Azotemia Renal

Azotemia is a condition in which there is increased nitrogen content in the blood. Usually we are talking about an increase in the level of urea nitrogen, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of protein molecules in the body, but an increase in the level of free hemoglobin can also be considered as azotemia, especially if it is elevated in combination with a decrease in the level of albumin in the blood serum. The following forms of azotemia are distinguished:

- renal form, which is divided into renal azotemia, that is, caused by impaired renal function, and postrenal azotemia, which occurs when the concentration of urine that retains nitrogen decreases;

- extrarenal azotemia – it can be hypoproteinemic, hypoalbuminemic, hypertoxic.

Treatment. Particular attention should be paid to pathogenetic therapy aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused an increase in nitrogen metabolic products in the serum. Intensive therapy is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor and laboratory parameters. It is necessary to include more fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits in the diet, consume less salt, meat and fat. Drinking plenty of fluids is recommended to increase diuresis. If necessary, protein preparations are used. The specific drug is animal protein - albumin. Oral use of diuretics is undesirable, since their long-term use leads to a progressive decrease in glomerular filtration.