Pills for facial acne for men

Acne is a problem familiar to many people, especially teenagers. Special medications will help to cope with it. There are several groups of tablets suitable for treating acne. If this rash has not spared you, read what medications will help you get rid of it.

What are the types of acne pills?

There are different medications to treat acne. To choose the right one, you need to consult a doctor. He will determine what is causing the rash and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. In addition to capsules, he can prescribe local remedies and diet. What pills help with acne on the face:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. hormonal contraceptives;
  3. retinoids (Roaccutane);
  4. to cleanse the body;
  5. brewer's yeast with additives;
  6. vitamins;
  7. from subcutaneous mites.



They are prescribed if the problem of rashes is due to the fact that a woman has too high levels of testosterone, which is a male hormone. Contraceptives change hormonal levels and optimize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In most cases, the following medications are prescribed for acne:

  1. Jess. An affordable drug. It is prescribed for acne very often. It has a number of contraindications. Take one tablet a day continuously.
  2. Yarina. A contraceptive that is sometimes prescribed to women to combat rashes. Taken in 21-day courses on the recommendation of a specialist.
  3. Janine. Birth control pills to help fight acne. Take only as prescribed by a specialist.

Do birth control pills help acne?

Contraceptives can actually clear up your skin from rashes. However, they are not a specialized medicine and are intended mainly to prevent unwanted pregnancy. They have a lot of contraindications, so taking such tablets without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. The instructions for the drug must be strictly followed.



Such drugs often treat advanced cases of acne that other medications have not been able to cope with. Depending on the cause of the rash and the extent of skin damage, the course of use can range from one to several weeks. It is worth noting that prolonged, and even more so uncontrolled use of antibiotics has a detrimental effect on the body, so self-medication is strictly prohibited. Take them only if your doctor prescribes them. What to drink for acne on the face:

  1. Erythromycin. Antimicrobial drug. To get rid of acne on the face, take it one tablet twice a day. The medicine is prohibited for use by pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Metronidazole (Trichopol, Metrogyl). Removes acne and scars from them, has an antimicrobial effect on the skin. As a rule, it is prescribed to take 0.25 g 2 times a day.
  3. Tetracycline. The drug is very effective against those microbes that cause rashes. It helps better in combination with local remedies. Contraindicated for liver diseases, fungi, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.
  4. Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab). A medicine with a pronounced antibacterial effect. It has many contraindications and side effects.


Intestinal tablets for acne

If there are a lot of toxins and other harmful substances in the body, a rash may appear on the face. As a rule, to get rid of it, you need to take cleansing medications. They promote the removal from the inside of the body of bacterial toxins, metabolic products and breakdown of alcohol, pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, and heavy metal salts. Facial acne cleansing tablets:

  1. Lactofiltrum. It is allowed to be taken by adolescents over 12 years of age. The course of treatment takes from a couple of weeks to a month. The tablets should not be taken by people with stomach bleeding or intestinal obstruction.
  2. Activated carbon. To get rid of acne, drink it on an empty stomach in the morning, taking one tablet for every 10 kg of weight. You can also drink 2 pieces three times a day a couple of hours before meals. Coal helps a lot and is very inexpensive.
  3. Polypephane. This drug contains natural ingredients. Treatment takes a week. Tablets are prohibited for constipation.
  4. Filtrum-STI. The medicine is made from the hydrolysis products of wood components. You need to take three tablets three times a day. You can get rid of acne in two to three weeks. The drug should not be taken if you have an ulcer.


Brewer's yeast tablets

Such drugs are often prescribed to treat rashes. As a rule, zinc, selenium, iron, and many other microelements are added to yeast, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. These tablets are rich in vitamins and amino acids. Taking them will help improve the appearance of your face, hair, and nails. The medicine copes well with acne caused by disruption of the sebaceous glands. However, brewer's yeast also has a drawback - its use promotes weight gain, so it should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Find out how to take hormonal acne pills.

How to choose pills for acne on the face

The main thing is not to make any decisions on your own. Contact your doctor, he will conduct all the necessary tests and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen. Only a specialist can determine which pills will help you and not harm you. At the same time, he will take into account your gender, age, the cause of the problem, and analyze the general condition of the body. Trust a specialist, and rashes will stop bothering you. Find out who needs zinc tablets.


You can buy skin treatment medications in an online store or order them at a regular pharmacy. Look carefully at the catalogs, because the cost in different organizations can vary significantly. Approximate prices for them are shown in the table below:

To cleanse the body

Find out which acne treatments are also effective.



Ekaterina, 25 years old Acne started appearing when I was a teenager. I thought it was due to age, but the years passed and the problem did not go away. I tried different creams, masks, folk recipes, but nothing helped. I went to the doctor, and after an examination they prescribed hormonal pills for Janine. Three months later, the skin on the face completely cleared and the drug was discontinued.

Alevtina, 37 years old After a protracted illness, her entire face was covered with acne, there was not a single free space. Activated charcoal saved me, which I drank every morning for two weeks in a row. The result was noticeable almost immediately; new inflammations stopped appearing. A month later, not a trace of the rash remained, all the scars had disappeared, and the complexion evened out.

Alexandra, 22 years old The best anti-acne pills for me are brewer’s yeast with vitamins. I buy different ones every time, their prices are quite affordable. Thanks to this supplement, not only does my face remain clean, but my hair is prettier and my nails are stronger. I am very pleased with the effect of brewer's yeast. I’m not afraid of gaining weight from them; it wouldn’t even hurt me to gain a couple of extra pounds.

Victoria, 39 years old I have been struggling with acne for a very long time, so I can safely say that the best remedy for it is antibiotics. And the price is affordable, and the result is noticeable. The most important thing is not to buy pills at random; they must be prescribed by a doctor. It is best to combine them with local medications. Be sure to maintain hygiene and wash well.

Acne occurs when there is increased secretion of sebum and an increase in its viscosity. This excess sebaceous gland substance can clog the pores, “cementing” the horny scales of the epidermis, dust and bacteria. All this needs to be taken into account when starting the treatment of acne in men: how to avoid an excessive inflammatory reaction and the appearance of new lesions. The difficulty lies in the fact that the production of sebum is controlled by the secretion of the endocrine glands, in particular androgens - male sex hormones.

Skin care for face and body: a masculine approach

During adolescence, about 80–90% of boys and girls suffer from acne of varying severity. Most often, acne begins to appear after the age of 11 - on the forehead and nose, on the cheeks and chin, on the chest and upper back. After puberty is completed, hormonal levels become more or less stable, and acne can disappear “overnight.”

There remains a danger of acne in men in adulthood due to changes in climate, diet, and in stressful situations. Men tend to suffer more often than women from more severe forms of acne that are difficult to treat. One explanation is that men's skin is thicker and contains more sebaceous hair follicles.

Acne reduces the quality of life, therefore, measures must be taken for effective treatment. The arsenal of modern dermato-cosmetology allows one to obtain satisfactory results even in severe cases. Rules that make it easier to treat acne on the face in men:

Cleanse your face daily. Use a mild cleanser designed for problem skin.

Clean your pores twice a week to remove excess sebum and dirt. There are ready-made scrub masks and peelings with fine exfoliating agents that remove dead skin cells.

Moisturize the epidermis with a cosmetic product for men (lotion, gel, cream). Use non-comedogenic acne-preventing products. There are also mattifying cosmetics, serums to reduce pore size and absorb excess sebum.

Feel free to use acne camouflage - a special concealer.

Methods for treating acne in men

Cleaning leather in the salon

Makes it easier to get rid of lesions in the future. The cosmetologist cleans the pores and uses anti-acne products (local and external). Extracting comedones may be somewhat painful, but the effort will be rewarded with excellent results.

Synthetic analogues of vitamin A (retinol) are used to eliminate blockages in hair follicles. These are creams, gels and ointments based on tretinoin (Lokacid, Retaknil), with isotretinoin (Roaccutane), and adapalene (Differin).

Tretinoin and other retinoids are skin irritants and should only be used as directed by a doctor. Apply these products in a thin layer on the face, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes, mouth, and neck. Treatment begins with the use of retinoids externally once every two days, in parallel using benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer. If the skin becomes red and peels, then stop treatment temporarily. Retinoid therapy is combined with the use of benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics.

Important! Remember that when using retinoids, you must protect your skin with sunscreen every morning.

Azelaic acid in Skinoren cream

An effective remedy for eliminating foci of inflammation. Treatment with the drug is carried out twice a day.

Creams and peelings with fruit acids.

If the concentration of the active substance is up to 15%, then the creams cause a tingling sensation. This is evidence of an effect that stimulates skin renewal. Peels with fruit acids (20–70%) are the most popular cosmetic procedures, as they provide effective cleansing of the epidermis and impact on the dermis.

Treatment of inflammatory lesions with benzoyl peroxide

This active ingredient is included in soaps, creams, gels and lotions (Brevoxyl, Cutacnyl, Eclaran, Pannogel, Pannoxyl). The concentration of benzoyl peroxide in the listed products varies from 2.5 to 10%. The substance is a little irritating to the skin, but very useful for relieving the inflammatory process. Benzoyl peroxide acts as a bleach and also increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. It is recommended to use products with this substance in the evening, at night.

Topical antibacterial drugs with erythromycin or clindamycin (Dalacine T) can be used. Local use of antibiotics is combined in severe cases with therapy with retinoids and/or benzoyl peroxide.

For oral administration, the doctor may prescribe tetracycline antibiotics (doxycycline and minocycline), erythromycin. Sulfonamides are used less frequently. Infection is not the main problem with acne in men, but antibiotics help eliminate inflammation and make it easier to heal.

Amina Pirmanova / article author

Hormonal imbalances are one of the most common causes of acne on the face. Most often this happens in adolescence, when the body undergoes a global restructuring. Hormone surges are also observed in the female body during menstruation and pregnancy. Men also experience changes that result in acne. Hormonal tablets for acne on the face will help not only normalize the processes occurring in the body, but also bring the skin in order.

When are hormones prescribed?

Only an appropriate specialist can prescribe hormonal therapy. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist, gynecologist or endocrinologist. To choose the right remedy, it is important to go through all stages of the examination:

  1. A thorough examination of the epidermis is carried out to determine the severity of the disease. Treatment with this type of drug is possible only if the second stage of acne is established, when the number of pimples varies from twenty to forty pieces.
  2. A biochemical blood test is prescribed to identify the cause of skin pathology.
  3. A consultation is held with the attending physician, where it is necessary to inform about the presence of chronic diseases (if any), as well as to familiarize yourself with the drugs or their components to which there is an allergic reaction.

After reviewing the test results and the patient's health information, the doctor decides which treatment options are best and whether hormones will be effective in a particular case.

Female hormones

The appearance of rashes on the face often occurs due to excess testosterone in the body. Hormonal acne pills reduce its level, eliminating unpleasant consequences. For women, oral contraceptives are such effective means. Let's present the most popular:

Yarina, characteristics:


  1. stops the ovulation process. In this case, fluid retention does not occur, which does not allow the body to accumulate extra pounds. Activates fat metabolism, relieving the skin of acne. Restores the monthly cycle;
  2. recommended for contraception after childbirth and for women suffering from persistent rashes;
  3. prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with diabetes, heart attack, certain pathologies of the kidneys and liver, thrombosis, as well as for women who have not yet given birth.

Janine, characteristics:


  1. inhibits ovulation, makes the monthly cycle regular and less painful, and reduces the release of excessive amounts of blood. The dienogest contained in the composition promotes the production of high-density lipoproteins. These components cleanse blood vessels from excess fat;
  2. In addition to contraception, it is used for many female diseases. It relieves pain, muscle tension, and soothes inflamed areas. Used for cosmetic purposes, removes acne marks. However, after discontinuation of the drug, the indicated effect disappears.
  3. Contraindicated in menopause, malignant neoplasms, diabetes, certain diseases of the heart, liver and biliary tract, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diana is 35, characteristics:


  1. has a contraceptive effect. Reduces the production of male hormones, which contribute to the formation of excess subcutaneous fat;
  2. these hormonal pills for acne help if the cause of their formation is a change in the background, and not hormonal surges that occur during puberty, pregnancy and menstruation;
  3. not approved for use if there are severe kidney pathologies, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, pregnancy and lactation.

Jess, characteristics:


  1. pronounced androgynous effect (reduces the concentration of male hormones), restores the menstrual cycle, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  2. indicated in view of severe premenstrual syndrome, as protection against unwanted pregnancy, to get rid of acne;
  3. prohibited in the presence of liver tumors, migraines, kidney and liver failure, heart and vascular diseases, diabetes.

In some patients, these hormonal acne pills can cause the opposite effect, which is manifested by an increase in the number of acne breakouts. Don’t panic and quit the course of treatment; after a couple of months, the acne will completely disappear.

Rigevidon, characteristics:


  1. not only protects against unwanted pregnancy, but also normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat;
  2. recommended for cycle disorders, premenstrual tension, excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  3. cholecystitis, anemia, migraine, otosclerosis, endocrine pathologies, and hypertension are considered limitations.

Exluton, characteristics:

  1. suppresses ovulation. In the fight against acne, it has a cumulative effect, so the result can only be seen with long-term use;
  2. used to delay menstruation, contraception, treatment of epidermal rashes;
  3. Contraindicated for breast cancer, uterine bleeding, otosclerosis, pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Microlute, characteristics:

  1. reduces the production of male hormones, thereby eliminating excess subcutaneous fat. Possesses


    anti-inflammatory properties, reduces blood volume and pain during menstrual periods;
  2. suitable for complex therapy for certain female pathologies, emergency contraception, eliminates acne on the face and body;
  3. prohibited for anemia, liver and breast tumors, complicated diabetes, pregnancy and lactation.

During hormone therapy, it is necessary to observe the breaks prescribed for these medications. If acne returns during periods of rest, the specialist may extend the course of treatment, or prescribe new tests and select other tablets.

The advantage of contraception

Oral contraceptives have an antiandrogenic effect, which has a positive effect on the female body. As a result of their intake, the following is observed:

  1. partial or complete disappearance of acne caused by hormonal imbalance;
  2. normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands, the skin becomes less oily, the pores narrow;
  3. there is a slight anti-inflammatory effect that helps quickly treat acne and eliminate redness;
  4. the amount of coarse dark hair on the female body decreases;
  5. The hair on your head becomes manageable and less greasy.

Positive dynamics can be noticed after one to two months of taking the contraceptive.

Male hormones

If women are prescribed birth control, what hormonal pills help with acne in men? Special medications aimed only at combating this pathology are not prescribed to representatives of this gender.

In most cases, acne appears as a side effect of uncontrolled use of testosterone-based medications. This hormone is necessary for maintaining an active sex life, improving metabolism and maintaining body tone. But its excessive content in the body does not have positive dynamics and is even dangerous.

Most often, testosterone is abused by athletes who want to build muscle mass in a short time. Taking large amounts of steroids, they face many negative consequences, including acne.

To maintain men's health, it is necessary to monitor hormonal levels. If testosterone therapy has been prescribed, it should be under the strict supervision of a physician.


Usually, each drug comes with instructions that clearly indicate all restrictions on use. However, there are a number of pathologies for which any hormonal pills for acne on the face are strictly prohibited, a list of such contraindications:

  1. periodic surges in blood pressure;
  2. excess weight, some medications can aggravate the situation and add additional pounds;
  3. chronic diseases during exacerbations;
  4. severe pain not associated with hormonal imbalance;
  5. decreased libido;
  6. any type of diabetes;
  7. constant swelling of the legs;
  8. cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and varicose veins;
  9. oncology;
  10. almost all brain pathologies.

Additional funds

Many people wonder whether only hormonal medications help against acne or whether they need to supplement treatment with other means. In order to cope with the rash as soon as possible, complex therapy is recommended. As additional measures in the fight against this disease, the following are necessary:

  1. vitamin and mineral supplements;
  2. careful hygiene of facial skin, use of special cleansing and medicinal cosmetics;
  3. preparations based on zinc sulfate - they relieve inflammation and help quickly get rid of the effects of acne;
  4. Omega-3 capsules – reduce secretion, refresh and restore the skin.



Irina, 19 years old:

Acne has not given me a normal life since I was 13 years old. I always fought with local remedies, but I never saw a 100% result. A couple of months ago I went to the gynecologist (my menstrual cycle was wrong), where I was prescribed Yarina. I had heard a lot about this drug, but I definitely didn’t expect such an amazing effect. These hormonal acne pills are the best remedy.


Svetlana, 35 years old:

After taking Janine, the acne on my face became significantly smaller, but it did not disappear completely. I didn't notice any side effects. To completely eliminate rashes, it is better to combine these medications with external anti-acne agents.


Veronica, 28 years old:

In the fight against acne, I used topical facial products. Then the doctor prescribed Yarina. I took it exactly according to the instructions, it helped with acne, but my hair began to fall out terribly. I switched to Jess, I’ve been taking it for six months and everything is fine, this drug suited me better.

Hormonal acne pills are a very serious medicine, so self-medication is unacceptable. Properly selected medications will help make life much easier and make your skin clean and beautiful. If after completing a course of therapy there is no positive effect, do not be upset, you should visit the doctor again and try another drug.