Eliminating traces of smallpox

We will talk about this again when we talk about cosmetics, but now we will only say what is most suitable and best suited in this case.

Remedies that eliminate traces of smallpox include, among other things, dried reed roots, bean flour, willow tree scrapings, reed root scrapings, anzarut, seeds and dried melon rinds, washed rice, barley water, egg white, loosened clay, lead oxide , sugar - candy, starch, sweet almonds, bitter almonds, and from oils - iris oil, pistachio oil, donkey fat with rose oil and the like. The liquid found in the hoof of a ram that is fried is extremely beneficial.

More powerful remedies include sea foam, pepper stones, bush, usshak, incense, soap, bavrak, burnt bones, decayed bones, radish seed, dried radish flour, aristolochia, lupine.

Excellent nutrients that improve complexion are sweet pomegranates, chickpeas, aromatic wine, soft-boiled egg yolks, broth from fatty chickens, mountain partridges, roaches and pheasants; Anyone with smallpox scars should constantly go to the bathhouse.

Here is one of the complex medicines that reduces pockmarks: take burnt bones, old sheep feces, new shards of baked clay, starch, melon seeds, washed rice and chickpeas - ten parts each, seeds of ban, lupine, bush, long aristolochia - each five parts at a time, twenty parts of dry cane roots, prepare an ointment from this with melon juice or wild kiss juice, or barley water, or horse bean juice and lubricate the diseased organ with it, and the next morning it is washed with violet decoction.

Or they take equal parts of new shards of baked clay, decayed bones, Persian reed roots, starch, lupine, melon seeds, washed rice, ban and bush seeds and prepare a wash from this. Lupine and black chickpeas are also added there.