Turkish face mask for deep wrinkles


The benefits of Turkish mask components

This is a nourishing mixture for the skin. It contains fats, vitamins and antioxidants. Each component of the recipe is useful in itself. When combined, they enhance each other.

You can take floral or buckwheat. Acacia honey has additional rejuvenating properties. The beekeeping product contains vitamins A, E, C, and group B. Together, they prevent oxidative reactions and “freeze” free radicals. Honey kills bacteria and germs, helps get rid of pimples and imperfections. It warms the surface of the skin and improves blood circulation.

Interesting fact: honey treatments are also found in Slavic culture. The classic Russian bath formula is a mixture of salt, soda and honey. This mixture is rubbed on the face and body in the steam room.

For this recipe, it is better to use homemade heavy cream. They are a source of milk proteins that strengthen the skin and fats that nourish. Lipids are the basis of youth and healthy appearance. They instantly smooth out. The face will look younger immediately after removing the composition. But if there is no cream, milk will successfully replace it.

Natural cinnamon accelerates blood circulation, helps eliminate toxins and improves cellular nutrition. It relieves puffiness, bags under the eyes and puffiness. Treatments with cinnamon are good for tightening the contour and improving complexion. The spice “can” do it all, thanks to the high content of essential oils. Cinnamon is included in surfactant peels to ensure regeneration and rejuvenate the skin.

Tip: you can use ready-made ground cinnamon for the mask, but it’s better to buy cinnamon sticks in the spice department and grind it yourself. This way there will be more essential oils.

It is sold in pharmacies in capsule form. Good for the skin as it accelerates regeneration and nutrition. Vitamins A and E are included in anti-aging cosmetics from the best brands and are actively used in folk beauty recipes.

She is a solvent and thermogenic. Improves blood circulation and binds oils into an organic composition. Baking soda cleanses the skin, tones it, and was the most popular remedy just a few decades ago.

Not all cosmetologists have an unambiguous attitude towards soda. Many people believe that it is better to replace it with white or blue clay. Baking soda dries the skin and dissolves sebum. It may be a solution for those who have “clogged” pores, but it will not work if the skin is delicate and the pores are naturally small.

Homemade masks are recipes invented by ordinary people, not cosmetologists. For centuries, women have looked after themselves this way. This recipe may not suit some people. Before applying the mixture to your face, you should do an allergy test by using the back of your hand to apply the mixture. If redness or any discomfort occurs, do not use the mask.


The composition is prepared immediately before application. It is better not to store the product, as the vitamins may oxidize.

For the Turkish anti-aging mask you will need:

  1. Natural honey – 1 teaspoon;
  2. Aevit – 2 gel capsules;
  3. Milk – 3 teaspoons;
  4. 2 tablespoons of soda;
  5. A pinch of cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon).


First, the honey is melted in a warm water bath. It is better not to use open fire and limit yourself to simple hot water. You need to take a ceramic bowl and mix all the ingredients of the recipe in it with a wooden spoon or a ceramic whisk. You need to stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. The lumps of soda should be crushed. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If it turns out a little liquid, you can add another spoonful of soda.

Important: you can replace milk with cream, or even coconut milk without sugar. But you can’t heat the milk; you’ll have to stir it manually until it dissolves. Is it possible to prepare a mask in a blender? If there is a ceramic nozzle, yes. But it’s better not to come into contact with metal.

Those with sensitive skin should exclude cinnamon and honey from the mask, as they can cause severe irritation. Honey in the composition is replaced with fresh egg yolk.

Learn more about the preparation in the video below.

First you need to remove your hair and cleanse your skin. Any makeup remover or micellar water will do. The mask is applied to the face, excluding the area under the eyes. Then you can rest quietly for 15-20 minutes. The composition must dry completely. It is best to lie down or sit reclining so that the components of the mask work effectively.

Afterwards, the composition is simply washed off with water. Turkish anti-aging anti-wrinkle mask can be used every week, or every other day twice a week. It is alternated with other care options or done “solo”.

Effect of use

Authors of reviews about the mask mention that a slight burning sensation or discomfort may be felt during the procedure. What about deep wrinkles? Cynical cosmetologists hint that they can only be removed with fillers or more serious procedures. Masks are needed to maintain skin tone, nutrition, relaxation and simply as a pleasant procedure after a hard day.

Please note that the composition contains quite a lot of alkali. Baking soda is needed to cleanse pores and act as a surfactant exfoliant, but it can dry out the skin. Therefore, for those with dry and irritated skin, it is better to choose a different recipe.

This is a product for mature skin. It can visually smooth out wrinkles and nourish with vitamins. But she will not be able to fill nasolabial folds or correct a significantly sagging oval of the face. Such treatments are effective if used in conjunction with facelifting and other procedures.

A popular new face mask recipe that guarantees relief from the deepest wrinkles is based on a mixture of simple and affordable ingredients. The advertising campaign for the introduction of this miracle product picked up and carried to the masses the promise of preserving (or returning) youthful skin. Is the Turkish mask really that good?

The first rule, universal for all masks: the skin must be cleansed and prepared.

To deep clean your skin, you must first steam your face. Cosmetologists recommend preferring wet hot towels to water steam. The cloth is soaked in hot water, lightly wrung out so that the water does not flow, and placed on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. As they cool, the towels are “warmed up” again.

Steaming is carried out after decorative cosmetics have been removed from the skin. After the procedure, the face is wiped with lotion or tonic appropriate for the skin type.

As for the “Turkish mask for deep cleansing” itself, it is not very clear why it is called “Turkish”; it does not contain any special ingredients characteristic of Turkish cosmetology. But there is a name, and it has gone down among the people, so we take it for granted.

To prepare the mixture you need:

Vitamin E in capsules (or drops) can be purchased at the pharmacy. If possible, it is recommended to grind the cinnamon in a food processor or coffee grinder to finely grind it as much as possible.

Honey and cinnamon are quite aggressive components of the mask, quite capable of triggering an allergic reaction - swelling, redness, severe itching, skin irritation. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, these two ingredients are replaced with one egg yolk.

All components are mixed in a plastic bowl and brought to a homogeneous thick mass.

After preparation, the mask is applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck in a thick layer for 15-20 minutes, then removed with warm water and moisturize the skin well.

Many sources, citing a recipe for a “magic” mask, promise instant relief from even deep wrinkles, smooth and soft skin like a baby’s. However, it is very rare to read that soda is a rather insidious substance. It has a high reactive ability, shifts the pH of the skin to the alkaline side, dehydrating it.

Thus, soda causes tightness and flaking, especially noticeable with dry and sensitive skin. Additionally, baking soda paired with cinnamon acts as an abrasive that leaves microtraumas on the skin, so they must be handled with care.

Cinnamon increases microcirculation, causing blood flow to the skin, so a burning sensation may be felt when applying the mask. If it intensifies to such an extent that it becomes unbearable, the mask should be washed off immediately.

Like any other recipe, it would be a good idea to test the magic Turkish mask against deep wrinkles on an inconspicuous area of ​​skin. As a rule, the wrist or the skin of the elbow is used for this purpose.

Some sources suggest using baked milk or fermented milk products instead of heavy cream. The latter enter into a chemical reaction with soda and the result is carbon dioxide, water and an acid salt; the mask will not have the promised effect.

And finally, I would like to ask: if deep wrinkles can be smoothed out with an inexpensive and quite accessible product, and even at home, then why haven’t beauty salons declared general bankruptcy?

It’s sad, but the first wrinkles become noticeable after thirty, and deep expression wrinkles become even more obvious. Is it possible to prevent their appearance and smooth out those that have already appeared, without complex expensive cosmetic services and injections?

We invite you to try a very effective face mask originally from Turkey based on simple, affordable, and most importantly natural remedies. And you can cook it at home yourself.

It is so effective that you will feel noticeable results after the first use.

  1. baking soda - three tablespoons;
  2. honey - one teaspoon;
  3. vitamin E in liquid form - one teaspoon;
  4. cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  5. cream (can be replaced with milk) - 80 ml.

In a plastic or glass bowl, mix all ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. You should have a fairly thick mixture.

Apply the mask on the face and neck in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave for fifteen to twenty minutes or until dry. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and then cool water.

Well, don’t forget about the general rules for using both store-bought and homemade masks:

  1. Before applying the mask, cleanse your face of cosmetics and impurities (if desired, you can steam your face);
  2. Before applying the mask, be sure to check the skin’s reaction to its components: to do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the area of ​​skin on your hand, if after fifteen to twenty minutes there is no itching, redness and irritation, then you can safely use it.

This mask will not only help smooth out wrinkles, but thanks to the soda included in its composition, it will perfectly cleanse the skin and give an even tone. It is very important to start taking care of yourself, in particular the condition of your skin, as early as possible. Don't wait until you're forty; therapeutic, cleansing and rejuvenating masks made from natural ingredients will allow you to maintain healthy and youthful skin and prevent premature aging.