Eye makeup technique after 50 years

Makeup at any age is designed to beautify a woman. With its help, you can both emphasize natural characteristics and significantly correct deficiencies. Speaking about age-related makeup, it should be mentioned that in addition to all other nuances that must be disguised, it is necessary to pay attention to wrinkles, the presence of which has significant consequences for the final result of the makeup as a whole.

At the age of 50, most women develop pronounced wrinkles on their faces. Depending on the type of facial expressions, skin characteristics and lifestyle, the following areas are most noticeably susceptible to age-related changes:

  1. corners of the eyes;
  2. nasolabial folds;
  3. facial contour.

With age, the corners of the eyes become endowed with many small wrinkles, which are popularly called “crow’s feet.” They should not be confused with facial wrinkles, since unlike wrinkles formed due to excessively active facial expressions, age-related wrinkles are characterized by a weakening of the skin tone and loss of its elasticity. Consequently, they will require a special approach.

Nasolabial folds are the worst enemy of makeup, as their appearance can significantly add age. In addition, most of the available methods for combating fine wrinkles will not be available in this situation, since the nasolabial folds are a fairly deeply sunken unevenness of the skin, complemented by a lack of tone.

The concept of facial contour should be taken literally. With age, facial skin loses its elasticity and firmness. The consequence may be a certain change in the contour of the face due to lack of tone. Externally, the flabbiness of the contour will represent an additional difficulty, the elimination of which will determine the correctness of the cut-off pattern.

Additionally, tips for choosing makeup after 50 should include features of the condition of the skin itself. Changes such as enlarged pores, capillaries, veins, and so on are not uncommon, and certain measures should also be taken to disguise them. Thus, pores can become filled, similar to wrinkles.

The capillaries are not protruding, so their elimination is possible with the correct selection of a masking agent. Disguising veins can be difficult since they are a prominent bulge of color, but skillful makeup can shift the focus to your assets while leaving imperfections in the shadows.

Makeup basics for women over 50

In order to understand how to properly do makeup after 50 years at home, you also need knowledge about correcting the above age-related changes.
First of all, it should be clarified that makeup is not plastic, so complete elimination of the consequences of age-related changes is impossible. To combat wrinkles, makeup can use the following techniques: filling wrinkles and removing accents.

Filling method

It consists of texturally eliminating existing skin irregularities. This technique should be taken literally, since its use involves replenishing volume using various cosmetics. As a rule, the procedure takes place in several stages, in which different textures are felt, the combination of which gives the desired result.

Accent transfer technique

This method can be compared to a kind of skin retouching in real time. In order to understand its principle, it is necessary to consider the formation of a cut-off pattern. A wrinkle visually represents a darkening, which is caused by the inability of light to penetrate a given area formed by folds of the skin.

Accordingly, a wrinkle is a dark component of the overall picture, and change is possible by using means to lighten it. This technique is called “dodge and burn,” which translates as “lightening and darkening.” To lighten, foundations of a lighter shade are used, on top of which a highlighter is applied. The foundation somewhat fills the wrinkle itself, and a highlighter applied on top of it allows you to lighten this area, without deteriorating the visual and texture perception of the skin area.

All current recommendations for creating beautiful makeup after 50 years are also based on adding freshness. Its achievement is possible through the use of certain color solutions. So, depending on the color type, warm shades should be used, which will not contain an aggressive combination of textures.

Instructions on how to do beautiful makeup step by step after 50 years

So, in order to understand how to do makeup after 50 years, which could highlight all your advantages and hide visible flaws, you should first assess the condition of your facial skin and its features. Pay attention to your skin type:

As a rule, after 50 years, the skin may change its type. Most representatives of the fair sex in this age category have mixed skin. This definition will tell us which zone and what attention should be paid. Thus, excessively oily areas (as usual, they are represented by the “T” zone - forehead, nose, chin) may need to be scrubbed. Using a light scrub will allow us to significantly cleanse the skin and even out its surface, which is a very important point for anti-aging makeup.

Important! Do not use hard scrubs - they can seriously injure the skin and then instead of a smooth surface you will get swelling. An example of a scrub, the use of which is strictly prohibited before makeup, is a composition where apricot kernels were taken as the basis.

The next step is hydration. It is necessary to moisturize the entire face, without missing a single area. This is important, since the degree of hydration will determine how evenly the tone will lie, as well as its viability during wearing time.

Next, we begin filling in the wrinkles. Depending on the arsenal at your disposal, you can create a huge number of ways to fill them, but in order to create greater relevance, we will consider a method that is accessible to most. For makeup you will need:

  1. tone base;
  2. dense texture foundation;
  3. corrector;
  4. powder;
  5. highlighter;
  6. sponge for application;
  7. decorative cosmetics.

When the skin is prepared, it's time to apply the base and tone. Areas prone to wrinkles should add an additional layer of foundation. By applying it with a tapping motion, you can create the effect of sealing wrinkles. For additional freshness, you should pay attention to the eyelids - their slight highlighting will make you look younger.

To do this, it is best to use a concealer that is a shade lighter than your foundation. Speaking of eyebrows, you should focus on the natural shape, but slightly raise their tip - this way you will achieve a more open look.

Regarding other nuances, a wider eyebrow shape can significantly rejuvenate the overall look of the makeup, so it’s worth abandoning string eyebrows. For eye makeup, you should choose a mascara with a maximum volume effect - this will also add freshness to the look and distract attention from wrinkles. Coloring should be done on both the upper and lower eyelashes, pulling them towards the corners of the eyes.

Makeup should not use bright colors, so the only dark accents should be eyebrows and eyelashes. Lip makeup should not be the accent of the composition, since bright lipstick will most likely look quite vulgar.

The top layer should be a highlighter. With its help we lighten wrinkles, the area above the cheekbones, under the eyebrow, at the base of the eyes. The T-zone is fixed with powder. Blush is applied along the cheekbones and on the cheeks.

Little tricks:

  1. When applying powder, avoid the area under the eyes. Powder dries out the skin, and this effect can further highlight unevenness.
  2. The foundation should be applied along “massage” lines (from the center to the edges). This way you can achieve a more natural tone.
  3. Blush will add additional freshness to your face, but you should be especially careful when choosing the color. Preference should be given to pink and peach tones - they add special tenderness to makeup.
  4. Contrary to the beliefs of most women, you should abandon mother-of-pearl (or use it extremely sparingly). For makeup, you should give preference to matte textures, and highlight the necessary areas with a highlighter.
  5. Before applying the tone, give it a few seconds to “absorb” the desired skin temperature (initially, a drop of tone is squeezed onto the hand with which application occurs). This manipulation will create a tighter fixation with the skin.

Thus, stylish makeup after 50 years at home can hide some age-related changes and emphasize advantages. It is noteworthy that the desired effect can be achieved without any special tricks - using a classic set of cosmetics.

Russian stars without makeup

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A woman's beauty only grows over the years!
Audrey Hepburn

Audrey is right! Personally, I don't see anything wrong with aging. When you turn 50, you simply enter a new beauty phase! And as your skin changes over time, so should your makeup and skincare routine. Alas, you cannot use the same techniques and beauty products that you used when you were 20-30 years old.

So, my dears, it's time to update your knowledge step by step! Read my tips about the right one makeup after 50 years and defy age!

  1. Protect your skin
  2. Before makeup: moisturizer and concealer
  3. Choose the right foundation
  4. Say “No” to any powder
  5. Add volume to your lips
  6. Say goodbye! super dark lipsticks
  7. Add color to your cheeks
  8. Work on your eye makeup
  9. Oh those eyelashes!
  10. Love black mascara
  11. Use pencils
  12. Don't forget the areas under your eyes
  13. Highlight your features
  14. Maintain well-groomed eyebrows
  15. Use highlighter and products with an illumination effect
  16. Be more natural
  17. Blend your makeup
  18. Don't forget about your dental health
  19. Get enough sleep
  20. Smile!

Protect your skin

The healthier your skin, the less makeup you need.
And the secret of good care is quite simple:


Don't forget to hydrate

There is nothing better for your skin than moisturizer. He helps her shine. A good cream also helps you apply makeup evenly and neatly. Choose options with hyaluronic acid. If you don't know what this is, call a consultant.

Retinol is your new best friend

Retinol helps reduce the number of wrinkles as it penetrates deeply into the layers of the skin. You should consult a dermatologist before using this product.

Exfoliation is very important

If your skin is dry and flaky, then makeup will not fit well on it, and it will look unsightly. Regular use of scrubs is the best way to remove dead skin cells and leave your skin softer and smoother.

Always remove your makeup before going to bed

Agree, it’s better to wake up with a fresh face without clogged pores and, of course, without makeup left on the pillow.

1.Protect your skin from the sun

With age, pigmentation works differently, up to the appearance of spots. From now on, you need to use sunscreen at any time of the year. Moreover, it should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms and other open areas of the body. And don't forget sunglasses and a hat.

2.Before makeup: moisturize and concealer

For those who do makeup after 50, the first step is to apply moisturizer and concealer. Never skip this stage, because this is the only way to hide underlying imperfections and imperfections. Read labels carefully and combine hydration with hyaluronic acid.


3.Choose the right foundation

Forget about the foundation you used when you were 30 years old. The new foundation should be lighter and at the same time have a better covering effect. It is best to use CC cream because it flawlessly hides skin imperfections, improves skin texture and conceals pores. In addition, it has a dewy finish, making the skin look younger and fresher.


4. Say “No!” any powder

Too much powder can make you look pale and wrinkles more visible. You can use just a tiny bit in the T-zone to reduce shine. Also, if you powder your eyelids, the eyeliner will last longer. In other cases, the use of powder is strictly prohibited.

In fact, it's better to switch to cream formulas for foundation, blush and other products because as you age, your skin becomes drier, and powders only work well on oily and combination skin.


5.Give volume to your lips

As you age, your lips become thinner. Lip gloss will give your lips a plumper look - and, by the way, you can apply it directly to your lipstick.


6. Say goodbye! super dark lipsticks

Alas, now such shades will only suit those with darker skin color. However, you can choose lipsticks that are one shade darker than your natural skin tone. Just avoid brown and plum colors, instead use pinks and rosy reds for evening makeup.


7. Add color to your cheeks

Even a slight blush can instantly transform your face. Liquid or cream blush is the best option for aging skin. Choose products without shine or shimmer, because these particles tend to settle in wrinkles.

Just apply a little product and blend it well with a large brush. To do makeup after 50 that makes you look younger, you need to achieve the effect that you are not wearing blush.


8. Work on your eye makeup

With age, the shape of the eyes changes. When you're over 50, applying makeup to drooping eyelids or bags under the eyes is a real challenge. Avoid bright and dark shadows, otherwise they will “add” heaviness to your eyelids.


9. Oh, those eyelashes!

Tighten them with a special clip - this will make your look more open and expressive. If you know how to handle false eyelashes, go for it! By the way, you can hold the clip under warm air from a hair dryer for 3 seconds - then curling your hair will be much easier.


10. Love black mascara

It will make your eyes brighter and your eyelashes thicker. Another good trick is to apply primer or powder to your eyelashes before coloring them, this will add more volume to them. Also, if possible, invest in a good eyelash serum because as you age, your eyelashes become thinner and break.


11. Use pencils

Liquid eyeliners look too harsh on mature skin. It is better to use a pencil and shade it, creating soft lines with a brush.


12. Don't forget about the under-eye area

Puffiness and dark circles are two of the biggest problems for women over 50. Use a special cream to get rid of puffiness and concealer to disguise dark circles, then you can apply the main foundation.


13. Highlight your features

If you're into makeup, you know what contouring is. This is a great help for women in adulthood. The idea is to use a special brush to use bronzer and highlight important areas - the cheekbone line, the chin. Using the same method, you can hide imperfections - for example, a double chin or thin lips.


14. Maintain well-groomed eyebrows

Well-defined eyebrows will make you look younger. It's like you had a facelift without going under the surgeon's knife. However, do not overdo it with plucking, because they do not grow back so easily.


Here are some tips for perfect eyebrows:

  1. use an eyebrow pencil to fill in the gaps. You can comb them with a clean mascara brush. By the way, the best way to do this is to rinse your brush of old mascara and apply a little hairspray on it before the procedure.
  2. Thin eyebrows are strictly prohibited; they look fake on mature skin.
  3. In general, it is better to trust a professional. And don't pluck gray hairs, but tint them.

15. Use highlighters and products with an illuminating effect.

No, they are not just made for young women. These products will help you highlight your jawline, tip of your nose, temples and cheeks. You can use any product - creamy, crumbly, pencils.


16. Be more natural

When you're over 50, less is more. Don't use too many products. “Heavy” lipstick, several layers of foundation, eyeliner - all this can ruin your elegant look, especially in the photo.


17. Blend well

No matter what you apply to your face, remember to blend well. Most of the time, people make mistakes because they are in a hurry. Make sure that the foundation does not leave any traces and that the lipstick does not smear. Eyebrows should not look artificially drawn. Use a small amount of product and blend it wisely with a brush or sponge.


18. Don't forget about your dental health

It would seem, what do teeth have to do with makeup? But the thing is, they can give away your age. Keep an eye on them and don't use too much caffeine or red wine to keep them white. Chips and other defects should be corrected immediately.


19. Get enough sleep

A good night's sleep is all you need to keep your skin rested and refreshed. Lack of sleep will make you pale, leave dark circles under your eyes and puffiness.

20. Smile!

Because this is the best makeup after 50 that makes you look younger! If you are unhappy inside, then no amount of makeup will make you beautiful. If you work on your inner self and are happy from within, it will automatically show on your face.

Coco Chanel once said: “The face at 20 is given to you by nature, the face at 50 you must earn.” In adulthood, each of us has skin problems. But aging does not mean leaving the stage, continue to surprise yourself and others! Share your life hacks in the comments.


Women over 50 have to spend a lot of time taking care of themselves, because they want to maintain youth and beauty.

Correct anti-aging makeup taking into account age characteristics will help you look much fresher and more attractive.

You can learn how to properly do makeup for women over 60 from our article.

How to prepare aging skin?


Initially, it is important to prepare the skin for makeup.

It needs to be cleaned, wiped with toner, and then applied. moisturizing or firming cream.

Typically, women over 50 have dry skin, so good moisturizing is a must. Apply gel to your eyes and balm to your lips. Let the product absorb, and after 10-15 minutes you can start makeup.

If there are a lot of wrinkles on your face, you can use silicone primer, which will help fill out wrinkles and significantly facilitate all further actions. This product helps make the skin smooth.

For camouflage For dark circles under the eyes or age spots, you can use concealer.

Step-by-step instruction

How to do makeup that makes you look younger at home? The main task of anti-aging makeup – raise the contours of the face upward, since with age they tend to fall down. Be careful not to let your eyebrows go down.


Avoid applying blush to the lower part of your cheeks. Also it is very important to visually raise your eyes. Remember the rule of parallel lines: eyebrows, blush, lips - all their lines must be parallel to each other. The main landmark is the eyebrow line.

After the skin is prepared and the tone is created, the sequence of applying makeup can be as follows:

  1. Blush better to use fatty ones. They should be applied in small quantities to the dimples of the cheeks. The line should be parallel to the eyebrow line.
  2. With powder be careful. Apply it only to the T-zone as skin becomes dry as you age.
  3. Strong accent You shouldn't do it on your eyebrows. If they are too sparse, you can make them thicker by using natural shades that are as close to your hair color as possible. First you can apply a pencil, then shadows, and fix everything with gel.
  4. Eye makeup needs special attention. The main problem of older women is drooping eyelids, which make the eyes visually smaller and give the face a sad expression. You need to visually enlarge them and raise the lines up. Dark shades can only be applied to the drooping eyelid.

For fair skin, too dark shadows are unacceptable. If you want to visually thicken your eyelashes, first paint the space between the eyelashes, and then the eyelashes. You shouldn’t paint your lower eyelashes too much, as this can accentuate the bags under the eyes.


Lips also suffer with age. Their outline loses clarity, they become smaller, and small wrinkles appear around them. To model the shape You can first apply the lip stick, then draw the outline. Try to make the lines as soft as possible, pointing upward. For applying lipstick use a brush. This will help it apply better and fill out wrinkles.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Features of a daytime look

Daytime makeup for a 50-year-old should be light and natural, but at the same time work for visual rejuvenation of the skin and concealment of imperfections. Focus on these tips:

  1. Shadows are worth using matte, calm and natural tones. Apply them to the entire moving eyelid; you can apply a darker tone to the crease and a small area above it. If your skin is fair, pinkish tones and ivory are suitable. For a darker complexion, light brown, beige, and coffee colors are suitable.
  2. Treat the eyelash growth area with a soft pencil gray or brown colors.
  3. Highlight the lash line with white or beige.
  4. The inner edge of the eye is lighten slightlyusing light shadows or a soft pencil.
  5. Apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes.
  6. To outline the lips, you can use a wax-based pencil, which will help prevent lipstick from bleeding.
  7. For daytime lip makeup, nude lipstick or a not too shimmery gloss of a calm tone is suitable.


Rules for evening make-up

Evening makeup can be more bright, but not too provocative. We recommend only high-quality cosmetics with a lifting effect intended for mature skin. You should also pay attention to the following rules:

  1. If your eye makeup is not too bright, you can use red lipstick. But it is important that it is as durable as possible. You also need to draw a neat outline. It is advisable to apply a base underneath the lipstick first.
  2. evening make-up must be persistent. Blush should be chosen with a cream base. To give your face an attractive glow, use a tone with reflective particles.


Basic mistakes

One wrong move can instantly ruin your anti-aging makeup. To prevent this, try not to make the following mistakes:

  1. Don't wear too much makeup. You should not create a new person. Your task is to carefully hide flaws and highlight advantages;
  2. Do not apply makeup to skin that is not moisturized. With age she does becomes dry and in this case, even the highest quality cosmetics will not fit as needed;
  3. don't forget about your lips. Don't make them too plump.

It is better that the lipstick has a moisturizing effect;

women over 50 should not be used too shiny, too bright or too dark shadows - even in evening makeup this can look ridiculous; with eyeliner need to be careful. Using black is not recommended at all. The elasticity of the skin around the eyes already leaves much to be desired, and a dark contour will definitely emphasize this.

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Tips and tricks


Makeup artists advise paying attention not only to the technique of applying cosmetics, but also to the choice of shades. You should adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is better to use a makeup base transparent or warm tone. Do not use products with glitter or shimmer. The corrector may contain yellow or orange-beige pigment;
  2. don't overdo it with powder. Let it be transparent or compact. Blush should be as natural a shade as possible, preferably warm;
  3. can be used for eye makeup pastel shades: beige, peach, pinkish - they visually refresh the face;

After fifty you can look attractive too! The main thing is that the makeup matches the occasion and age., emphasized advantages and hid shortcomings.

You can learn how to do the right makeup for women over 50 step by step from the video: