Soothing face mask after peeling

Hello dear blog readers! Recently I decided to go to the pool. At first everything was fine, but the next day my facial skin became dry and irritated. My savior was a soothing face mask. There is nothing complicated in using this tool. Such care is available to everyone and does not take much time.

What are soothing masks for?

Women know that beauty needs careful and thorough care. Those with sensitive and dry skin should be especially careful about this issue. Inflammation and irritation can occur in each of us. There are different reasons: unsuccessful peeling, scrubbing, aggressive cosmetics or bad water.

Soothing masks will help you get rid of these unpleasant manifestations on your own. They have the following properties:

  1. relieve inflammation;
  2. activate metabolism in the epidermis;
  3. improve blood circulation in the facial skin;
  4. have a restorative effect after peeling and other procedures;
  5. nourish and moisturize well;
  6. relieve redness and peeling;
  7. cope with age spots.

These products are indispensable in care after cleansing your face. However, they need to be selected carefully, taking into account some nuances. If there is inflammation, the mask should contain antiseptics. Before applying to sensitive and irritated dermis, you must first test the product. If you do the procedure in a salon, follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist. Homemade natural remedies are no less effective and give good results.

Ingredients for masks that soothe the skin

The quality of the ingredients in a cosmetic product is of great importance. Properly selected components help to achieve a noticeable effect. For these purposes, gentle products are used. The most popular are various vegetables, fruits, herbal infusions, oils, etc. The composition is selected depending on the purpose of use and skin condition. It is important that the ingredients do not cause allergies.

Such products can safely include: cucumbers, green apples, potatoes, oatmeal, olive oil. Chamomile infusion and green tea are often used.

Lemon and honey should be used with caution as they may cause a reaction. Before using these products, first apply a small amount to your wrist. If you do not experience itching or redness, you can safely add this component.

A mixture of mint, lavender and lemon has an excellent calming effect. Shea butter and sandalwood are used for additional nutrition and softening of the dermis. Lavender with chamomile infusion will soothe sensitive skin.

General rules of application

If you decide to make masks at home, you need to remember a few basic rules:

  1. Cleansing. You must thoroughly remove makeup and cleanse your face before using the mask. After this, you can use a herbal decoction. Chamomile, linden, oak bark, etc. will have a good tonic effect.
  2. Correct application. The finished product is applied in a thin layer with a special brush or clean fingertips. Movements should follow massage lines and not affect the area around the eyes.
  3. Consistency. It is necessary to obtain a homogeneous thick mixture. It should be a non-cold, comfortable temperature, unless otherwise specified. Remember that the mask is prepared only from fresh ingredients.
  4. Proper removal. Usually 15 minutes is enough for a positive effect. To remove the mask, use warm running water or a herbal decoction.
  5. End of the procedure. A necessary condition for proper completion of care is a face cream that soothes the skin. We choose a product depending on the time of year. A nourishing one is good for winter, and a moisturizing one for warmer seasons.

In any beauty procedure, the main thing is regularity. This type of care should be carried out 1-2 times a week. In this case, you need to take into account your skin type, its condition and your age. For a young and healthy dermis, one procedure weekly will be enough. For more mature and problematic skin, it is better to use masks 2-3 times. You can use these remedies in a course for a month, then take a break.

If your face is just after peeling, avoid using vegetable and fruit components in their pure form. The acid they contain can cause a negative reaction. Masks made from boiled potatoes, oatmeal and vegetable oils have a mild soothing effect.

Effective masks at home

You can get yourself in order without resorting to the services of a cosmetologist. You can easily deal with this problem at home yourself. You can use these products even if there are no obvious imperfections on your face. Masks will help nourish the skin with beneficial substances and restore its protective function. I have selected several recipes for all occasions 🙂

This remedy will help get rid of redness and irritation after aggressive facial procedures. For it we will need 1 tsp. potato juice and black cumin oil. Juice can be squeezed out of grated potatoes using gauze. The oil needs to be slightly warmed. Apply a homogeneous potato mixture to a clean face. After 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

For this recipe you only need two ingredients:

  1. natural yogurt 3.5% - 125 g;
  2. thyme - 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients in a small container and leave in the refrigerator for a while. After application, leave for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with regular running water. Thanks to its composition, the product copes well with rashes and inflammation.

For this recipe you will need to grind oatmeal into flour. Then add warm milk and a little liquid honey. The ingredients must be mixed until smooth. The warm product is applied to the face and neck along massage lines. To rinse off, use linden decoction.

You will need green apples, raw or baked, it doesn't matter. Beat one egg yolk into the applesauce. Then pour in the grated cottage cheese and add 3-4 drops of olive oil. The rest of the procedure is done as usual.

Mix equal parts of blue or white clay and potato starch. Add half a tablet of aspirin and chloramphenicol and mix. Pour the resulting dry mixture with the decoction of the string until smooth. The mask perfectly helps with inflammation on the face and enlarged pores.

Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, the product has a rejuvenating effect. Take 2-3 tbsp. carrot juice and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add 1 tbsp. sour cream and egg yolk. For the correct consistency, add a few dessert spoons of oatmeal.

The mask relieves inflammation well, helps smooth out fine wrinkles, and provides a lifting effect. I do not recommend leaving this mixture on your face for a long time. If you don’t want to get brick-colored skin, keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes 🙂 Wash off with plain water and enjoy smooth and youthful skin.

Homemade soothing masks are no worse than salon treatments. You can choose the appropriate components yourself and be sure of their naturalness.

Cosmetical tools

Preparing a product that suits all skin needs at home can be problematic. In this case, I suggest using complex cosmetic products. I selected good products based on positive reviews.

  1. Medical Collagene 3D - this cream is designed to restore skin after aggressive cosmetic procedures. It perfectly cares for the face after peeling, soothes and tones. Among the active components of the cream are collagen, lecithin, avocado oil and vitamin E. Thanks to this composition, the product promotes cell regeneration and enriches them with oxygen.
  2. Lipacid cream from GIGI is a universal product for all skin types. Provides comprehensive and gentle care, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Natural ingredients help restore skin after facial cleansing, chemical peeling and other procedures. After using this cream, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.
  3. Bioderma Sensibio mask is ideal for irritated skin. Well calms and gives a feeling of comfort. Eliminates the inflammatory process, eliminates redness, intensively moisturizes and protects the dermis. With constant use, the face looks younger and more well-groomed.
  4. Payot Soothing Mask is an excellent comprehensive remedy for dry and dull skin. Deeply moisturizes and refreshes the face. The natural composition of the mask helps restore the epidermis. Effectively helps get rid of irritation and peeling on the skin. It becomes smoother and more elastic.

Let me remind you that cosmetic products for facial skin care need to be selected individually. If you cannot choose on your own, seek help from a specialist. Or choose ready-made cosmetics in which the dosage of components is correctly adjusted.

I hope my tips were useful to you. Let me know which masks you prefer.

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The skin of any girl needs constant care and cleansing. Without cleaning, we will not be able to achieve smoothness of the epidermis; inflammation and enlarged pores may also appear on the skin.

Sometimes we choose quite aggressive methods to achieve our goals. These can be harsh peelings and chemical cleansing, which, in addition to their immediate task, also injure the sensitive dermis.

Such procedures can cause redness and irritation, as well as reduce the protective functions of the epidermis. That is why you need to take extra care of your skin; a properly selected mask will do the job perfectly.

What help are they?

Sometimes it can be difficult to cleanse your skin of impurities and free your pores from clogged dirt. Sometimes the methods are simply radical.

Some women tolerate such cleansing and procedures completely calmly, while others, on the contrary, have skin that reacts sharply to them. Self-prepared gruel relieves negative consequences better than anything else.

If you prepare it correctly and choose the right ingredients, you will be able to:

  1. Quickly eliminate irritation;
  2. Normalize blood circulation and restore metabolism in the upper layers of the dermis;
  3. Reduce inflammation;
  4. Relieve swelling;
  5. Active components will accelerate cell regeneration, recovery will be faster.

Using similar masks after the same chemical peel will soothe sensitive skin, and, in addition, you will see results faster after the procedure.

The components from which such gruels are prepared have a positive effect on the irritated dermis, the symptoms of inflammation quickly subside, redness and itching also disappear in a matter of hours.

Who is it recommended for?

Using a soothing face mask at home will be indispensable if you have:

  1. There are redness and spots on the face;
  2. Severe itching is felt;
  3. The epidermis is very flaky;
  4. At the first sign of allergy;
  5. After deep facial cleansing.

Of course, such gruels can also help in other cases, for example, if you have been under the sun for a long time and have a burn.

How to use it correctly

The first recommendation is to always read the recipe carefully and strictly follow all proportions, only in this case the mixture will be prepared properly and will have the intended effect. If you have recently been to a cosmetologist and had a cleansing or peeling done, carefully follow the aftercare recommendations.

If you want to use a mask, be sure to check whether the selected components are suitable for you and whether it will cause harm. If there are inflammations on the surface of the face, add antiseptic agents to the pulp.

These may also be plants that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Please take an allergy test before use. This should be done 24 hours before the planned application. Do not use such mixtures more than twice every ten days, otherwise the skin will simply get used to them, and the result will be the opposite. Allergies may also develop from excessive use.

Watch a video on our topic:

A good alternative to such gruels is washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs. The effect of it will not be so strong, but it will take you literally a minute. In addition, there can be no negative consequences after such washing.

From clay

A mask made from blue clay will be simply indispensable for girls with problematic epidermis.

Blue clay is widely used in cosmetology and most often it is used specifically to combat acne and acne.

To prepare the mixture, you will need to mix a small amount of the main ingredient with potato starch, add to all this a little grated baby soap (it is more gentle). While the mixture is dry, add half a tablet of ground aspirin to it.

Now pour a little warm water over it all and stir until the mixture becomes thick. Its effect on the face should be approximately 15 minutes.


Honey is a unique product; it is used for a variety of purposes. It is indispensable in the treatment of many diseases, and can also have a positive effect on our appearance. This paste requires only two ingredients: honey itself and oatmeal.

Pour boiling water over the oatmeal and when it has almost cooled down, add a spoonful of honey to it. This amazing gruel will saturate the weakened epidermis with vitamins and minerals; after a few days of use, skin sensitivity will greatly decrease.

Potato and yeast

Wash one potato thoroughly, peel it and grate it on a fairly fine grater. After this, add natural fat yogurt to the pulp (natural kefir is also suitable), mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition to the irritated areas. This mixture perfectly moisturizes the dermis and also relieves inflammation. It also helps get rid of acne.

Preparing the yeast mass also does not take much time. Dry yeast needs to be diluted with curdled milk, it should be slightly warmed up. Add two strawberries to the solution and grind them thoroughly.

This berry has an incredible amount of vitamins; it can compete even with an orange. The use of such a paste will not only soothe irritated skin, but also improve its color.

Of course, we women cannot do without various cleansings and peelings and are ready to go to great lengths for the sake of beauty. But this does not mean that the skin needs to be constantly injured.

If you like to visit various salon treatments and simply exfoliate at home, the skin soothing mask should become your indispensable companion.

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It can eliminate many ailments in the shortest possible time, and it can be used at any age. The use of such compositions will only benefit you and help you avoid complications after cleaning.

In order for your skin to be healthy and retain its beauty for many years, it must be properly and regularly cared for. But sometimes irritation or redness appears on the face caused by improper care. You can get rid of them using home treatments. In this article we will share recipes for soothing masks that are easy to make at home.

​Why do you need a soothing mask?

There are many reasons why the skin becomes irritated, inflamed, becomes allergic, loses its protective properties, becomes dull and pale, and becomes covered in rashes or pimples:

Sometimes this can happen under the aggressive influence of environmental factors (bad weather, temperature changes, severe tanning);

Sometimes the skin reacts this way to an unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition;

Often, irritations appear as a concomitant symptom of some of our internal problems - various diseases, stress;

Inappropriate cosmetics or too aggressive procedures (such as chemical peeling) also often provoke the appearance of increased sensitivity of the skin.

You can cope with the consequences of all these factors with the help of soothing masks that have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, such home procedures will bring you much more benefits than any purchased products or visits to salons:

Taking comprehensive care of your skin, the soothing mask relieves you of dryness and flaking, annoying itching and irritation, but does not dry out the skin, but rather softens it;

After the procedure, redness disappears from the face, it acquires an even healthy tone and color;

Masks tone the skin, help it recover, so it looks fresher;

After regular use of masks, problems with rashes and acne disappear;

Since all the ingredients will be natural, your skin will be nourished with vitamins and various beneficial substances;

Masks will allow the skin to regain its protective properties, so that it is not negatively affected by extreme cold or wind, hot sun rays, or sudden temperature changes.

Cosmetologists also advise carrying out such procedures after cleansing in order to reduce inflammation, promote the activation of metabolic processes in the layers of the dermis and normalize blood circulation. Soothing masks for problematic and sensitive skin will be especially relevant and necessary.

Cooking rules

Soothing masks are undoubtedly very useful, but if done incorrectly, the effect can be exactly the opposite.

Procedures are carried out no more than once or twice a week.

Masks with a calming effect are suitable for all skin types (you just need to select and combine the components correctly), however, they are contraindicated in case of severe allergic reactions, the presence of open wounds, damage, injury, burns or scratches on the skin, and you should not do the procedure if you have an infectious or viral disease.

It is better to first test any unfamiliar or new mask composition (at least on the skin of the wrist), and then apply a thin layer to the face. Do not forget that any mask is made only on clean skin, so be sure to wash your face before the procedure and remove your makeup.

The mask should be kept on for fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the composition. Cosmetologists advise rinsing off with herbal decoctions, mineral or boiled water (first warm, and then rinse with cool water). Then apply cream to the skin.

Since all components of the mask are natural, it must be prepared immediately before use, and all products must be fresh and of high quality.

Each ingredient performs its own function: for example, fermented milk products are the best moisturizers that will also cure your skin from redness and remove age spots, honey will perfectly soften and relieve inflammation of the skin, clay will improve your complexion and eliminate flaking , oatmeal - will increase the level of moisture, gently remove dead cells, fruit and vegetable pulp or juice - will be a rich source of vitamins and microelements for the skin, helping to increase its intracellular immunity, intensively nourishing and rejuvenating it, and vegetable and essential oils - have a whole range of useful properties.

Homemade recipes for soothing masks

You can find a lot of different recipes for soothing masks, but how can you choose the best one among them? In fact, each recipe is good and useful in its own way, but when choosing, you should focus on your skin type and specific problems that bother you. It is also important that the composition of the mask really suits you. Change and alternate the recipes you use from time to time.

An anti-redness mask will help relieve puffiness after cleansing, as well as get rid of strong beauty. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of sour cream, homemade yogurt and kefir and carefully treat all inflamed areas with the mixture. A mask made from kefir and raw potatoes also effectively removes redness: grate the root vegetable and take a tablespoon of its pulp, dilute it to a smooth paste (kefir can be replaced with yogurt).

If the skin is very dry, flaky and itchy, then try crushing and brewing oatmeal so that it swells well (you can soak the oatmeal immediately in warm kefir or milk in a ratio of 2:3). The softened mass will immediately transform your skin. And if you add a little more honey, this mask will remove traces of pimples and acne, have an antibacterial effect, nourish the skin and reduce its hypersensitivity.

After cleansing, it is not recommended to immediately make masks with fruit or vegetable pulp, as they contain acids that can irritate the skin even more.

A soothing mask after peeling should be aimed at neutralizing inflammatory processes, and also, if necessary, have an antibacterial effect. When the consequences of cleaning are particularly pronounced, cosmetologists sometimes even advise the use of antiseptics.

Mix two tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay with the same amount of talc and one tbsp. l. chloramphenicol powder (crush tablets). To dilute the composition, take 3% peroxide. Another recipe - one tbsp. l. dilute the powder from four aspirin tablets with water (you can dissolve them), add a teaspoon of liquid honey or vegetable oil (jojoba, grape seeds) to the mixture.

A herbal mask will soothe the skin and relieve irritation. Brew the decoction - pour boiling water and briefly simmer the mixture of dry herbs plantain, mint and chamomile (one tablespoon per half liter). Leave to brew for half an hour, then strain and add one teaspoon to the liquid. starch. A herbal mask made from plantain and nettle leaves will also have an excellent antiseptic effect (rinse them and grind them into a paste), add lemon juice to the mixture. This will help you cope with any inflammation.

Chamomile itself can be used effectively separately, and if you combine chamomile infusion with pink clay (dilute one tablespoon of clay powder) and sour cream (tsp), you can get rid of red spots and severe irritation.

Regular soda will cope with inflammation - just dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and wipe your skin with this solution.

Liquid honey mixed with yolk and sunflower oil can moisturize dry skin and soften its rough areas (the mixture must be beaten and applied in a thick layer). And honey in combination with cottage cheese (1:1) will remove rashes, peeling, inflammation and irritation.

Green tea will soothe irritated skin and cure acne. Brew strong green tea, let it cool, and then soak cotton pads in the liquid and apply them to the inflamed areas.

To prepare the mask, wash and peel fruits or vegetables and mash them into a puree. To enhance the effect, you can add fermented milk products, yolk, and vegetable oils to the pulp.

When choosing fruits and vegetables for a mask, remember that not all are suitable for a soothing composition: cucumber pulp or parsley have an excellent tonic and whitening effect, peaches will smooth the skin and heal sensitive skin, pears and apples will improve complexion and remove age spots , will give the dermis a fresh and healthy look, bananas will deeply moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, grapes will promote renewal and restoration. In addition, they are all simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

The yeast in the mask will rejuvenate and soothe the skin - to dilute the yeast (take ten grams), use warm yogurt or kefir. You can add a teaspoon of linden decoction or strawberry juice to the mixture.

Thanks to the effective effects of masks, your skin will not only get rid of irritation and increased sensitivity, but will also recover faster, which means it will be able to maintain youth and beauty for a long time.

Do you use soothing skin masks at home? Please share your experience and favorite recipes in the comments.