Bite of a spitting snake, that is, usculus

The one whom she stung lies unconscious and motionless, silent, in hibernation, after other phenomena mentioned in the paragraph on the usculus, and frequent yawning. He has closure of the eyelids, twisting of the neck, cousa and irregular pulse, and he usually does not feel pain, but sometimes he feels pain at first, prompting him to vomit, and you see that he puts his finger in his throat to vomit.

Some doctors mention the usculus and, when describing it, say that it raises its head and spits out poison. I don’t know whether this snake and the one we described belong to the same species, or whether it is from the spitting breed, but the signs of its bite are said to be that the place it stung is small, the size of a needle prick, without a tumor, and a little black comes out from there. blood. The stung person first has a veil before his eyes and pain in the insides and in the cardia, and then the eyelids close and hibernation sets in, and he lives no more than a third of the day. The treatment is the same kind as the treatment for a snakebite, and we talked about it.