How to get rid of blue circles under eyes

Medical expert article

“I myself, shameful and corrupt,
With blue circles around the eyes,
I came to look at the important profile,
On wax, open for show. »
(Alexander Blok)

The blue circles around the eyes in A. Blok’s poem “Cleopatra” are a specific image that conveys the sensations of pain and anxiety of the literary hero. In a less romantic sphere, in medicine, blue circles under the eyes are considered a kind of signal from the body - a symptom indicating an illness.

Women, puzzled by this problem, resort to means of aesthetic “disguise.” Fortunately, there are more than enough of them: concealers and correctors are presented in the lines of almost all decorative cosmetics manufacturers. If we talk about men, then they generally rely on the eternal, inherent in our Eastern European mentality, “maybe it will work out somehow.” It is easy to guess that such negligence can sooner or later lead to a worsening of the condition of the skin under the eyes.

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Causes of blue circles under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is considered the most delicate and sensitive area of ​​the face. It has a number of significant features:

  1. the thickness of the epidermis in this zone is only 0.05 mm (for comparison, the thickness of the skin of the cheeks is 0.08-0.3 mm);
  2. it contains a much smaller amount of collagen, and elastin is absent;
  3. There are practically no sebaceous glands and subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  4. She is characterized by pronounced facial activity.

Another feature of the skin around the eyes, most important in the context of this article, is that it has a network of capillaries located very close to the surface. That is why any disturbance in the blood circulation process in the body can cause a change in skin tone. The bluish color is explained by the dark color of capillary blood due to the increased content in the blood of reduced hemoglobin, which has lost oxygen and is combined with carbon dioxide. As already mentioned, the skin around the eyes is very thin, and therefore the blueness is more noticeable in this area.

Thus, the main reason for the appearance of blue circles under the eyes is a large amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin in the small visible vessels of the skin.

Why do blue circles appear under the eyes?

Let's take a closer look at the possible factors influencing the appearance of blue circles under the eyes. They may be:

  1. Heredity, manifested in the structure of the skin: proximity to the surface and severity of the capillary network, anatomical structure of the skull with deep eye sockets.
  2. Presence of diseases:
  1. cardiovascular system, in which there is “stagnation” of blood and insufficient enrichment of it with oxygen;
  2. bronchopulmonary diseases, in which there is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood due to insufficient supply of the latter to the lungs;
  3. disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  4. allergic reactions;
  5. acute rhinitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, hypertrophy of lymphoid tissue, which are accompanied by local stagnation of venous blood, insufficient outflow due to swelling of nearby tissues.
Physical or mental stress and associated disturbances in blood circulation and gas exchange. Deficiency of vitamins C, K, A. Chronic intoxication of the body with nicotine and alcohol. Age-related changes in the appearance of the skin associated with its thinning - the capillary network becomes more noticeable.

When starting the fight against blue circles under the eyes, you first need to find the cause of the blood circulation disorder and try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Blue-red circles under the eyes

As already mentioned, the reason for the appearance of blue-red circles under the eyes often lies in the presence of internal diseases (problems with the kidneys, heart) or is a symptom of an allergy (for example, to gluten). This is how the body signals danger - be sure to see a doctor and get examined.

A sedentary lifestyle, a daily routine according to the “home-work-home” pattern, lack of useful physical activity and lack of fresh air - all this does not affect a person’s well-being in the best way. Externally, the loss of vitality is very quickly reflected on the face: swelling, blue-red circles under the eyes are some of the first “bells” that it’s time to change your daily routine. Daily walks in the park, morning exercises in the fresh air and a healthy eight-hour sleep will restore your healthy appearance and improve your well-being.

In addition, if the cause of the appearance of blue-red circles under the eyes does not lie in kidney or heart disease and is not a symptom of an allergy, they can be eliminated with the help of lotions made from boiled potatoes, fresh cucumber or black tea compresses.

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How to remove blue circles under the eyes?

Concealer is ideal for hiding blue circles under the eyes. It has a denser texture than foundation. The blue circles are covered by orange concealer. It is best applied not only to the area of ​​dark circles, but also around the eyes, including the side of the nose (adjacent to the eye) and the upper eyelid. Use a brush: apply the product using patting movements, without smearing or rubbing it into the skin. After blending the concealer, use foundation to even out your complexion, then powder your skin. This will help temporarily hide unwanted blue discoloration.

You can completely eliminate blue circles under the eyes only by eliminating the causes of their appearance. If they are not associated with the presence of chronic diseases discussed above, but are only a consequence of banal chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, use the following tips:

  1. Restore the correct daily routine. Let us remind you that for an adult, 8 hours is enough time to get enough sleep and regain strength (for people suffering from hypotension, more time is required - approximately 10 hours). Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the bedroom.
  2. Walk outdoors more often, in green areas.
  3. Try to maintain peace of mind. The stress that you experience contributes to the thinning of the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue, which makes blood vessels and capillaries more visible. Try to learn to cope with everyday troubles. The following books can help you with this: “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie and “The Perfectionist Paradox” by Tal Ben-Shahar.
  4. Everyone knows that nicotine constricts blood vessels, often leaving a memorable mark on the smoker’s face in the form of dark circles under the eyes. You can get rid of them by giving up a bad habit; a book can also come to the rescue in this difficult task. We recommend that all smokers read Allen Carr's bestseller “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.”
  5. Don't forget to do a light massage of the skin around your eyes every morning - this helps improve blood circulation. Two to three minutes of light tapping with your fingertips from the outer corner of the eye socket to the inner one is enough.

There are also many folk recipes for eliminating blue circles under the eyes. Here are the most popular ones.

  1. A decoction of finely chopped parsley. To prepare it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over fresh herbs and let the broth sit for 15 minutes. Using cotton swabs, apply warm decoction to the eyelid area every evening. Don’t forget: afterwards you need to lightly massage your eyelids with ice, and the procedures can be alternated.
  2. Green tea lotions. It is advisable to use tea not fresh, but already drunk (one that has been poured with boiling water several times already). These lotions are also best done before bed.
  3. Cottage cheese compress: put 1.5 dessert spoons in gauze swabs, put the latter on the eyes, hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Potato mask. Mix 2 tablespoons of grated potatoes with 1 teaspoon of clay, apply to a gauze napkin, place it on your eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the mask with cotton wool soaked in green tea.

For the author of this article, olive oil has become an effective remedy in the fight against blue circles. The blueness under my eyes was due to chronic lack of sleep and working for many hours every day in front of a monitor screen. Having read an enthusiastic review of the oil on one of the forums dedicated to the problem, I decided to take the advice. I was impressed by the simplicity of the manipulation: you just need to lubricate the dry skin under your eyes with olive oil before going to bed. The result did not take long to arrive, so I recommend you try it too - after a few days I noticed improvements, and after two weeks the blue circles under my eyes completely disappeared.

Bruises under the eyes, swelling, bags are quite a common problem for modern people, and the question arises of how to quickly remove them. Many believe that these minor changes are not serious.

People don’t even think that this phenomenon indicates problems in the body, attributing everything to fatigue. Doctors are confident that the causes of the disorders lie much deeper.

Dark circles and bruises under the eyes in an adult: what to do, treatment

There are various ways to solve the problem of bruises. Most often they are associated with the normalization of lifestyle and daily routine. The treatment involves the use of medicines, cosmetics and traditional medicine.

The appearance of circles under the eyes indicates that abnormalities have occurred in the body, so immediately you need to change your daily routine to remove them faster:

  1. The main thing during treatment is healthy sleep. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day in a ventilated room.
  2. Maintaining water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. 2 liters of water is a mandatory fluid requirement.
  3. Stop smoking, drinking and using drugs immediately.
  4. Eat meat, fish, and carbohydrates that contain vitamin B.
  5. Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed. Cosmetics should be selected according to age and skin type.
  6. Walk every day for at least 2 hours.
  7. Provide the workspace with the right amount of light.
  8. After every half hour of watching TV, do eye exercises.

How to quickly remove bruises, dark circles and swelling (bags) under the eyes.


Home treatments cannot always help cope with such a problem as dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetologists will tell you how to quickly remove this problem. Modern cosmetology offers various ways to solve the problem of bruises.

Mesotherapy is the best remedy for bruises, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes

Mesotherapy is a complex of various procedures that eliminate puffiness under the eyes. It is performed using injections, which are selected individually by cosmetologists depending on the client’s skin condition.


  1. Various useful microelements: zinc, magnesium. They enrich the skin, maintaining its health, youth and elasticity.
  2. Hyaluronic acid needed to maintain water balance and moisturize the skin.
  3. Vitamins – B1 improves blood circulation in the body, B6 reduces puffiness, moisturizes the skin, H gives a healthy appearance and fills the skin with radiance.
  4. Collagen, which fights skin aging and wrinkles.

Mesotherapy is not a pleasant procedure; it is quite painful and requires several sessions. It may leave marks from injections, so it is especially important to choose a competent professional cosmetologist who will carry out the procedure.

Vitamins for bruises and dark circles under the eyes

Restoring vitamin balance is an important point in solving problems such as dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove bags - make up for the lack of vitamins. Insufficient intake of vitamins causes bags to appear. The main ones are vitamins C and K.

Vitamin C is designed to reduce the concentration of degraded red blood cells. To solve the problem of vitamin C deficiency, you can use creams with this substance, as well as eat foods enriched with the vitamin.

Vitamin K visually hides the capillaries that are located near the surface of the skin. It also soothes the skin, relieves puffiness and gets rid of spider veins. The use of creams enriched with vitamin K is considered to prevent the appearance of bags under the eyes. The element exists in capsules.

Lymphatic drainage massage for circles under the eyes

Lymphatic drainage is carried out in specialized beauty salons. It normalizes the circulation of blood and subcutaneous fluids, which allows you to quickly remove bruises under the eyes.

There are two types of massage:

  1. Hardware massage. There are several options for its implementation - vacuum lymphatic drainage and exposure using microcurrents. Before performing the procedure, you should definitely get permission from your doctor, as it has contraindications.
  2. Manual lymphatic drainage. The specialist massages the eyelids, using special cosmetic oils and creams. As a result, excessive swelling is removed and blood circulation improves. The procedure is not very complicated, and if you learn it, you can do it at home.

Lymphatic drainage lasts 10-20 minutes, swelling usually goes away after 10 daily massages.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes at home: folk remedies

Folk remedies help the skin remove faster bruises under the eyes. Only your skin can tell you how to quickly remove this problem., its type and cause of bruises. Treatment requires medicinal herbs and creams based on natural ingredients that can be made at home. The main thing in treatment at home is the regularity of procedures. It is necessary to carry out 3-4 procedures per week for 20 minutes.

Eye lotions for swelling and bruising

Since ancient times, people have been tormented by such a problem as bruises under the eyes. People found how to quickly remove them from nature. Lotions can be made from a variety of natural ingredients, depending on the reason that caused the appearance of puffiness under the eyes.

The compress is applied to a face cleansed of makeup. The mixture itself is placed in cheesecloth, then a decoction is made.

There are various decoctions for lotions:

  1. Chamomile decoction. To do this, take a teaspoon of chamomile flowers, place them in a gauze bag and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Wait until the compress cools down a little and apply it to your eyes. You can keep this lotion for 15-20 minutes.
  2. 2% boric acid can also be used as a compress. Keep lotions from it on your eyes for 15 minutes. This recipe must be used very carefully. The acid should not get into the eyes, otherwise irritation may occur.
  3. Grated potatoes most commonly used to treat swelling. It is applied to the eyes for 15 minutes. You can make another recipe for a potato-based compress - you need to mix potato pulp, raw egg yolk and ¼ teaspoon of olive oil. The lotions are also kept on the eyes for 15 minutes.
  4. Lotions from tea bags, perhaps the easiest way. You just need to brew the tea, wait for the bags to cool a little and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes.
  5. Will help get rid of swelling cabbage juice, which is applied using a piece of gauze.
  6. Made for long-term use ice cubes with medicinal herbs. You need herbs like lemon balm, chamomile and others; they are crushed, filled with water and placed in ice trays. In the morning, use this cube to wipe the area around the eyes.

Eye mask for dark circles and bruises

Masks are more effective than lotions, but you need to know how to prepare them. It is important to choose the right ingredients so that they do not injure the skin or cause an allergic reaction.

You need to keep the mask for no more than 10 minutes - this time is enough for the active components to start working.

With the correct selection of elements for masks, dark circles under the eyes will quickly disappear.

Basic requirements for preparing a mask:

  1. Elements should be taken in small quantities and applied immediately after preparation.
  2. For mixing you need to choose wooden or glass dishes. A metal container will cause the components to oxidize and ruin the mask.
  3. All liquid components must be warm; it is important not to allow their temperature to rise.

There are many combinations of different elements, but you need to check whether something will cause an allergic reaction. Most The following mask options are common:

  1. Grate the potatoes into 1 tablespoon, add half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. In 1 tbsp. 1 tbsp of sour cream is added. chopped dill.
  3. Add parsley to melted butter (1 tbsp) until creamy.
  4. A morning mask of aloe juice, grated potatoes and two drops of lemon is added to the cucumber mixture, sprinkled with a pinch of spinach and basil.

Experts advise applying homemade masks an hour before bedtime. Before application, the face must be cleansed; during the procedure, you should not strain your eyesight (watch TV, read a book).

After removing the mask, you can apply cream to your face.

You cannot make the same mask for more than 2 months, as the body gets used to the components and stops reacting to them. Masks help remove dark circles under the eyes quite quickly, without harming the skin.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy

Heparin ointment is very effective if you need to remove bruises under the eyes. It is used in the absence of contraindications for use and allows you to quickly remove swelling. The basis of the drug is sodium heparin. It keeps the skin youthful and elastic, moisturizes and strengthens it.

The ointment should be applied twice a day, applying it in a thin layer. The course of treatment is prescribed for no more than 10 days, then you need to take a break for a month. Used as a mask, which is applied for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed with an alcohol-free tonic or lotion.

Often the ointment is used as a compress. To do this, apply the ointment to the eyes and apply cotton pads on top for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure every day for a week.

This medicinal ointment should not be used in the following cases:

  1. if there are open wounds or scratches on the face;
  2. for problems with blood clotting;
  3. allergic reactions to the entire ointment or its components;
  4. taking antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs or tetracycline ointment;
  5. menstrual period;
  6. pregnancy.

Heparin ointment is an effective remedy for bruises and black circles under the eyes

When purchasing a cream, it is important to pay attention to its composition. Active components should moisturize and tighten the skin, reduce swelling and the formation of wrinkles. These elements are:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. collagen;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. natural elements – chamomile, tea, ginseng;
  5. caffeine;
  6. vitamin A.

The cream is selected based on your skin type.

Oily skin requires a light cream consistency that will have a mattifying effect. For dry skin, thick creams with increased nutrition and moisturizing effect are perfect. For sensitive skin, you should purchase hypoallergenic preparations.

Apply the drug to cleansed skin in the morning and evening. It is recommended to keep the cream for no more than 60 minutes, optimally 40-45 minutes. There is no need to apply a large amount of cream, because this can harm thin and delicate facial skin. If you follow all the instructions correctly, dark circles under the eyes can be removed quickly and for a long time.

How to quickly remove dark, black circles around the eyes, how to hide dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetics

Cosmetics can hide visible skin imperfections in the eye area. They are perfect if you need to remove dark circles under the eyes. How to quickly remove swelling will be determined by your ability to use cosmetic devices.

What concealer can be used to disguise dark circles under the eyes?

The color range of correctors allows you to take into account all the features of a woman’s face. Working with corrector is more difficult than working with concealer; it requires care.

If bruises appear due to insomnia, it is advised to choose a blue corrector. It will hide dark circles under the eyes and remove redness.

If there is a purple tint around your eyes, you can use a yellow corrector. Blue bags under the eyes are perfectly removed by an orange product.

Experts recommend using liquid and cream correctors, as they have a moisturizing effect.

It is better to use pencils as little as possible - they lead to dehydration of the facial skin and can injure delicate areas.

How to choose a good concealer for dark circles

The concealer is easy to use, but it does not cure the problem, it only masks it.

There are several types of this tool:

The choice of one product or another is determined by the characteristics of the skin. The choice of colors is the same as that of correctors. It is advised to choose a product that is slightly lighter than the base. Concealer should be applied to the face after cream or gel, with light massaging movements from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.

If after this there is excessive shine, the skin can be powdered or foundation applied.

Bruises around, in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose: causes

Before starting treatment for puffy eyes, you need to identify the cause of its formation. The most common causes are poor lifestyle, lack of sleep and stress.

In order to solve these problems, you need to adjust your rhythm of life. But if the bruises do not go away, you need to see a doctor to determine the cause.

Why do bruises and dark (brown) circles appear?

You can select Several main causes of bruises in women:

  1. Stress and lack of sleep deplete a person and can lead to serious illnesses. If you cannot cure stress on your own, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  2. Poor nutrition can lead to an imbalance of essential microelements and vitamins. This, of course, will affect the skin, swelling or hyperpigmentation may occur.
  3. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.
  4. Age, heredity.
  5. Low-quality cosmetics. Causes skin changes, dryness and loss of elasticity.
  6. Diseases. Liver and kidney diseases and allergic reactions can also cause swelling on the face. If brown circles under the eyes are found on your face, you should immediately consult a doctor. This color indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in the body.

Dark (blue) circles under the eyes in men

Men also suffer from dark circles under the eyes. Ways to quickly remove swelling are similar to those advised to women. The cause of blue puffiness is severe overwork, stress, and lack of sleep.

If the bags are dark blue, then the cause may be a disease - hypoxia, poor functioning of the heart or blood vessels.

What causes bruises under a child's eyes?

Bruises in young children cause concern for parents. Their appearance requires a visit to the doctor. Most often doctors call the following Causes of children's circles under the eyes:

  1. infections and parasites in the body;
  2. bad ecology;
  3. avitaminosis;
  4. heredity;
  5. overwork;
  6. allergy;
  7. poor blood circulation.

The bluish tint of the skin under the eyes is most noticeable in one-year-old children, because it is delicate, light and thin. In the case of a clearly unhealthy shade of blue under the child’s eyes, consultation with a specialist is required.

What works best for bruises and dark circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern for people, and it is important to learn how to get rid of them quickly. Swelling under the eyes indicates that there are disorders occurring in the body that need to be treated. You can use cosmetic procedures - they will remove puffiness, enrich the skin with vitamins and moisturize it.

This is done in a salon by a cosmetologist, but you need to be prepared for the costs. A budget-friendly method of treatment is folk remedies, which are applied in the form of masks and compresses.

Medicinal herbs are less effective than cosmetology, but they are safer and have virtually no contraindications. Correctors and concealers are great for hiding bruises, but they do not heal the skin, so it is better to use them together with a medicinal product.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes: video

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes at home:

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetics:

Black circles and bruises under the eyes occur as in most adults, and sometimes in children. According to doctors, the causes of swelling and darkening around the eyes can be completely different. To eliminate black circles around the eyes, you first need to find out the nature of the disease, and then engage in complex treatment depending on the main etiology of the disease.

The best way to remove dark circles under the eyes is to get a good night's sleep, but this is not always possible. So I use chamomile lotions or green tea bags. It helps me.

Dark circles under the eyes create the effect of an exhausted and tired face.

And you can get rid of such an exciting problem. The main thing is to carefully study all the methods, including traditional medicine. Initially, you need to find out all the possible causes of blue discoloration and swelling.

Most common reasons

1. Excessively thin skin

The thinnest skin is located directly under our eyes. There is no intermediate fat layer there at all. Over time, delicate skin becomes thinner and thinner. Small bluish vessels begin to appear through it. Such changes occur among people of different generations. Even young people are not immune from this trouble. Given this fact, it is recommended to reduce the time spent in direct sunlight. It is also necessary to reduce trips to the solarium to a minimum, so as not to aggravate the critical situation even further.

2. Diseases of internal organs

Various small vessels are accumulated in the lower eyelid area. They expand when the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland or liver are not functioning properly. Taking some medications provokes enlargement of blood vessels. Because of this, they become more pronounced.

3. Iron deficiency

Blue-purple circles generally indicate iron deficiency. They also talk about severe dehydration. This is especially true for women who are on mono-diets, eating monotonous foods. The result is a lack of required microelements and vitamins in the body. Hair and facial skin suffer from this.

4. Hereditary factor

“Bruises” can be found in people with small, deep-set eyes. This is the anatomical structure of the face - nothing can be done about it. Such distinctive features may be present in a family for several generations.

5. Insomnia and fatigue

Insomnia and chronic fatigue are among the most common causes. Constant lack of sleep and lack of rest is a guarantee of persistent blue under the eyes. This cannot be achieved without changing the regime. People with this problem should get more rest and go to bed earlier.

Methods to combat blue circles under the eyes

1. Do a facial massage every morning. Direct a stream of warm water onto your face, then turn on cool water. To complete this procedure, 3-4 minutes will be enough.

2. Soak two cotton pads with freshly brewed tea and apply to your eyes for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water and lightly dry with a towel. Gently apply a special cream to the skin of the eyelids.

3. Fresh cottage cheese works great for dark circles. Place one teaspoon of cottage cheese in two gauze bags. Hold them on your eyes for 15 minutes. Lubricate your eyelids with nourishing cream.

4. Potatoes eliminate swelling and blue circles. Remove the skins from the boiled potatoes. Cut into 2 halves. Cool until pleasantly warm. Apply to eyes for 30 minutes.

5. Prepare a decoction of medicinal chamomile, green tea, parsley root or St. John's wort. Fill the cells in a freezer container. Every morning, wipe the lower eyelid area with prepared cosmetic ice. Allow your face to dry on its own. Apply eye balm.

If you regularly perform such manipulations, the circles and swelling will disappear, the skin tone will increase, and small blood vessels will be strengthened.

Video on the topic: