
Know that teeth sometimes hurt due to a pain-causing cause present in its substance, as we described above, and sometimes from a pain-causing cause located in the gum, from its tumor, from excess meat grown on it, which absorbs matter , and also due to looseness and sagging gums. Then she takes in bad matter, which rots in her and causes suffering to the teeth, and also makes the teeth unstable.

Sometimes many of those who suffer from bad teeth find it difficult to distinguish between them. Types of dental treatment are varied.

The cause of toothache is either a pure disorder of nature from heat, cold or dryness, due to lack of nutrition, as happens in old people, unlike people who are wet by nature, as has already been taught in its place, or a disorder in the presence of matter or wind . Matter causes pain either in quantity, or thickness, or sharpness; sometimes the matter causes swelling in the tooth itself, sometimes it corrodes and often produces worms. Matter comes either from the stomach, or from the head, or from both places at once, and if the whole body is filled with this matter, then it flows from the body to the teeth in these two ways. Sometimes teeth hurt during acute fevers as a result of complicity in the disorder of nature.

If pain and beating appears under a corroded tooth, then there is an immature surplus at its root. Then the pain and swelling are treated, then the tooth is pulled out.

Signs. You should observe and see if, if there is pain in the tooth, there is damage or swelling in the gum or in adjacent areas. If you find a tumor in the gum, then you can assume that the cause of the pain may not be in the tooth itself. That same It’s best if pressing on the very gum causes pain.

If you do not find a tumor in the gum, then the cause is either in the tooth itself or in the nerve located at the root of the tooth. And if you notice a tumor or corrosion in a tooth, then the reason is in the substance of the tooth; the same thing if it turns out that the pain spreads along the tooth. When the pain is felt only in the depths, then the cause is in the nerve at the root of the tooth, especially if it turns out that the pain spreads in the gums or in the jaw and feels like a sore throat.

You judge the warmth or coldness of the nature of teeth on the basis of what you already know, and you infer dryness from the fragility of the tooth and its looseness. Wind is indicated by moving bursting pain, and thick sap is indicated by immovable pain without very obvious warmth or coldness. Acute blood or yellow-bellied juice is indicated by the rapidity of irritation from what causes pain, stabbing pain, the transition of the color of the gums to a color similar to the corresponding juice, and the sharp warmth of the gums to the touch. You can tell where the source of the juice is, in the brain or in the stomach, by the fact that one or both of them shows congestion.

When the cause of pain is in the gums, then tooth extraction does not help and is not necessary; if the cause of the pain is in the tooth, then it goes away after its removal, and if it is in the nerve, then after the tooth is removed it sometimes goes away, and sometimes it doesn’t go away. The pain then passes only for the reason that the matter, which nature or medicine seeks to dissolve, has found a large place where it spreads after being compressed and retained in the tooth.

Treatment. If the pain occurs due to the complicity of any organ, then begin by cleansing this organ by bloodletting or relaxation, for example, with a laxative and the mildness of coloquinte or, say, scammonium or infusions, or with the help of gargles that clear the head, if the cause is in the head.

When there is a tumor, palpable in the gum or in the flesh between the teeth, then you should start with bloodletting and relaxation, depending on the strength of the patient and other conditions. The patient should, under all circumstances, initially keep in his mouth cooling squeezed juices, decoctions and the like, strengthened with camphor and not too astringent; It is often enough to limit yourself to rose oil and mastic or unripe olive oil or, for example, myrtle oil.

For this, it helps to take old raisin nabeez and raw rose oil, boil the raisin nabeez well in rose oil and keep it in your mouth, and after that gradually move on to dissolving and causing ripening. You should be careful that some of the strong agent does not leak inside. They also gradually move on to removing juice from the diseased organ itself, placing leeches on the roots of the teeth or letting blood flow from a vessel located under the tongue, or placing jars with an incision under the beard. If the pain becomes severe, then you need to glue a salivary agent with camphor to the base of the tooth. And if the pain becomes even stronger, then you often have to use opium with rose oil. However, whenever this can be avoided, it is more correct to leave the opium; It’s better to speed up maturation.

If the cause of the pain is in the tooth itself or in the nerve, but there is no matter, but there is a disorder of nature, then they are treated with known dental counter-medicines. If the cause of the disorder of the teeth and its weakness is chewing something hot, then rinse your mouth with lukewarm oil that is cold in nature, and then you should make it really cold. And if the cause of dental disorder is chewing cold foods, then, on the contrary, use some hot oils, for example, spikenard oil and bana oil, and force them to chew hot fried egg yolk or hot bread. Sometimes both of these methods help with all types of disorders of both mentioned natures.

When the cause of pain is purely dry disorder, rubbing the tooth with butter or duck fat helps. If there is a disorder with matter, no matter what kind of matter it is, acute or thick or abundant, it is necessary to carry out appropriate emptying. In all cases, what should be used at the beginning is something that cools and distracts the matter, and with acute matter this is more necessary, with thick matter it is less necessary; Strongly distracting remedies, especially for cold matter, include burnt alum, quenched with vinegar, with the same amount of salt. Both are thoroughly ground and then consumed, after which the mouth is rinsed with vinegar or wine. One of the means suitable for distracting matter is galls with vinegar. When the matter is acute, they treat it with cooling squeezed juices and take measures to moderate it. If this does not help, then measures are taken to either dissolve it or cause numbness in the tooth. And if the matter is thick or abundant, then after the initial treatment that we mentioned, measures are also taken to dissolve it. It is best if there is rose oil in the vinegar rinse: the fact is that sometimes vinegar, after excess, also carries away the main liquids. It happens that you have to add astringent medications to the dissolving ones, since the organ being treated is dry. When the cause of pain is wind, they are treated with solvents, which will be discussed later, especially sagapen, galbanum and harmala seeds.