Effect of Massage on the Skin

oh system, age, gender, hormonal levels and other factors.

Massage is one of the ways to improve the condition of the skin and increase its functionality. It is carried out by mechanical action on the skin and underlying tissues, which helps improve blood circulation, lymph flow and metabolism.

One of the main effects of massage on the skin is improved blood flow. This increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, which contributes to their normal functioning. In addition, massage stimulates the sweat and sebaceous glands, which helps remove waste and toxins from the body.

Massage also improves lymphatic drainage, which is an important factor for healthy skin. Lymphatic vessels are located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, and their function is to remove excess fluid, toxins and metabolic waste from the body. Massage helps speed up lymphatic drainage, which helps improve metabolism and reduce swelling.

Another positive effect of massage on the skin is improving its tone. Massage helps strengthen muscle tissue, which helps reduce sagging skin and fight cellulite. In addition, massage helps to moisturize the skin, improve its elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

It is important to note that the massage must be carried out correctly so as not to harm the skin. For example, when performing a facial massage, it is necessary to use light, gentle movements so as not to damage thin skin. When massaging the body, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person so as not to damage the skin or cause pain.

So, massage is an effective method of improving the condition of the skin and increasing its functionality. It helps improve blood flow, lymphatic drainage, skin tone, as well as hydration and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The main rule when performing a massage is to take into account the individual characteristics of each person and carry out the procedure correctly.