Taping the face and neck


Facial taping is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles. It is carried out using kinesio tapes - elastic cotton tapes with hypoallergenic glue, which have the following effects on the body:

  1. removal of foreign liquid;
  2. increased lymph flow and blood flow;
  3. muscle relaxation;
  4. skin tightening.

Aesthetic taping has been around for over 40 years. Initially, it was used to restore athletes. Cotton tapes accelerated rehabilitation by relaxing facial muscles and improving metabolism. Later, kinesio taping became of interest to cosmetologists.

Aesthetic medicine experts have discovered that applying tape eliminates muscle hypertonicity, the main source of wrinkle formation.

Gradually, cotton patches became an alternative to surgical procedures. In 1995, this rejuvenation procedure was included in the official list of rehabilitation and medical care tools in the United States. It began to be used in sports, cosmetology, and medicine.

Positive changes after the procedure

Aesthetic taping brings the following results:

  1. normalization of the condition of facial muscles;
  2. disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  3. reduction of the double chin and nasolabial folds;
  4. tightening the corners of the eyelids;
  5. smoothing wrinkles around the lips;
  6. elimination of bags and swelling under the eyes;
  7. elimination of facial wrinkles.

The taping technique relieves pain in areas of bruises, hematomas and swelling. It eliminates wrinkles on the neck, smoothes crow's feet, lifts the upper eyelid and tightens the oval of the face.

How is taping carried out?

Cotton tapes of different lengths and widths are glued to the skin to tighten the face. Like a botulinum toxin injection, the patches relieve tension in the facial muscles and reduce the mobility of tissues that provoke the formation of nasolabial and glabellar folds. This allows you to avoid the appearance of age-related defects, reduce their severity, and create the effect of tightening and lifting the skin.

Facial taping prevents lymph stagnation, improves blood circulation, returns the skin a healthy color and softens its surface. This rejuvenation technique accelerates the regeneration of the dermis and helps remove harmful substances from the skin layers.

Recommended kinesio tapes for the face against wrinkles:
















Taping vs classical cosmetology

The taping procedure is valued for the following advantages:

  1. zero risk — unlike surgical operations and Botox injections, cotton tape is not capable of irreversibly ruining your appearance. There is not a single “victim” of this method recorded in the world;
  2. comfort and safety — the patch is applied for several hours in a beauty salon or at home. It does not leave negative consequences such as swelling or redness of the skin, but it saves from wrinkles;
  3. quick effect — even one session of aesthetic taping of the neck and face brings noticeable results. Regular use of cotton patches radically transforms your appearance;
  4. naturalness — cotton ribbons improve facial features in a natural way.

Anti-wrinkle patches for face and neck cost 4-5 times lessthan professional face creams. One hundred taping sessions are cheaper than one surgical operation.

Indications for “pasting” the face

Cotton anti-wrinkle tapes for the face and neck are used in the following cases:

  1. predisposition to hypertonicity of the facial muscles - the patches prevent the occurrence of premature age-related defects;
  2. intolerance to skin creams - the taping technique perfectly replaces these cosmetic products;
  3. fear of surgery or the inability to perform it. Cotton tapes do not cause pain, have a small number of contraindications and are applied with minimal preparation of the face.

Also plasters for face and neck against wrinkles in demand among people who want to remove wrinkles and prevent deterioration in the appearance of their skin.

Limitations of the taping procedure

Requirements for patches


Taping is carried out with tapes that meet the following requirements:

  1. long-term retention of shape and protection against stretching;
  2. the base is made of first-class cotton, which does not cause skin irritation or other negative reactions;
  3. the presence of an adhesive substance with hypoallergenic properties.

Give preference to a reliable and proven brand with good reviews and international certificates. A striking example of such products is BBTape kinesio tapes.

How is taping carried out?

The wrinkle removal procedure is performed in 3 stages:


  1. Thoroughly clean the face with soap and other hygiene products. Degreasing and drying the skin;
  2. applying tapes in accordance with the selected rejuvenation scheme;
  3. Carefully remove the cotton tapes 1-8 hours after they are attached.

It is recommended to undergo the first tape lifting from a qualified specialist. He will select the optimal pattern for your face, show you how to glue tapes, and give professional advice and recommendations. For home aesthetic taping, it is recommended to use a muscle atlas.

Taping schemes

Between the ages of 30 and 40, patches are applied to the cheeks and mouth. This arrangement of tapes tightens sagging areas of the face, smoothes nasolabial folds, and slows down skin aging.

At the age of 40, tapes should be added to the area above the eyebrows, to the area between the tips of the lips and nose, and to the chin. Such facial taping schemes will help remove wrinkles (“crow’s feet”) and improve the condition of the neck.

At the age of 50, taping covers the entire face, including the forehead and lips.

Getting rid of wrinkles “with your own hands”

Self-taping for age-related defects is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. sticking special strips on the forehead to eliminate horizontal wrinkles;
  2. fixing tapes in the jaw area to tighten sagging ovals;
  3. fixing narrow patches in the area between the outer corners of the eyes and eyebrow arches to smooth out crow's feet;
  4. placement of tapes perpendicular to the nasolabial folds to eliminate this defect.

Tips for taping

To increase the effectiveness of aesthetic taping, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. glue the fixing ends of the tapes without tension to avoid stretching the skin;
  2. remove hair in the taping areas in advance to ensure strong adhesion of the patch;
  3. avoid folds on the tape - a rash may form in the places where they appear;
  4. remove the tape if it causes itching for more than 20 minutes. “Prolonged scabies” may indicate an allergy to glue or cotton. It also appears when the quality of the patch is poor.

5 additional tips

To achieve maximum results, follow these recommendations:

  1. do not strain your facial muscles while wearing the tape;
  2. moisturize the skin after completing the procedure;
  3. take a 3-day break between taping sessions so that the skin can rest;
  4. contact specialists if you are not confident in your abilities;
  5. wear the patch for at least 30 minutes. If you have deep wrinkles, you can leave it on all night.

Summing up

Facial taping is a useful, painless and inexpensive procedure that provides the following results:

  1. smoothing or eliminating age-related defects;
  2. improvement of well-being and metabolism in the facial area;
  3. removal of harmful substances from the dermis;
  4. getting rid of rashes and other skin problems.

Facial taping is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin and eliminates wrinkles. It is carried out using kinesio tapes - elastic cotton tapes with hypoallergenic glue that have a beneficial effect on the body.

Customer Reviews

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One of the methods of non-surgical facial skin transformation is taping. In this article we will talk about the features of the method of aesthetic facial taping at home.

Taping in cosmetology

Initially, taping was used in sports medicine, in rehabilitation after various injuries. Gradually, this taping technique appeared in cosmetology.

Taping in cosmetology is a budget procedure with the effect of lifting, tightening and rejuvenation. The aesthetic kinesio taping technique helps to relax the muscles in the neck and face, improving lymph flow and blood flow.

The principle of the procedure is to apply special fabric tapes to the facial muscles, which fix the skin and muscles in a certain position.

The effect of kinesio taping on the face

The effect of facial taping becomes noticeable after just a few procedures. Regular use of the technique is the key to successfully resolving the existing problem.

Aesthetic taping has the following positive effects:

  1. Lifting, facelift;
  2. Getting rid of stretching and sagging of the skin;
  3. Getting rid of shallow and medium wrinkles;
  4. Elimination of skin sagging;
  5. Alignment of the oval of the face;
  6. Double chin removal;
  7. Improving blood circulation, lymph flow, metabolic processes in the skin, muscle tissues of the face and neck;
  8. Strengthen the process of skin regeneration and rejuvenation;
  9. Tapes help get rid of swelling of the face, eyes in particular.

As you can see, there are a lot of aesthetic benefits for the health and beauty of the face.

Contraindications to facial taping

Any rejuvenation and transformation procedure has its own indications and contraindications.

Important contraindications for aesthetic taping of the face and neck:

  1. Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, warts, acne purulent rashes);
  2. Diseases of the ENT organs (runny nose, sore throat, inflammation of the tonsils);
  3. Allergic reactions to temps (individual intolerance to components);
  4. Injuries, cuts on the skin;
  5. For problems and paralysis with the facial nerves;
  6. During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, with acute viral infections.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of contraindications. You should definitely pay attention to them.

What tapes to use for the face

To carry out the procedure, you will need special tapes. They are made from natural materials (cotton fabric, coated on one side with special medical glue.

You can buy facial tapes at pharmacies and beauty stores.

After gluing the tape patches to your face, you may feel a slight itch, but this does not mean that an allergic reaction has occurred. They should not be removed immediately.

The advantage of elastic tape patches is that they are very similar to the physical properties of human skin, fixing it in the correct position, slightly lifting it, accelerating intercellular processes.

Schemes and rules for aesthetic taping of the face and neck

Important to remember! Tapes should not be applied to the area under the eyes, to the upper and lower eyelids, or to the neck. The skin in these places is very delicate and can stretch, adding wrinkles.

Fig. 1 - Areas where it is prohibited to attach patches are indicated in pink.

Features of the facial taping procedure according to schemes, depending on the problem area:

Taping to get rid of nasolabial folds and raise cheekbones

A five-centimeter tape is glued to the zygomatic minor and major muscles.

Taping begins from the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, the lips are retracted to the side opposite to the side of taping.

Next, the entire tape is glued over the zygomatic muscles without tension.

For an example of taping to lift cheekbones and nasolabial folds, see the video:

In addition to the zygomatic muscles from the nasolabial folds, it is also necessary to tap the lateral nasal muscle, which is involved in the formation of nasolabial folds.

In this case, the tape is applied along the edges of the nose, starting from its middle without tension. See the video for an example of overlay.

Kinesio taping for wrinkles around the eyes

The orbicularis oculi muscle is taped from the outside. To do this, measure the required length of a two-centimeter tape from the eyebrow to the convex part of the cheekbone under the eye.

The middle of the tape is removed from the paper and glued to the corner of the eye.

Next, the upper and lower parts are glued without tension.

Eyes are taped for 3-8 hours during the day or before bedtime.

It is forbidden to sleep with such tape, as the creases may worsen.

Taping for horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

The length of the five-centimeter tape is measured according to the height of the forehead.

The paper is removed from the edge and the anchor is glued directly above the bridge of the nose.

Using the palm of your hand, stretch the skin of the forehead near the hair and apply the rest of the tape without tension.

Taping for eyebrow wrinkles

The technique in this area is based on taping the muscles that are spasmed during the formation of the interbrow region: the frontalis and the corrugator muscles.

The first tape, as long as the height of the forehead, with a forked end, is applied without tension along the frontal muscle from the area between the eyebrows to the hair. The second and third are applied to the frontalis muscle above the eyebrow (see the video below for the application diagram).

In addition to the frontalis muscle, it is recommended that tapes be applied to the corrugator muscles, starting from the inside of the eyebrow. When applied, the eyebrow is pulled towards its outer edge towards the temple. The tape is applied without tension.

For patterns of taping the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow, see the video from 3:11 minutes.

Taping from jowls, for tightening the oval of the face

Kinesio tape is applied to the line of the jaw arch starting from the mental muscle without tension. An example of an overlay in the video below.

Taping for wrinkles around the mouth

Tapes are applied to the orbicularis oris muscle. The patch is carefully glued above the upper lip in the shape of a mustache. The tension of the tape should be along its long side. Example of video overlay.

Facial taping schemes for rejuvenation

There are many options for facial taping. For example, here is a diagram of one of the methods of facial taping to eliminate wrinkles.

Fig. 2 - Variant of the scheme for applying tapes to the face.

Facial lymphatic drainage taping schemes

The appearance of facial puffiness with age is a sign of lymph stagnation in the neck and head. Lymphotic kinesio taping helps normalize the flow of lymph on the face and neck, thereby eliminating swelling.

The author of the following video talks in detail about cosmetological kinesiotaping and provides his own scheme for facial taping for the purpose of rejuvenation, elimination of wrinkles and lymphatic drainage.

Important Tips and Recommendations

You can leave the taping overnight. In some cases, types are not removed for several days. This method is used in the case of deep age wrinkles and severely sagging skin. Before application, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the facial skin of cosmetics and various contaminants.

When removing the patch, it is best to moisten it with water so that it does not hurt.

It is important to remove tapes along the massage lines. After removal, you need to wash your face and lubricate your skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

A facial taping session should last at least half an hour, and preferably longer.

If the wrinkles are deep, it is recommended to use this technique for several months (47-50 procedures).

The visible effect of the classes appears after completing a course of sessions, since the technique has a cumulative effect.

It is best to start doing taping procedures from the age of 25-30, as a way to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles.

To correctly perform the taping technique, you must have basic knowledge of the location of the facial muscles.

Results before and after facial taping

I conducted an experiment on daily taping of the eyebrow wrinkle at night for 40 days. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that applying the tape has a very good effect on relaxing the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow. Immediately after removing the tape, the wrinkle looks significantly smaller. However, during the day I also continue to wrinkle my eyebrows and by the evening the depth of the wrinkle returns to what it was originally. I think that in addition to applying tapes to one area, you need to apply them to all areas of the face in order to have a comprehensive effect on the problem of aging. And in addition to taping, one should not forget to use other natural rejuvenation techniques.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage taping from the double chin:

To prevent the negative manifestations of age, it is recommended to use a variety of natural rejuvenation techniques: facial gymnastics, facial massages, aesthetic taping, biomechanical stimulation, regularly cleanse the body, eat right, take dietary supplements and, of course, enjoy life more. In this case, your image in the mirror will delight you for a very long time.

Next, we suggest reading an article about dyeing with henna at home.

Facial taping is a commonly used technique that allows you to rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles and tighten the contour of the face. It has almost no contraindications or side effects. It has a therapeutic effect on the lymphatic system and blood circulation. You can easily do it yourself, you just need to carefully follow the tape attachment diagram.

What is facial taping?

Taping is an effective technique for tightening the facial contour and rejuvenating the skin. Its effectiveness is not inferior to the main methods of combating age-related changes, such as beauty injections, gold threads and surgery.

In taping, a special adhesive tape is used - kinesio tape, which resembles an adhesive plaster.

  1. Made from hypoallergenic and natural materials: cotton fabric or viscose, which is close to silk in physical properties.
  2. Created by analogy with human skin, it has physical properties similar to it.
  3. The tape is elastic enough to provide a comfortable and proper fit to the skin. Has water-repellent properties.
  4. On one side, it is impregnated with an adhesive base that does not cause allergies and is suitable for use on sensitive skin.
  5. It has different lengths, widths and shapes. The choice depends on the area where the tape is attached.
  6. A wide color palette with pattern elements is presented.

Tapes are used on all parts of the body that require correction - chest, abdomen, neck and face. But basically, in cosmetology, facial tightening and rejuvenation procedures are especially popular.


During taping, adhesive tape is secured along the massage lines. The skin stretches slightly and rises above the muscle. Under the influence of the patch, muscles relax, blood microcirculation improves, lymph flow increases and accumulated fluid is rapidly removed. At the same time, the skin does not stretch and superficial and deep muscles are involved.

After a course of procedures, the following positive changes occur:

  1. skin laxity disappears;
  2. swelling under the eyes decreases;
  3. small wrinkles in the forehead and eye area are smoothed out;
  4. nasolabial folds become less pronounced;
  5. metabolic processes in the skin intensify and it becomes more elastic;
  6. Cell rejuvenation occurs and complexion improves;
  7. the oval of the face is corrected;
  8. the double chin decreases.

If the procedure is performed by a specialist, inflammation of the facial nerve can be reduced. In some cases, headaches caused by muscle spasms go away.

Indications for taping

The procedure can be started from the age of 25 as a prevention of the appearance of premature wrinkles and an additional way to rejuvenate the skin. And also at a later age, when the following problems have already appeared:

  1. medium wrinkles and folds on the face and neck;
  2. double chin;
  3. skin laxity and sagging;
  4. drooping of the upper eyelid and aesthetic drooping of the eyebrow.

From a medical point of view, it is necessary to periodically take this course if there are problems with inflammation of the facial nerves, slow lymph flow and poor circulation in the facial part.

Types of tapes

All tapes have a strict classification according to their purpose, depending on what problem needs to be eliminated. Thin adhesive strips are used for the face. They are made from high quality viscose. They do not interfere with the skin’s breathing, are easy to glue, fit tightly and do not stretch the dermis due to their high elasticity. You can also use thin eco-cotton, which is a little denser.

After use, the tape is easily removed and does not leave any traces of glue on the skin.


Size of the tape and functions it performs:

  1. Rectangular shape. Tape width: 1, 2.5 and 5 cm. Purpose: oval correction and modeling.
  2. Sliced ​​form. Use a wide strip. It is cut into 3-5 small thin ribbons, but the base connecting them is left. The length of the base is up to 2 cm, the width of small stripes is 0.5-1.5 cm. Purpose: increasing lymphatic drainage.
  3. Mesh form. Cross-tape enhances the effect of classic stripes. Purpose: resorption of hematomas.

Schemes and techniques for facial taping

Tapes must be applied to the face according to certain patterns depending on the area of ​​correction. Each area has a specific direction of muscles and lymphatic vessels. You also need to take into account the condition and age of the skin in order to correctly calculate the tension of the tape.

Sequence of actions when taping on the face:

  1. Clean the skin and wipe dry; to improve the effect of the procedure, warm it up with a light massage;
  2. stick the tape;
  3. keep from 30 minutes to 3-8 hours, the best time is during sleep at night;
  4. remove the tape carefully and smoothly, holding the skin if necessary;
  5. if several tapes were pasted in a certain area, then you need to start from the outermost one and gradually reach the central one;
  6. if you have difficulty removing the strips, you need to moisten them with warm water or use cream;
  7. After the procedure, clean and moisturize the skin.

Eco-cotton strips work more effectively when the skin underneath is warm. After application, you need to rub them for a minute, but without pressing.

Taping is carried out in a course. It includes from 3-5 to 10-12 procedures, if skin irritation does not appear.

For nasolabial folds and raised cheekbones

One tape 5 cm wide is used. It is glued to the zygomatic major and minor muscles.

The attachment area starts from the lips:

  1. cover the nasolabial fold from its beginning under the wing of the nose;
  2. do not stretch the skin;
  3. Bring the tape, holding the protective paper, up to your ear;
  4. do not reach 0.5-1 cm from the ear.

How to carry out taping for nasolabial folds is shown in the video below:

For wrinkles around the eyes

A tape 2 cm wide is used. It is glued to the orbicularis oculi muscle from its outer side:

  1. start gluing the tape from the middle opposite the outer corner of the eye;
  2. do not stretch the skin;
  3. finish at the top 1 cm above the eyebrow;
  4. Continue down 2 cm;
  5. Pull both ends of the tape one by one.

Keep the tape for 4-8 hours. Use only during daytime. Creases may occur during sleep.


For horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

A tape 5 cm wide is used. Pasting area is the middle of the forehead:

  1. start above the bridge of the nose just above the eyebrows;
  2. glue the beginning of the tape;
  3. place your palm on your hair and pull back the skin;
  4. pull the protective paper and add the tape;
  5. do not pull the tape.

From eyebrow wrinkles

Wrinkles are formed from the habit of wrinkled eyebrows. Gradually a muscle spasm occurs that needs to be relieved. The frontalis muscle is also involved in smoothing.

The tape is used 5 cm wide. Length from the bridge of the nose to the base of the hair. It needs to be cut lengthwise into two parts. Divide the first tape in the middle into two strips, leaving a binding base of 1-1.5 cm.

The tape is fixed as follows:

  1. stick the base on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows;
  2. Glue the two ends of the tape alternately on the forehead, pull the paper;
  3. do not stretch the skin;
  4. It should look like an English letter V.

Cut the second ribbon crosswise into two equal halves:

  1. stick each half above the eyebrow;
  2. glue the base;
  3. Stretch the skin with your palm in the hair area;
  4. glue the tape up by pulling the paper.


From jowls (for facelift)

A tape 5 cm wide is used. It is cut lengthwise and divided into two. Glue the area of ​​the jaw arch:

  1. tilt your head to the side and lift it slightly up;
  2. secure the base of the tape to the skin in the area where the chin ends;
  3. pull the paper and stick the tape to the end of the jaw;
  4. do not pull the skin.

To learn about correcting the shape of your face using taping, watch the following video:

For wrinkles around the mouth

A 2.5 cm wide tape is used. The area of ​​gluing above the lip on the orbicularis oris muscle:

  1. bite your upper lip so that it curls and the skin above it stretches;
  2. take the strip by both ends, pull it slightly and stick it in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  3. straighten from the center to the sides.


When applied correctly, there should be a feeling of the lip being pulled downwards. Walk with the tape for 3-8 hours or use it at night.

For facial rejuvenation

To rejuvenate your face, you need to immediately apply the tapes to the main muscle groups that have lost their tone. There is a ready-made scheme for different ages.

For those who in 30 years — the problem is sagging cheeks, a pronounced nasolabial fold.

You need to stick 2.5 cm tapes in the following sequence:

  1. cheek area - stick 3 tapes in a fan pattern from the middle of the cheek to the temple and 1 tape on the temple area;
  2. nasolabial fold - smooth it with glued tape.


For those who for 40 years - the problem is drooping eyebrows, crow's feet appearing near the eyes and an enlarged chin.

The scheme for 30-year-olds needs to be supplemented:

  1. cheek area - use 2.5 cm tapes in a vertical fan to lift the area between the cheeks and ear, use 1-2.5 cm tape to lift the area under the eyes;
  2. chin - fan out 3 tapes, 1 cm each, from the lower lip to the end of the chin;
  3. superciliary area - raise the eyebrows with 3 strips of 1 cm each, fan out from the middle of the eyebrow to its end;
  4. nose - stick a 2.5 cm tape horizontally to the middle of the nose.


For those who in 50 years, you need to tighten:

  1. upper lip - stick 1 cm tapes vertically above it with a fan of tape;
  2. forehead - fan out the ribbons vertically across the entire forehead, alternating 1 and 2.5 cm.


Lymphatic drainage taping of the face

Sometimes excessive swelling of the face and visual changes in contour are associated with insufficient lymph outflow. The area of ​​congestion is the face and neck.

Scheme for gluing tapes:

  1. On the neck, use wide ribbons cut into small strips with a common base. Secure the base under the collarbone, and spread the free ends to the sides - up along the neck and in the opposite direction.
    As a result, an interlocking mesh of ribbons should appear in the middle of the neck.
  2. From the area of ​​the jaw arch, closer to the ear, glue several 1 cm strips towards the forehead, cheekbones and going onto the nose.

The location of the ribbons can be changed, the main thing is to adhere to the principle: the ribbons are long, located along the entire neck and on the sides of the face.

Watch the video instructions for kinesio taping of the neck and face to relieve swelling and get rid of facial wrinkles:


If the contours of the face sag, they need to be tightened. For this, a long tape 2.5 cm wide is used. It is glued from the middle of the chin towards the ears.

  1. first fix the center of the tape under the chin, to do this create tension - cover the upper lip with your lower lip;
  2. after the chin, pass the tape under the jaw arch;
  3. finish in front of the ear - pull the skin up in this place.

We recommend watching a useful video with a detailed description of corrective taping:


This method combines the simultaneous gluing of tapes only to those areas that need correction.

You can use a ready-made diagram:

  1. Place 2 tapes, 2.5 cm wide, vertically above the bridge of the nose - it helps against wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  2. Glue 2 long strips, 1 cm wide each, across the cross. The intersection point is the nasal septum. Start from the cheekbone, draw an arc under the eye and end on the forehead, just short of the hairline.
    Helps with puffiness under the eyes and reduces wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  3. Draw 2 strips of 2.5 cm wide in the cheek area - the direction from the jaw arch to the nose. Has a lifting effect.
  4. Apply 2.5 cm wide tape vertically to the chin. Helps relax muscles.


How to apply rectangular I-tape?

The effectiveness of the method depends on the correct fixation of the adhesive tape on the face. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. select the desired tape length, round the corners;
  2. determine the area on the tape that is first fixed on the face, it is called the anchor;
  3. the anchor can be at the end of the tape or in the middle, start removing the protective layer of paper;
  4. apply the prepared half of the patch to the beginning of the muscle without tension and fix;
  5. stretch the muscle using a facial movement or pull it with your finger, if required by the scheme;
  6. apply the remaining part of the tape by pulling the protective paper;
  7. follow the direction from bottom to top.

Make sure that no wrinkles form. Otherwise, reapply the tape.

How to apply fan-shaped Lymph tape?

It is a wide strip that was not completely cut into several thin strips and a binding base was left.

Proper gluing must be done as follows:

  1. free the anchor base from the protective layer of paper;
  2. fix on the face;
  3. pull the paper from each thin strip in the desired direction;
  4. the arrangement of numerous ribbons is different: fan-shaped, intertwined only with other ribbons from a separate tape, and others;
  5. do not use tension.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The procedure is valued for its many benefits and is becoming increasingly common among women of all ages.

  1. Productivity. After completing the course, small and medium wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is rejuvenated and the facial contour is tightened. The result can be compared to traumatic cosmetic procedures.
  2. Safety. Adhesive tapes are made of natural material that does not cause allergies. They do not injure the skin and muscles, and do not leave marks.
  3. Simplicity. It is not difficult to use tapes yourself. You just need to follow the application pattern and have an idea of ​​the location of the muscles and lymphatic vessels. It is also a budget option for rejuvenation compared to other procedures.

Taping has some disadvantages:

  1. the fragility of the result obtained;
  2. under the patch the skin does not receive enough oxygen;
  3. a greenhouse effect is created, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria. May lead to acne and inflammation;
  4. On very sensitive skin, itching from the adhesive layer is possible.

Results after the procedure

To evaluate the result, you need to take a photo before the procedure and after 1-1.5 months. Compare the past image with the changes that have occurred.

When using the technique to reduce a double chin, the following changes occurred: sagging skin became less noticeable, and the contour of the face was noticeably tightened.



Despite the safety of the procedure, there is a ban on its use if you have the following diseases:

  1. disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  2. nasal congestion, inflammation of the tonsils and otitis media;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. damage to facial nerves and muscles;
  5. cerebrovascular accident;
  6. chronic diseases of organs and systems in the body;
  7. oncology;
  8. violation of skin integrity;
  9. the presence of skin diseases;
  10. individual intolerance to the adhesive layer.

Important Tips and Recommendations

To carry out the procedure more efficiently and achieve better results, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. If you need to get rid of deep wrinkles or severe sagging skin, you should leave the strips on overnight. The main thing is to cleanse the skin well to avoid inflammation.
  2. After removing the tape, the skin must be thoroughly cleaned. You can use a scrub if there is no redness.
  3. It is worth having an anatomical muscle atlas on hand to accurately attach the tape.

Where can I find quality facial tapes?

Even if the tape application technique is carried out accurately and according to the rules, the positive result may not be good enough. It depends on the tape itself - its quality. Before making a purchase, you need to consider the place of purchase and the manufacturer of the material.

You need to buy tape only in a pharmacy chain or a specialized store that mainly sells sports goods. The best producers are South Korea and Japan. Cheaper analogues from Chinese manufacturers can cause an allergic reaction and quickly come off.


Anastasia, 35 years old, accountant, Sochi. I never thought that I could get rid of nasolabial folds and cheeks that started to sag in almost a month. I bought tapes at the pharmacy, cut them and easily applied them to my face according to the pattern. I will use them constantly to stay young.

Oksana, 46 years old, salesman, Voronezh. On the advice of a friend, I ordered the tape from an online store. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle it and would stick it on my face incorrectly. It turned out that attaching the ribbons is very simple, you just need to follow the diagram. And how pleasantly surprised I was that after 4 procedures my double chin shrank, my biggest wrinkles smoothed out and my skin became younger.

Yana, 42 years old, HR director, Moscow. I've known about tapes for a long time. I have been using them periodically for several years now to maintain my facial contours. Thanks to them, I forgot about going for beauty injections. I will continue to use it and stay young.

By following the recommendations of specialists on the use of tapes and accurately applying them to the face, you can significantly rejuvenate the skin and tighten the contour in a short time. It is also worth periodically maintaining the condition of the skin. The technique has almost no contraindications. Tapes are not difficult to apply independently to areas of the face that need correction.