeding cracks are signs of serious diseases. If, in addition to this, your fingers swell, you should definitely undergo an examination by a dermatologist.

Important! Bleeding and painful sores can not only cause discomfort, but also pose a risk of blood poisoning. Such cracks in the hands can be symptoms of fungal infection, eczema, and the development of serious disorders in the functioning of the entire body.

Itching between fingers

The most common cause of itching and burning is skin diseases or allergies. If a burning sensation appears between the fingers, then the influence of chemicals or hygiene is excluded.

Important! The danger with this symptom is that the problem can be contagious. Irritation can increase and even move to other areas. Swelling of the fingers, which is accompanied by a strong burning sensation, is considered the most dangerous sign of dermatitis or fungus.

Treatment of cracked and peeling skin

If the skin on the tips of your fingers dries out, this becomes a cause of serious discomfort. The skin becomes unpleasant to the touch, causes discomfort, and looks very ugly. Such manifestations should be treated taking into account the causes of the problem. If the skin begins to dry out due to exposure to weather conditions, from vitamin deficiencies or due to the use of household chemicals, then a special ointment for cracks in the hands and fingers or a mask that can be prepared at home will help return it to its normal state.

Ointment for healing cracks and wounds

If you consult a specialist and he identifies diseases that result in cracking and peeling of the skin, then comprehensive treatment should be carried out. The disease is treated with special medications, and skin discomfort is eliminated with ointments.

Important! The use of any means must be coordinated with a doctor. Ointments are applied to the affected areas after a certain time or as pain appears (as a pain reliever).

Examples of ointments that can be used to solve the problem of peeling skin on the tips of the fingers:


Means to combat flaking and dryness are divided into weak, medium, strong and maximally strong varieties. Creams are universal preparations that heal wounds, eliminate pain, and also have a moisturizing effect.

Important! If the skin on the fingertips of a child is peeling, then creams should be selected from a group that corresponds to the patient’s age. You should not self-medicate, because in children such symptoms can be the consequences of a serious lack of vitamins or allergies.

Examples of creams that can be used to solve this problem:

Important! Separately, check out the selection of cosmetic care products. We have already analyzed the reviews and compiled ratings:

Folk remedies

To eliminate the problem of dry hands, you can resort to the use of folk remedies, including:

  1. Honey-glycerin mask - a teaspoon of honey should be mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin and two tablespoons of water. The mixture can be given a thick consistency using oatmeal. This mask is applied to your hands and washed off with warm water after 15 minutes.
  2. Sour cream, potatoes and vegetable oil - the components are used as compresses or rubbed into the skin with massage movements. It is necessary to treat not only your hands, but also your fingertips.

Important! Diseases cannot be cured this way. Traditional methods can only eliminate the consequences of external factors, but will not help in any way against internal diseases.

The use of household chemicals, improper care, the external environment - all these nuances lead to changes in the condition of the skin. Irritation resembling an allergy may appear on the hands, dryness, peeling, and cracking may occur. These factors are not health deviations. Cracks in the fingers are considered a serious cause for concern, the causes and treatment of which are not related to weather conditions, household responsibilities or age-related changes. Wounds with blood should be a mandatory reason to see a doctor.

Causes of dry skin and cracked fingers

Peeling and dryness cause discomfort. Combined with itching and bleeding wounds, these signs turn into constant pain. The reasons for such manifestations can be various factors. Floor cleaners, dishes and other household chemicals have a negative effect on your hands. It is not difficult to get rid of their influence. If the causes of changes in the skin are diseases, then treatment is aimed not only at eliminating discomfort, but also at eliminating the disease.


Diseases that can cause itching, cracking, peeling and dry hands:

  1. fungus (the main cause of the disease is considered to be weakened immunity);
  2. contact dermatitis (the disease is caused by the use of household chemicals, contact with aggressive substances or allergens);
  3. eczema (a serious disease accompanied by bleeding wounds, cracks, dry hands);
  4. psoriasis (a distinctive symptom is the appearance of droplets of blood;
  5. vitamin deficiency (the cause of dry and cracked hands is a lack of vitamins);
  6. allergies (individual reaction to certain factors).

The question of why the skin on the fingers cracks requires a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist. Getting rid of some diseases is difficult. Such symptoms may be a manifestation of diabetes mellitus, diseases of internal organs, or dysfunction of individual body systems. When identifying the cause of dryness and peeling, you need to pay attention to the location of the lesion - pads, palms, area of ​​the periungual plates, interdigital areas.

The skin on the fingers near the nails is cracking

Frequent contact not only with household chemicals, but also with ordinary water, can cause irritation. The skin in the area of ​​the nail plates begins to peel, crack, and peel off. If factors such as water and chemistry are not present, then internal diseases are the cause of discomfort. Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, but the most common of them are considered to be fungus on the fingers, hormonal imbalance, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes or abnormalities in the thyroid gland.