Wheat germ oil facial oil for wrinkles reviews

Girls, who uses wheat germ oil to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes? any results? When is it better to use it: morning or evening? If I put something under my eyes in the evening, I get swelling in the morning(

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I use different ones - wheat germ or avocado, sometimes peach 9 all from 36.6 pharmacies). The cosmetologist advised me this way - at night, NO LATER than 1.5 hours before bedtime. We smear the lower eyelid along the bone, on top under the eyebrows. You can’t go lower to the eyelashes, it will distribute itself. I'm very pleased. It’s not advisable to use it every day, but it doesn’t work out every day - after all, it’s not always possible to be home early

But I don’t think that such oil should be smeared in its pure form.
By the way, about edema, I have the same thing.
I remember I smeared castor oil on my eyelashes, so the oil dripped onto my eyes overnight, and in the morning it wasn’t very good

I smear almond oil and a few drops of essential geranium all over my face before going to bed, there is an effect. But wheat germ oil needs to be diluted, in its pure form it is a bit heavy.

3rd guest, do you add geranium oil to your face cream, did I not quite understand? And what brand of oils do you use? Thank you if you answer))

There are base oils - wheat germ, almond, etc., there are essential oils - geranium, orange, patchouli. a few drops of essential oil are added to a tablespoon of the base one, there are many combinations, look at forum.aromarti.ru. I use aromavit oils. Essential oils can also be added to the cream. By the way, here on the forum they advised me to try oils instead of cream, it suited me very well, both natural and effectively

Cool stuff! My mother has been using it for several years now and there are no wrinkles, although she is 40))) but she usually uses it during the day) It also helps with stretch marks and cellulite)

Related topics

Add MZP or rosehip oil to baby cream. Almond + a couple of drops of sandalwood are also good for the eyes.

I have been smearing wheat germ oil under my eyes for several years before going to bed, there was no swelling. Now I’ve stopped applying it, but still no wrinkles, even though I’m already 31 years old.

There are base oils - wheat germ, almond, etc., there are essential oils - geranium, orange, patchouli. a few drops of essential oil are added to a tablespoon of the base one, there are many combinations, look at forum.aromarti.ru. I use aromavit oils. Essential oils can also be added to the cream. By the way, here on the forum they advised me to try oils instead of cream, it suited me very well, both natural and effectively

Do not mix essential oils with base oils for the eyes.

Cool stuff! My mother has been using it for several years now and there are no wrinkles, although she is 40))) but she usually uses it during the day) It also helps with stretch marks and cellulite)

There are very interesting thoughts about natural cosmetics on the blog, where the author writes about the harmfulness of various components and whether all this is true. I advise you to read it.
And on topic - I apply pure green coffee oil under my eyes. I don’t know how it is with wrinkles, I don’t have them yet, but it removes swelling with a bang.

Oh, girls, be careful with these essential oils, they say right here, it’s best to first study a lot of information about aromatic oils.
I won’t say anything about the basic ones; they all suit my face. But the ethereal ones. I read about them, from the wrinkles around the eyes. mixed it up. basic + 2 essential, sandalwood and neroli, well, it stung a little, well, I think the sting means it works. no fool. in this. two weeks with peeling skin around the eyes. burned all my skin.
Firstly, this was the case, and secondly, sometimes (i.e. it was enough only twice) I added it to the bath, tried different ones, and after a couple of minutes I flew out of it with a terrible burning sensation all over my BODY.
As a result, now I use essential oils only in hair masks.

I have been smearing wheat germ oil under my eyes for several years before going to bed, there was no swelling. Now I’ve stopped applying it, but still no wrinkles, even though I’m already 31 years old.

I applied peach oil and wheat germ oil, woke up, and there was terrible swelling around my eyes. And I burned all the skin around my eyes. So, be careful. Now I can’t even go outside.

Strange. I mix the same oils and everything is fine. Apply with a damp cotton pad to the face and around the eyes during the day.

I, too, had swelling and pimples from peach oil, although I never got pimples from oils, but I bought the oil at the pharmacy for 50 rubles. It may not be of high quality, although usually real oils cost from 300 rubles or more. but from the wheat germ everything was fine. good oils from Styx, I want to buy wheat germ oil there 600 rubles 100ml

I use wheat germ oil with rosehip oil 1:3, as in the instructions, on the bones around the eyes. Small wrinkles gradually disappear. But there is a question. After using any oil as a mask, do you need to apply regular cream to the face and area around the eyes? and if so, how long after using the mask.

My friend follows approximately the same scheme and yes, she applies a moisturizing cream from the ecochemical series with porbiotics, she is now completely on “healthy” cosmetics.

Can I mix wheat germ oil with my regular night cream? When I bought the oil, it was written on the box - add 2 drops and apply it like that, later I started looking for the box and couldn’t find it. Now I’m tormented by doubts - maybe I didn’t understand correctly?


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Benefits of wheat germ oil

All the power of cereal oil is hidden in its natural composition. Amino acids (leucine and tryptophan), polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-9), vitamin complex (B1, B6, A), antioxidants (squalene, allantoin) - in total more than ten biologically active substances and microelements. Only wheat oil contains the most “vitamin of youth” (E), which helps maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin.

Universal wheat germ oil is suitable for girls and women with any skin type. Dry and sensitive skin receives additional nutrition and hydration; oily and problematic skin gets rid of greasy shine and blackheads.

Etherol perfectly stimulates metabolic processes (metabolism and oxygen exchange), and also starts blood circulation. Slows down the aging process, blocks ultraviolet rays and removes harmful toxins. With sagging and thinning skin, the color and contour of the face are evened out.

With regular use, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out, pores are narrowed, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

Damage to wheat germ oil

Individual intolerance to wheat germ oil is extremely rare. This can be determined using an allergy test. Apply a few drops of essential oil to your wrist and wait 15-20 minutes. If there are no obvious signs of irritation - swelling or redness - the oil is suitable.

It is not recommended to apply wheat germ oil to bleeding scratches or immediately after salon facial cleansing (peeling).

How to choose wheat germ oil

To purchase, go to a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store.

Ask for a sample of the oil: study its consistency and smell. Quality wheat germ oil has a persistent herbal aroma and a viscous texture ranging from brown to pale amber in color.

Choose bottles with dark glass, so the oil will retain all its beneficial microelements longer. Pay attention to the expiration date.

Storage conditions. Once opened, keep the oil in a cool, dark place. Close the lid carefully after each use. If after some time you find sediment at the bottom, do not be alarmed. This is a wax that is part of the oil. Just shake the bottle.

Applications of wheat germ oil

The oil is applied in different ways: in its pure form, as part of masks, other oils and homemade creams.

Due to its viscous texture, essential oils are most often diluted with light oils in a ratio of 1:3. Peach, apricot and rose oils work well. Important: metal utensils are not suitable for mixing.

Surprisingly, in combination with creams, a little wheat germ can be applied to particularly sensitive areas: eyelids, under the eyes and lips.

Leave face masks on for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise you will burn your skin.

In its pure form, etherol is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin to cauterize acne. The oil can be heated, but not above 40 degrees, so that all the beneficial substances do not evaporate.

Apply cosmetics with wheat germ oil only to previously cleansed skin.


Wheat germ oil is a real gift from nature. This is an irreplaceable source of vitamin E. In terms of the amount of tocopherol, wheat oil has no equal. It is consumed as food, medicines are prepared on its basis, and is also actively used in cosmetology. This product is obtained directly from wheat grains by cold pressing.

Composition and beneficial properties of wheat oil

The composition of the product is extremely rich and varied. Wheat oil contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements that allow keep youth, beauty and health. Thanks to its unique composition, this product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and helps dissolve plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Chemical composition

Among the vitamins, the largest amount belongs to tocopherol (vitamin E), known for its anti-aging properties. In addition to this, the oil also contains:

  1. maslo-zarodyshej-pshenicy-VKyNRMG.webp

    Amino acids, allantoin and lecithin.
  2. Carotene and vitamins D, PP and K.
  3. All B vitamins.
  4. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of insulin, as well as in the biological metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is extremely necessary for men's health, as it is directly involved in the production of testosterone. It also improves the quality and increases the quantity of sperm.
  5. Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.
  6. The microelement selenium, which increases immunity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  7. Antioxidant squalene and octacosanol.

This drug is a powerful antitumor agent. It is recommended to take one teaspoon daily in the morning on an empty stomach to prevent cancer.

Benefits and contraindications

This product has a wide range of applications. It is used in the manufacture of masks for hair, face and body. With its help, they improve the condition of eyelashes and nails, and also clean blood vessels.

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    This oil not only removes dirt and makeup from the face, but also effectively unclogs pores and removes harmful toxins.
  2. By taking it internally, you can start the rejuvenation process. The polyunsaturated acids that make up this product are involved in the construction of cells of all internal organs. They stimulate their renewal and protect against free radicals.
  3. It is used to heal wounds, burns, cuts and ulcers. Due to its high regenerating property, it perfectly heals any damage.
  4. The product removes toxins and waste. It is also used to cleanse blood vessels and the liver.

It has virtually no contraindications. It can be used by pregnant women and small children. This product is not recommended for patients with gallstone disease and in case of individual intolerance.

How to use the oil

It can be consumed pure or mixed with other oils. Usually they try to take oil in a ratio of 1:2 or even 1:3. This product goes very well with grape seed oil, as well as olive and flaxseed oil. Undiluted wheat germ oil has high biological activity and is therefore used in small doses.

Face masks

This product can be used to make great mask for aging skin. The most popular recipes are the following:

  1. maslo-zarodyshej-pshenicy-doqoXjq.webp

    Add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and a teaspoon of wheat to the fatty cottage cheese. All components are mixed. The mixture is applied to a cleanly washed face and kept for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and lubricate your face with nourishing cream. It is recommended to do this mask every day for a week.
  2. Beat a quail egg with a teaspoon of wheat oil and add honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face. This mask can revitalize the most tired skin.
  3. You can nourish dry skin with the following composition: dilute oatmeal in warm water and add wheat oil. The mixture is applied to the face and kept for 20 minutes. Should avoid eye area, since this mask tends to tighten the skin. Instead of water, you can prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs: mint, chamomile or yarrow.
  4. If the face mask is intended for oily skin, then it should include a few drops of lemon juice or any sour berries. It is especially recommended to use black currants, raspberries and strawberries. Fruit acids in berries tighten pores, regulate sebum production and neutralize acne-causing bacteria.

It is beneficial to use wheat germ oil for eyelashes. With this product you can build up and strengthen them. To do this, a small part of wheat oil is mixed with castor and the resulting mixture is applied to the eyelashes twice a day. To improve the shape of your eyebrows, make them thicker and more voluminous, you should nourish them daily with a mixture of wheat and burdock oil.

The composition is applied using a brush from used mascara or an old toothbrush.

Application for hair

Thanks to the huge content of vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids, this product significantly improves the condition of curls, strengthens them along the entire length and helps revitalize hair follicles. It can be used in its pure form, lubricating the roots before washing your hair, but cosmetologists recommend making masks with several components. The most popular are the following compositions:

  1. maslo-zarodyshej-pshenicy-afgjW.webp

    To strengthen and grow hair, it is recommended to mix wheat oil with grated onion pulp. A teaspoon of natural honey and three drops of rosemary are added to the composition.
  2. To treat dry seborrhea, a remedy is prepared from several types of vegetable oil. A teaspoon of wheat, grape seeds and apricot is added to two tablespoons of flaxseed oil. It is advisable to heat the mixture and wrap your hair in a towel.
  3. Once every two months it is recommended to carry out peeling of skin and scalp. It stimulates blood circulation and also removes dead skin cells, allowing the roots to breathe and receive maximum benefits from the masks.
  4. To strengthen the curls along the entire length, make them denser and smoother, it is recommended to use the following composition: dilute rye bread in a small amount of kefir, add two tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of wheat. Heat the mixture a little and apply to unwashed hair, paying special attention to the roots. Thanks to this mask, the condition of the hair improves, and also noticeably their growth increases. This composition contains a huge amount of vitamin B, A, the trace element calcium and amino acids.

It is recommended to make masks in courses and at least 15 times. As a rule, the first result becomes noticeable within a week. Cosmetologists recommend consuming one teaspoon of oil every day. Thanks to the vitamin attack, acting from the inside and outside, you can get gorgeous hair and healthy skin without wrinkles in the near future.

Reviews about the oil

I have oily skin, so I have never used oils. But my cosmetologist advised me to try wheat germ oil for the face. Reviews from cosmetologists convinced me of its benefits. The fact is that I began to experience irritation on my skin in the form of some redness and rashes. I no longer knew what to do. In the end, only wheat oil helped me. If I had known it was so simple, I would have started using it even earlier. Now I regret that I spent so much money on expensive lotions.

After the second use, my skin was almost healed, only a few spots remained, which also went away over time. I just love this butter. I use it not only for my face, but also for my hands. And recently I learned that you can use wheat germ oil for hair. Reviews on the forums confirmed my opinion about it. For curls, I prepare the following mask: I combine several types of oil, add a small amount of mustard powder and lubricate the hair roots with this mixture. Now my hair is growing strong and strong.

I used this oil for age spots. As a result, they became much lighter. I also noticed that thanks to it, pimples and minor redness disappear. My skin constantly gets irritated. So, thanks to wheat oil, they completely disappeared. Before that, I had to buy expensive products for sensitive skin and carefully select decorative cosmetics. Thanks to this product, I am now absolutely free to choose any foundation or powder.

I do the following: after I wash my face, I apply a small amount of oil to the skin, let it nourish and only then use the cream. Unfortunately, it is sold in very small quantities. I run out of 30 ml bottles very quickly, so I have to buy them often. And I am very pleased with the product.

I bought this product to smooth out crow's feet in the corners of my eyes. Within a month I noticed the result: the wrinkles did not go away, but they became less noticeable. Unfortunately, I have a habit of squinting my eyes and very active facial expressions, so it is extremely difficult for me to fight wrinkles. If it weren't for the oil, things would have been much worse.

It is true that it has anti-aging properties. I was convinced of this myself. With its help you can cure small wounds, scratches and pimples. If you anoint them at night, then the next morning they become lighter, and after another day they disappear completely. I tried to smear my eyelashes with it. I really liked the result. Indeed, the growth of eyelashes has noticeably accelerated, they have become denser and darker.

I am allergic to cosmetics, so finding a good cream is a real problem for me. The solution was to use natural oils. At the pharmacy I was advised to buy wheat germ oil for my face. Reviews about it were the most positive. As soon as I started using it, the irritation on my face went away, and even the red capillaries became invisible. As I later learned, wheat sprouts greatly strengthen blood vessels and heal them.

After two months of use, my skin became tight, elastic and hydrated. Moreover, the effect lasts for a very long time. If I smear my face in the evening, then the next day my skin is not dry, but in very good condition before lunch. Previously, I usually woke up in the morning and immediately ran for moist cream. So now I recommend it to all my friends.

Recently, I have given up any night facial creams and use only natural oils. I have already tried apricot, flaxseed, and coconut. And now I decided to try wheat germ oil. I studied the properties, application, reviews and recommendations for use on the forums. I was satisfied with the information I received, so I bought it.

It has a very soft consistency, it is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. In a word, the advantages are obvious. I use it to lubricate not only my face, but also my hands instead of cream. By the way, it can also be added to ready-made store products. My friend has been doing exactly this for many years. The skin after it is moisturized, soft and noticeably rejuvenated.

This is the oil I use for my hair. I just apply a small amount to the parting and leave it on for a while. It smells very good and, importantly, is easily washed out of the hair. After washing my hair, I apply a small amount to the ends of my hair. I do it as follows. I rub a few drops in my hands and smear it through my hair with quick movements. It is advisable that the ends are not dry, otherwise the layer of oil will be uneven. I used to use grape seed oil, but after trying wheat germ, I started using it exclusively.

It’s almost impossible to prepare it at home, no matter how hard I tried, so I have to buy it at the pharmacy. Although its price is not that low.