DIY thermal water recipe

It's hot outside. Summer is in full swing. We move in small dashes around the city from store to store with air conditioning, from shade to shade. Someone, of course, is currently basking on sunny beaches off distant shores. Some people work in an office, a store, at home, or even in a garden. After sprinkling myself with thermal water, I feel light and good for 15-20 minutes. The heat seems to be receding and the workplace is no longer so painful. A charge of vivacity and energy fills you, like in that ice cream commercial where you are doused with water from a hose.

One way or another, every person on earth has encountered thermal water. Some people have visited resorts and spa centers based around thermal springs, but most of us know it in the form of water packaged in a bologna. And what do we actually know about her?

Humanity has known about the healing properties for at least a couple of thousand years. Even in Greece and Rome, noble nobles and their wives indulged their mortal bodies in thermal springs. In those days, they were surrounded by an aura of legends and myths, which, by the way, did not cease to envelop them centuries later. The largest concentration of them is, of course, in France, the most famous supplier. But there are many sources in other parts of the world, Greece, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Iceland, Switzerland, Hungary and many other countries have such a treasure. There are thermal resorts in Russia, too, so if you see Russian-made thermal water on a store shelf, you shouldn’t be skeptical. Altai Territory, Tyumen, Kamchatka, Baikal and of course Sochi have thermal pools. By the way, I will say that I had a chance to visit one of them as a child. The beautiful resort town of Belokurikha has a source of radon waters that treat allergies.

The healing properties of water are explained by its composition and origin. So, unlike mineral water, it is lighter and does not contain elements that are heavy on the skin. This happens because of the paths that it has to go through, because it flows to us from the bowels of the earth, covering hundreds of meters, and sometimes a couple of kilometers. Its temperature when mined or reaching the surface is approximately 30 degrees, which has a beneficial effect on the human body and nervous system. But we are interested in its properties in relation to facial skin. Each source has its own composition. But in general, it is divided into the following types.

Hypotonic. A minimal amount of salts will balance the skin. Good for combination and oily skin types.

Isotonic. The content of salts and microelements in it is most suitable for any skin type. In general, it has a more calming effect.

Surely, if you have used popular brands, you have noticed that they act differently, this is due to different levels of mineralization. The use of thermal water can solve a number of problems such as irritation, allergies, moisturizing, and replenish the lack of various microelements in the skin.

Thermal water at home

It is not possible to prepare 100% thermal water at home. Except if you are lucky enough to live somewhere close to the source. But we can afford to prepare life-giving moisture as close as possible in composition and properties. Or maybe even do what’s perfect for you.

The easiest way is to find fresh or slightly mineral water and release the gas from it. Pour into a convenient container and your refreshing drink is ready. This option is more suitable for oily or combination skin.

The next way is that if the first option dries the skin too much, but you don’t need it. Then add 20 ml of mineral water to 100 ml of water, after releasing the gas. Water can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile will soothe, mint will tonify, oak bark in combination with tea tree oil will relieve inflammation. Here the flight of imagination is no longer limited. Who knows, maybe this path will lead you to the source of eternal youth and beauty.

A little about use. Any beauty product has a place and time when it needs to be used. Morning and evening on cleansed face between toner and cream. Do not use it before going outside during the cold season. Also, if it is very hot outside and a dry wind is blowing, it will simply dry out your skin, and the sun will attract moisture and you may get irritated. If you really need to use it in such a situation, then find some shade, spray your face and blot it with a napkin. It can also be used to fix makeup and be used during the working day. But if you are sitting in an office where the air conditioner is running, which dries out the skin and air, then do the following. If you go to the toilet, the air there is usually not so dry, and the air conditioner works less. Carry out the facial irrigation procedure, count to at least 30 and blot with a napkin. From personal experience I can say that, like everyone else, I use prepared thermal water at home. Because some turned out to be unaffordable for me over time, and I simply didn’t understand the point of others. That he splashed, that he listened to the radio. For example, having studied the composition of Vichy, I realized that it is the most mineralized of all and is based on sodium bicarbonate, which is great for oily skin. It turned out that the easiest way for her was to find an analogue in composition in the supermarket. Now, depending on the needs of my skin, I can prepare exactly what it needs. Fortunately, a bottle of mineral water is not expensive, and sometimes it is useful to drink it internally, especially in the summer.

Be beautiful, you deserve it.

R.S I will be glad to answer your questions, read comments and listen to comments. Thank you in advance for your sincerity and attention.


A magical cosmetic bottle refreshes and moisturizes, but how to make thermal water for the face at home? It would seem that manufacturers have already come up with everything possible, including cleansing, healing, tonic and nourishing products. An ordinary, at first glance, liquid becomes an integral part of the basic caring set.

One bottle can easily replace a whole shelf of expensive creams and lotions. It’s convenient to take a small bottle on a trip, which always has a place even in a miniature clutch. The life-giving liquid will be useful both at the ski resort and the sea coast.

How to make thermal water for the face at home? It’s quite simple, you just have to understand what kind of innovation it is. An absolutely natural liquid of natural origin, it is obtained from thermal springs. Like mineral, it is rich in various elements, only they are perceived better by the skin due to their low molecular structure.




The stereotype that Moda water can only be used for cleansing is successfully refuted by this product. It should be used twenty-four hours a day and for completely different purposes:

  1. an excellent base for makeup, after a few sprays, you don’t have to wait, as usual, fifteen minutes for the greasy cream to be absorbed, but apply foundation; the properties of water allow you to refresh and moisturize the epidermis in seconds;
  2. to restore the same make-up, at work, on business trips, travel, it is difficult to set aside half an hour or carry a bag of cosmetics with you, to edit powder, lipstick, concealer that has floated from the heat and turmoil, with the help of thermal water, it is easy to get yourself in order in just a minute ;
  3. for hydration and nutrition, the molecular structure allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating cells with useful substances, improving oxygen respiration, and preventing dehydration and flaking;
  4. to create a protective barrier for the skin, throughout the day the delicate thin shell is exposed to stress - air conditioning, computer monitor, dry indoor air, wind, sun, cold, endlessly testing its strength, cosmetic liquid allows you to reduce this influence to a minimum;
  5. helps solve aesthetic and therapeutic problems; for aging, aging skin, it is an excellent helper in replenishing the deficiency of moisture and minerals; for problematic inflamed skin, it is useful due to its antiseptic properties, accelerating the healing process.


A safe, hypoallergenic product, depending on the composition it has various characteristics:

  1. isotonic – a universal liquid suitable for any type, including sensitive ones, with manifestations of rosacea;
  2. hypertensive – contains an increased amount of salts, sufficient to cleanse and tone dry skin;
  3. hypotonic – minerals are presented in a small proportion, which allows you to restore lipid balance, soothes and restores problematic, oily and irritated dermis.


The basis

To prepare it, you can use ordinary mineral water or herbal decoction. The second one is preferable to use due to its properties to refresh and restore the epidermis. Depending on the type, you should pay attention to the following gifts of nature:

  1. for dry flowers, preference should be given to linden, jasmine, rose, hop, chamomile, violet, fennel and dill flowers; they contain large amounts of carotene, vitamin C, mineral elements and essential oils;
  2. for normal dermis, choose chamomile, lemon balm, string, yarrow, calendula, hawthorn and rose hips;
  3. for problematic, oily, with enlarged pores in the T-zone, birch, coltsfoot, wormwood, chicory, St. John's wort, marigold, horsetail are suitable;
  4. for sensitive ones - licorice, ginseng, parsley, nettle, hazel (hazelnut) leaves.

If you really don’t have enough time to look for the right mixture, you can use regular green tea, known for its antioxidant and sorbent properties.

It's quite easy to prepare, st. spoon of dry or fresh raw materials, pour 350 ml of water (in the end, after all the manipulations, about 300 will remain), put on low heat. After boiling for another ten minutes after boiling, you can set aside. After cooling and straining, combine with other components of thermal water.



These include more active components - essential oils and vitamins. For 300 ml of the finished base you will need up to five drops of aromatic product:

  1. dry skin responds well to esters of lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, sandalwood and geranium; in winter, you can add a few drops of retinol and tocopherol;
  2. for oily skin, products with antiseptic and bactericidal properties are suitable - oils of bergamot, orange, ginger, grapefruit, lemon, tea tree, cedar; if there is a lack of nutrition, which usually occurs in the off-season period, add up to eight drops of vegetable oil of pomegranate seeds or wheat germ;
  3. for the lucky owners of a normal type, geranium, rosemary, patchouli, rosewood, and neroli esters are suitable;
  4. for sensitive dermis, choose calamus, basil, anise, fennel and sweet orange, also add six/seven drops of pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 perfectly soothes irritated skin.


How to prepare and apply?

It is very simple and quick to add a few drops of ether and possible selected liquid vitamins into the base. You should not use a whisk or mixer to achieve a homogeneous structure. The liquid will need to be shaken vigorously before each use/spray. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day, not more often.

You need to spray at a distance of ten/twenty centimeters from the face, while drawing a circle or figure eight. You can also create a thermal cloud and then simply walk into it. After two/three minutes, it is easy to blot away the unabsorbed moisture with a napkin or cosmetic sponge.

For long-lasting makeup, the effect of delicate baby skin or life-giving freshness on a hot day, there should be a treasured bottle in your purse. A few natural ingredients and a life-giving, aromatic liquid are ready for use.

The issue of skin hydration in the summer is especially acute. One of the tools to solve itthermal water. If you are on a limited budget and cannot afford to buy a ready-made product, read our material on how to prepare thermal water at home.

How to prepare your face for makeup in 5 minutes

Thermal water is truly a special product for skin beauty. It moisturizes it, fills it with useful substances and perfectly fixes makeup. Of course, the home equivalent will not be thermal water, if we talk about the chemical composition of the product. However, its effect will be exactly the same.


To prepare homemade thermal water, you will need a bottle of mineral water from a good source. Leave the bottle open overnight so that all the gas and excess salts come out. In fact, you can already pour the water into a spray bottle and use it as an analogue of thermal water: as a moisturizer before applying cream, as a makeup fixer, or as a moisturizer throughout the day.

To use homemade thermal water over makeup, find a spray bottle with very fine holes. The same as is used for watering orchids: when drops are not needed, but only water dust.

If you want to feel like an alchemist and improve the composition of the water you made, you can safely add a decoction of herbs, a little honey, lemon juice or essential oil to it.

Different brands of mineral water have different effects on the skin. Thus, Georgian waters are more suitable for oily skin, and our Carpathian waters are more suitable for dry and normal skin.


If you like the effect of herbal infusions on the skin, add one of them to your thermal water. This will help provide additional care depending on your skin type. For example, mint or sage are ideal for oily skin and will reduce facial oiliness throughout the day. For normal skin, take chamomile, and for dry skin, take linden.

Preparing a herbal infusion is very simple: add a tablespoon of dry herbs to 200 ml of boiling water. After a minute, turn off the heat and let it brew. Dilute the decoction with mineral water in a ratio of 70:30.


If you have dry skin that suffers from summer dryness, add a quarter teaspoon of honey to mineral water (per 100 ml). Mix well. Honey will nourish the skin.


If you have oily skin, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to 100 ml of mineral water and mix well. Lemon juice will help control skin oil levels.


If you love the aromas of essential oils and your skin responds well to their effects, feel free to add your favorite essential oil to mineral water. With its help, you can fight aging, oiliness, nourish the skin and protect it from the negative influence of the environment.

To prevent essential oils from floating on top of thermal water, dissolve them in a small amount of honey or sea salt, and then mix with water. This way they will combine with water into a single substance.