
First of all, it is necessary to establish in relation to the zahir whether it is a true zahir or a false zahir. With false zahir, there is dry retained feces above the anus, which is sometimes squeezed down and often strips the intestine, trying to move the feces; sometimes this is exactly what happens, but they think it is zahir. If something like this happens, you should treat it with soft enemas and burning suppositories, and when the disease does not respond to soft enemas and burning suppositories, then add some spice to their softness and moisture in order to remove dry feces. Then, if only emollient and purely moist substances are needed to remove the remaining feces, limit yourself to them, but sometimes, in the presence of thick matter, it may be necessary to give pills of bdelium or turpentine gum to drink. When there is a fever, then, for example, the laxative cassia, violet wine and the like are required, as well as pills prepared from the laxative cassia, condensed juice of myrtle and tragacanth.

As for true zahir, if the cause is cold that affects the anus, the disease is treated with poultices of hot rags or heated bran, which are applied to the anus, perineum, pubis and ureters. The patient is placed on a bag of warmed millet with salt or a poultice is given to him with a sponge with hot water or a dry heated sponge; lubricate with wax ointment with some hot oils. The sore spot is warmed and lubricated with heated wine and oil of unripe olives and ordered to go to a hot bath and sit on the hot ground. Know that during zahir, cold in most cases is harmful, and slight warming most often helps. Therefore, with most varieties of zahir, poultices are as beneficial as cooling is harmful. In most cases, during zahir, it is harmful to consume food that produces thick and sticky chyme.

If the zahir arose from the fact that a person was sitting on something hard, then the anus is relaxed with a wax ointment made from dill oil and chamomile oil with bdelium and wax, or with the help of hot olive oil, in which a sponge is immersed and applied to the sore spot. If the cause is a hot tumor, then they try to retain the juices flowing to the tumor either through the blood vessels or due to weakening, and also treat the tumor and balance the hot juice. Initially, if necessary, you should treat with bloodletting and greatly reduce your diet; let the sick person even fast for two days, if he can. At the beginning of the disease, water and irrigation should be used that are close to somewhat cold and at the same time soften the tumor and retain the juices that flow into it. Useful remedies include felt soaked in myrtle and rose water with a small amount of henna. At the beginning of the disease, enemas are given, for example, from barley water, black nightshade juice, rose water, rose oil and egg white.

If the flowing juice is matter that is removed by relaxation, then retain it with the help of means known to you, and then make waterings and medicinal dressings with such softening substances as chamomile and dill, mixed with astringent medicines known to you; after that, use ripening agents. If there is an accumulation of pus, then after the tumor has matured, use opening medications; You already know all this from the previous paragraphs. Sometimes an enema of sweet olive oil boiled with some astringent is useful. And when you begin to feed the patient, the best food for him will be fresh boiled milk: it delays the flow from above and softens the sore spot. Good remedies for inducing the maturation and resorption of a tumor and soothing pain include a bandage with fenugreek and mallow, a bandage with sweet clover and a bandage with boiled cabbage. If something stronger is required, add a little fried onion and a little bdelium.

Here is one of the tested patches when the swelling is inflamed and painful: take washed burnt tin, tin white prepared with bitter oranges, and lead oxide with vinegar in equal parts and mix the whole with egg yolks and good, strong rose oil. If you want, add some black nightshade juice and coriander juice, and if you want, add some kalimiyya. Sometimes Kimolos clay in its pure form with egg yolk and rose oil also helps such patients. In case of zahir caused by a solid tumor, you treat the tumor with the means of using tumors known to you. The following was tested: they take bdelium, saffron, henna, dry yellow wallflower and tin white and bind it all with rendered chicken and duck fat or the bone marrow of cow legs and, especially, fallow deer legs mixed with egg yolk, rose and wallflower oil; A plaster is prepared from this.

If the cause of the zahir turns out to be infiltrated putrefactive juice, be it mucus or bile, then since it is sticky mucus, the zahir is treated with honey or, best of all, the juice of salted olives, from which enemas are given, in the amount of one and a half rittles, until the evil spirit there is released juice. Sometimes an enema is given from the squeezed juice of beet leaves, enhanced with violet and turbite, and then the patient should be treated with analgesic suppositories for zahir. Often, with mucous zahir, the patient is forced to drink “smelly pills.” Zahir, which arose due to the residue of juices descending from above and vomiting, should be treated as follows: if there is diarrhea, you delay it, and when you delay it, observe the patient - if he tolerates it well and there is no fear that the diarrhea will recur, put as much a light enema or introduce - for yellow bile matter - a violet suppository with a small amount of salt or - for mucous matter - of condensed honey, laxative cassia with a small amount of bavrac and turbitum. And if you do not dare to do this, then fight with the help of relaxing, numbing and pain-relieving substances.

In severe zahir, when there is no excretion of matter, but only repeated, frequent urges, the cause is sometimes a hard tumor, and sometimes an incessant cold. In this case, make a constant poultice of wool soaked in some warming oil, such as rose, myrtle, violet or chamomile oil with a little wine, and pour the same oil on the anus, pubis and testicles; If the zahir still does not subside, then give the patient an enema of lukewarm sesame oil and let him retain the oil for several hours - this will cure him. This is the method of treatment mentioned by the ancients, which some of the doctors who lived in later times passed off as their own; We tested it, it helps a lot.

If zahir arose as a result of ulcers and corrosion, then observe the patient, and if the nature is strong, do not put up with its dryness, but on the contrary, try to soften the nature with something moderate, a slip-inducing medicine that does not make the feces spicy, since dry feces in such a place very harmful. You should not feed the patient bitter, salty, spicy or very sour foods, because all this gives the stool a burning sensation and the ability to cause pain and abrasions. In general, this ailment should be treated in the same way as corrosion and kula in the gut are treated, relying most of all on candles. If you need to cleanse, then start with an enema of water sweetened with honey, adding a little salt to it; the enema should be such that the water does not rise up through the intestines; or prepare a candle from honey and bavrac and use it, and then start treating ulcers. In case of zahir from kidneys, fistulas and fissures, its cause is treated with means that we will talk about in its place.