Xadid - iron

It is known and comes in three varieties: shaburkan, barmakhan and artificial damask steel. Shaburkan is natural damask steel, and artificial damask steel is damask steel made from barma khan.

Shaburkan scale is close to copper scale. And we devote a special chapter to slag in the section on the letter ha.

Actions and properties.

Iron rust is something astringent and corrosive, and iron slag is weaker than its rust, but stronger than all other slags in terms of drying.

Iron rust and wine are applied to nail infections.

Tumors and acne.
Iron rust and wine are used to lubricate erysipelas and pimples.

Tools with joints.
Iron rust with wine is applied to gout, and it helps.

Organs of the head.
If you grind rust in strong vinegar and boil it in it, then this vinegar will be a cure for chronic suppuration from the ear.

Organs of the eye.
Iron rust is good for thickening of the eyelids and for pterygoid hymen.

Nutritional organs.
Wine and water, in which hot iron has been extinguished, helps against swelling of the spleen, relaxation of the stomach and its weakness.

Eruption organs.
The ability of iron scale to remove water is not as strong as that of copper scale; rust binds iron: it is inserted into the vagina and this stops uterine bleeding. It also dries out kidney buds.

Water and wine, in which iron has been extinguished, retards chronic diarrhea and dysentery, and is useful for relaxing the anus, urinary incontinence and excessive bleeding during menstruation. They enhance sexual ability.