I injured a papilloma: what to do and how to treat it?

Injured papilloma

The content of the article:
  1. Causes of papillomas damage
  2. Possible complications
  3. What to do
  4. Rules of care

Damage to papilloma is a dangerous situation that can trigger the process of malignancy of a viral benign neoplasm. To prevent the growth from transforming into an oncological tumor, it is important to know what to do with an injured papilloma, how to provide first aid and how to care for the damaged area of ​​skin.

Causes of papillomas damage

Damage to papilloma

Papillomas are, as a rule, hanging neoplasms on a thin stalk. Due to their fragility, these growths can be easily injured and torn off. There are also flat papillomas; they are not so susceptible to injury, but they can also be accidentally scratched or scratched.

Most often, papilloma damage is observed in the following cases:

  1. When using a razor to shave the armpits, neck, and groin area of ​​men and women;
  2. When rubbing the growth with underwear if it is too tight or uncomfortable;
  3. If you accidentally touch a tumor with your nails;
  4. If the nodules on the neck are damaged by a tight and rigid shirt collar;

In addition, children and animals can accidentally tear off a papilloma on your body.

Also Pregnant women are at particular risk of damaging papilloma, in which they are located in places where the skin comes into contact with the fabric of clothing. Due to the fact that body volumes are rapidly growing, expectant mothers may not pay attention to the increasing friction in the area of ​​the neoplasm.

Some people deliberately injure papillomas in order to get rid of them at home. To do this, they use razors, threads, or simply try to tear them off.
  1. See also what happens if you rip off a wart

Possible complications of papilloma injury

Inflammation of injured papilloma

The photo shows inflammation of an injured papilloma

The most common complication after papilloma trauma is redness and the onset of an inflammatory process in the damaged area. This is a normal skin reaction to injury.

Let's consider the main symptoms of injured papilloma:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the affected area (pain, burning, itching);
  2. Bleeding that is difficult to stop;
  3. The appearance of swelling, inflammation, redness, change in the shape of the growth;
  4. The appearance of purulent, ichorous discharge with an unpleasant odor.
It is worth noting that unsuccessful removal of papilloma at home can provoke a backlash. That is, instead of eliminating the problem, a person stimulates the spread of the virus to healthy areas of the body, which will lead to the formation of new formations in the future. This way you will make the original problem worse.

Purulent discharge from an injured papilloma appear if the wound was additionally infected with pathogenic microorganisms. They begin to actively multiply and infect neighboring healthy tissues.

It is especially dangerous if papillomas on the mucous membranes (in the mouth, on the genitals) are injured. In these areas of the body there are no normal conditions for rapid tissue regeneration, and the likelihood of infection is very high. In extreme cases, this threatens sepsis - blood poisoning. This manifests itself in general intoxication of the body and can lead to death.

Also, damage to papilloma often causes formation of scars and scars. This is especially unpleasant if the growth is located on visible areas of the body, such as the face. When the integrity of the skin is damaged, connective tissue actively grows. This is why attempts to remove papillomas on your own can lead to worsening aesthetic defects.

Malignant tumor at the site of a traumatized papilloma

Photo of a malignant tumor at the site of an injured papilloma

One of the most dangerous complications of injury to benign growths is the degeneration of papilloma into cancer. Most often this happens with tumors caused by oncogenic viruses. However, non-oncogenic HPV strains can in some cases cause the formation of a malignant tumor at the site of an injured papilloma.

The first signs of papilloma degeneration into a malignant formation are:

  1. Sharp growth of neoplasm;
  2. Pathological change in the shape of the growth;
  3. The occurrence of serous, purulent or bloody discharge;
  4. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the injured papilloma;
  5. Changes in the structure, shade of the growth, appearance of dark spots;
  6. The appearance of cracks, a hard dark crust on the surface of the formation.
It is worth remembering that among almost 100 strains of HPV, only about 10 are capable of causing rapid malignancy of an injured growth. However, you should not be negligent about any tumors on the body, since they all carry a potential threat of developing skin cancer.

Read also what to do if the wound festers after papilloma removal

What to do if you injured a papilloma?

Treatment of injured papilloma with an alcohol solution

The photo shows how to treat an injured papilloma with an alcohol solution

Usually the first unpleasant symptoms of papillomas damage are pain and bleeding. The latter can be quite strong, since the body of the growth is usually nourished by a branched vascular network.

Let's find out what to do if you injured the papilloma and how to stop the bleeding:

  1. Take a cotton swab or gauze and soak it in hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  2. Apply to the injury site for a few minutes until the bleeding stops.
  3. After the bleeding stops, treat the wound with an alcohol solution to prevent pathogenic microbes or fungi from penetrating the skin.
  4. In the absence of alcohol, it is important to know what else to treat papilloma if damaged. You can use iodine or brilliant green for this. However, this is a less suitable method of antiseptic treatment, since it will subsequently be difficult to observe the state of the growth - changes in color and structure.
  5. To minimize the risk of infection of an open wound, apply a sterile cotton-gauze dressing and secure with adhesive tape.
In addition, it is important to know what to do with an injured papilloma if the growth is completely or partially torn off. In this case, it is recommended to save it in order to take it to the laboratory for histological examination. This way you can see if papilloma can develop into cancer. To do this, place a piece of tissue in saline solution or alcohol. The tumor should be submitted for analysis within 2 days.

Don't put off visiting your doctor. It is advisable to consult with him in the first few days after injury to the growth and provide first aid.

Rules for caring for injured papilloma

Preparations for the care of injured papilloma

Photos of preparations for the care of injured papilloma

If for some reason you cannot get an appointment with a doctor, then it is important to know what to do if the papilloma is damaged. After providing first aid, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the injured neoplasm in order to prevent it from developing into cancer.

It is recommended to use the following medications to treat injured papilloma:

  1. Furacilin solution. These liquids clean the wound well from bacteria and fungi and help avoid suppuration. Treat the papilloma several times a day until the symptoms of inflammation subside. An analogue is hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Antimicrobial ointment Levomekol. Its analogue is Tetracycline ointment. It will be required if there are signs of suppuration. Before using it, you should open the abscess and rinse it with hydrogen peroxide. Then treat the area with an antimicrobial agent.
  3. Pantekrem. Can be used at the stage of the appearance of a crust on the wound. In this case, you can speed up tissue regeneration processes and relieve inflammation. An analogue of the drug is Methyluracil.
Do not cover the injured papilloma with a plaster for a long time after the bleeding has been stopped. This will allow a scab (protective crust) to form. Also, if possible, wet the wound less often and do not stay in direct sunlight until the injury has healed completely.
  1. Read also: how to treat wounds after removal of papillomas

What to do if papilloma is damaged - watch the video:

Damage to the papilloma and improper care of the affected area can provoke a dangerous pathology - the degeneration of the tumor into cancer. Therefore, after providing first aid and stopping the bleeding, you should show the injured area to a dermatologist to avoid dangerous complications.

  1. Related article: Why does papilloma become inflamed?