Oud - aloe tree

The best type of aloe tree, according to some, is Mandalian, which is brought from the middle regions of India. Behind it comes another species, called Indian, that is, mountain. It is superior to Mandalian in that it does not produce lice and lasts longer when placed in clothing. Some people do not differentiate between the Mandala aloe tree and the Indian one, which is superior to it. One of the best types of aloe tree is Samandur. He is from Sofala, India. It is followed by Camara, also brought from Indian Sofala, and Sanfi, which is a type of aloe tree from Sofala. After them comes the Kakullian aloe tree and the “wild”, Kataf, Chinese and so on | called cortical, it is wet. Below these are | Jalali, Manital, Lawami, Maritan and Mandali, but they are all good. Further: the best Samandur aloe tree is blue, heavy, hard, very juicy, thick, in which there is no whiteness and which remains on the fire without burning. Some prefer the black Samandur variety over the blue variety. The best Kamar aloe tree is black, devoid of whiteness, heavy, does not burn in fire, thick and very juicy. In general, the best aloe tree is the one that sinks deeper into the water, and the one that emerges has no life and pneuma, and is bad.

Aloe is roots and trees that are pulled out and kept buried in the ground until the top layer of wood and resin rots and a pure aloe tree remains.

Hot, dry to the second degree, I believe.

The aloe tree is sparse, it opens blockages, expels winds, carries away excess moisture, strengthens the insides and benefits all organs.

Chewing aloe wood gives a pleasant smell to your breath.

Tools with joints.
Aloe tree strengthens the nerves and gives them oiliness and some extensibility.

Organs of the head.
Aloe tree is very beneficial for the brain and enhances the senses.

Respiratory and chest organs.
It strengthens and invigorates the heart.

Nutritional organs.
If you drink aloe tree in the amount of one and a half dirhams by weight, it expels rotten moisture from the stomach and strengthens the liver.

Eruption organs.
The scarlet tree has an inherent power that strengthens nature; it is useful against dysentery, especially black-bilious dysentery.