Jacque's facial massage video

Facial massage is famous for its beneficial effects on the skin. The face becomes fresh and tightened. But it’s not always possible to carry out the procedure. Various skin rashes are obvious limitations to the session. For such “lucky ones” there is a special technique - Jacquet massage. The effect helps cleanse problematic skin, tone muscles and tissues.

Efficiency of technology

In contrast to the classic relaxing massage procedures, the Jacquet effect is an aggressive, painful technique. The essence of the manipulation comes down to pinching the skin. The intensity of tissue capture varies. There are pinches ranging from superficial, barely noticeable to deep, causing obvious discomfort.


Thanks to the force of influence, miraculous power is hidden in the hands of a specialist. The effect on the skin gives a significant healing effect. The use of Jacquet massage is now intended to solve various cosmetological problems. Previously, the technique was prescribed exclusively for medical purposes. The actions helped treat various dermatological diseases.

The technique was invented by the French dermatologist Leonard Jacquet, whose name is given to the technique. The impact was initially positioned as a therapeutic procedure. The technique helped normalize the internal processes of the skin (blood supply to tissues, sebum secretion, pigmentation). Stabilization of metabolic mechanisms influenced the rate of healing.

Interesting fact. Jacquet proposed a lot of innovative ideas in the field of dermatology, but only pinch massage went beyond the scope of the healing process. The invention of the procedure occurred at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, but the technique has only now received widespread recognition.

Indications for testing

The procedure using the plucking method is for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. Correct implementation of the procedure, taking into account indications and restrictions, brings effective results. With the help of Jacquet's massage, various dermatological problems are quickly eliminated. The procedure is indicated for prevention, alleviation of the condition, and complete elimination of symptoms of the presence of the following conditions:

  1. oily seborrhea;
  2. cicatricial lesions, old scars;
  3. acne, blackheads, their consequences;
  4. comedones, milia, infiltrates;
  5. hyperkeratosis.

In addition to obvious manifestations of a dermatological nature, Jacquet's massage normalizes:

  1. impaired blood circulation in the affected area;
  2. increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  3. activity of stagnant areas.

The effectiveness of the technique is recognized not only for diseases and dysfunctions of the body, but also for external manifestations of aging (wrinkles, ptosis, sagging). The effect is useful when trying to lose weight. The technique helps break up and compact loose fatty tissue.

A competent approach to massage will help you cope with various manifestations in 3-4 procedures. Regular courses of exposure help to completely eliminate the problem.

Despite the “additional” effectiveness, the procedure is primarily aimed at getting rid of acne and other dermatological problems. There is no need to rely on technology when trying to rejuvenate.

Execution technique

Watching the master’s actions during Jacquet’s massage, it seems that there is nothing complicated in the technique. It's a delusion. The technique is complex and requires special knowledge, perfect mastery of the method of influence, and concentration. The following techniques are used during the massage:

  1. pinching (deep grasping of soft tissues);
  2. kneading;
  3. vibration combined with pinching and pressing.

Important! Strict adherence to technology guarantees the desired result. Incompetent use of technology can negatively affect your appearance.

To prepare for the session, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face. The massage therapist must wash his hands and use an antiseptic. The skin must be preheated (light kneading). The use of creams and oils is not intended.

A fatty substance can negatively affect inflammation. To better grip the skin, it is permissible to treat it with talcum powder (baby powder).

The next stage will be the main impact. The massage lines are worked with pinch movements. The capture of the skin is fast, rhythmic, intense, the pace gradually increases.

They work by adding the thumb and index (middle) fingers. They move along the zones, turning downward: forehead, cheeks, chin. The eye area is completely excluded.

After pinching, begin vibration. They move forward in the same sequence. After working through all the zones, do a final kneading. The final stage of the procedure will be treating the skin with cream according to indications. It is advisable to use a light moisturizing or soothing cosmetic product.


Session duration is 10–15 minutes. As soon as redness or excessive burning of the skin appears, the procedure is stopped. Increasing the duration of the session, overcoming pain, is strictly prohibited. The intensive course consists of 10–20 procedures, 2–3 times per week. The frequency of sessions is gradually reduced. It is recommended to repeat a series of effects no more than 2-3 times a year.

Don't despair of getting a positive result. After the first sessions, the picture of the disease may worsen, and the area of ​​inflammation may expand. This is a temporary phenomenon. If the procedure is performed correctly, the skin will begin to clear after 2-3 sessions. Why this happens is clear from the method of influence.

Session cost

The price of a Jacquet massage depends on the location, prestige of the clinic, and the qualifications of the master. The procedure is considered short, so the cost of the session (compared to other types of massage) is moderate. The average price for the procedure is 500–1000 rubles. It is advisable to combine Jacquet massage with other treatments according to indications. This way you can achieve the best result.

Precautionary measures


Jacquet massage is a complex technique. Doing it on your own requires a thorough study of the methodology. There is little purely theoretical basis for reproduction at home.

It is necessary to study the video lessons in detail. It’s good, if you have the opportunity to undergo training, to consult with a current master. The main thing is to learn how to pinch correctly. Erroneous actions are fraught with injury to soft tissues and violation of the integrity of the integument.

The results of the impact are noticeable quickly. If the skin condition does not improve after 2–4 sessions, then there is a high probability of poor-quality implementation of the technique. When choosing a specialist, it is better to pay attention to specialists with significant experience and positive reviews.

The session assumes that there is no temperature difference after exposure. It is better to call a specialist to your home. When visiting the clinic, it is advisable to schedule other procedures within 2-3 hours after the session.

Note! The skin after exposure looks unsightly - redness, swelling, and uneven color are noticeable. It takes time for the normal appearance to return.

Considering the specific nature of the impact, You will have to refuse sessions in many cases:

  1. open wounds, scratches;
  2. herpes in the active stage;
  3. neoplasms (warts, large moles);
  4. pinching, other problems with facial nerves and blood vessels;
  5. inflammatory processes, viral infections;
  6. pressure disturbance;
  7. rashes with active suppuration;
  8. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  9. allergic rashes;
  10. hirsutism (male pattern female hair growth);
  11. low pain threshold.

Ignoring restrictions can aggravate the course of diseases. With high sensitivity of the skin, excessive thinning of the integument, hematomas, capillary networks, and prolonged redness may appear.

The declared effectiveness of the technique inspires confidence in the speedy relief from many dermatological problems. The cost of training in the effects or regular visits to the salon will pay off in clean, healthy, youthful-looking skin.

Useful videos

Therapeutic facial massage according to Jacquet.


This massage technique was developed in the 1930s by the French doctor Jacquet, who used it to treat war injuries. With such an intense effect on tissue, blood circulation is activated, which immediately has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Currently, Jacquet’s pinch technique of “clamps” is used for skin diseases on the face, namely: seborrhea, acne, various scars, oily and problematic skin.

How to do facial massage according to Jacquet - instructions

The massage is performed using the thumb and index finger. Use your fingers to grab the skin and compress the skin area in all directions, moving along the massage lines.


Clamps - pinches are made along massage lines.

Using the thumbs and index or middle fingers, the therapist quickly performs a compression motion with the fingertips.

As an energy boosting technique, massage triggers cell turnover, which helps restore the skin. It also helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging. These anti-aging movements can help rebuild elastin and collagen fibers.

The effectiveness of pinch massage

It's a great anti-aging product, but that's not all. He:

  1. reduces facial swelling,
  2. gets rid of signs of fatigue,
  3. brightens the complexion,
  4. reduces bags under the eyes,
  5. prevents the appearance of acne,
  6. limits bruising after a facelift.

Massage not only effectively “copes” with small pimples, but also produces a lifting effect, tightening the skin in problem areas.

It is also used for medicinal purposes to improve blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, skin turnover, and cleanse pores. It is usually used after cleansing the face, as well as in combination with treatments for oily, problematic skin with infiltrates, congestive spots, and also in case of weakened muscle tone.

With enlarged and contaminated pores, as a result of such a massage, the skin is freed from the contents of clogged pores.


Contraindications for facial massage Jacquet

  1. Pustules on the face
  2. Presence of a virus or exacerbation of chronic diseases
  3. Allergies and dermatitis
  4. Any violation of skin integrity
  5. Severe rosacea (spider veins or web)
  6. Acute inflammation of the facial nerve
  7. Hirsutism (excessive male pattern hair growth in women)
  8. Flat warts

Duration and frequency of procedures

Facial massage should be done daily in the first days. Then, gradually the frequency of sessions decreases to three to four per week.

The time of one massage session is relatively short, so to achieve the optimal effect, at least ten sessions of such a massage are necessary.

This massage usually lasts from ten to twenty minutes. Moreover, the thinner the facial skin, the shorter the session lasts.

As soon as you notice that your facial skin is red, the massage should be stopped immediately.

A repeat course of massage should be carried out no earlier than three months later. Before starting a Jacquet massage session, the skin is pre-treated with a disinfectant. When performing this massage, always take into account the direction of the skin lines, that is, the lines of least stretch of the facial skin.

This massage can be used not only on the face, but also on the back, chest and thighs, but it is performed without cream - it is replaced with talcum powder.

What other facial massage is there?

Cryomassage is one of the procedures that promote skin rejuvenation. It is suitable for women over 35 years of age. This type of massage reduces visible wrinkles, helps tighten pores, and is also used to enhance hair growth.

Ultrasound massage is also used in modern cosmetology. It solves skin problems such as acne, enlarged pores, wrinkles and scars on the skin, age spots. This type has no contraindications, except for one thing - it cannot be done often. Actually, this rule applies to any type of massage.

Another type of modern massage offered by cosmetologists is the Jacquet massage. This type of massage is used mainly for oily, problematic, acne-prone facial skin. It promotes deep cleansing of the skin. Contraindications in this case will be skin diseases.

Watch the tutorial on facial massage techniques according to Jacquet: video

Facial massage, aimed at rejuvenating the skin, improving its condition and maintaining its tone, is a procedure that is gaining momentum in popularity every day, becoming a worthy alternative to surgical lifts and beauty injections. There are a large number of massage techniques, each of which has its own benefits and promises a specific set of results. Pinch massage according to Jacquet is now very popular., which is offered by many beauty salons. Also you can do it at home, but if you decide to do this, you need to study the technique of the procedure in as much detail as possible in order to avoid common mistakes and achieve maximum results.

Pinch massage: basics

Pinch facial massage according to the Jacquet method, as its name implies, is based on pinching movements. Moreover, they are strong and aggressive, so they even affect the deep layers of the dermis, which helps to achieve maximum results.

Now this technique is used to solve a variety of cosmetic problems. However, until the end of the last century, it was used only for medical reasons to combat various dermatological diseases. And only over the past two decades have cosmetologists included such massage in the list of their services.

Jacquet massage: indications, contraindications and recommendations

Jacquet's pinch facial massage, when performed regularly and correctly, can solve many skin problems. The main indications for it are the following:

  1. oily seborrhea;
  2. scars;
  3. hyperkeratosis;
  4. acne and acne consequences;
  5. black dots;
  6. milia;
  7. acne;
  8. impaired blood circulation;
  9. infiltrates;
  10. stagnant areas;
  11. high activity of the sebaceous glands;
  12. age-related changes such as wrinkles, loss of tone, sagging skin.

If the massage technique is correct, then after 3-4 sessions it will give you the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised by the results.

However, not everything is so smooth. Do the procedure there are a number of contraindications. They are connected, first of all, with the fact that the skin is grabbed extremely intensely when pinched, and the effect on the deep layers of the dermis is quite aggressive, so in some cases massage can lead to disruption of the integrity of the skin and blood microcirculation. To avoid this, you need to make sure there are no contraindications, of which there are also many. These include the following conditions:

  1. the presence of damage to the skin, such as scratches and unhealed wounds;
  2. flat warts;
  3. pinching of the facial nerves, loss of sensitivity and other related problems;
  4. herpes;
  5. elevated temperature;
  6. inflammatory processes;
  7. dysfunction of the joints;
  8. any chronic disease at the acute stage;
  9. spider veins and capillary network on the face;
  10. allergic rashes;
  11. hypertension;
  12. hirsutism – male pattern hair growth;
  13. viral infections;
  14. high pain sensitivity.

Facial massage according to Jacquet: technique

At first it may seem that performing such a massage does not require any skills, but in fact, not even every cosmetologist will undertake this procedure. Masters study this type of massage separately, practicing the techniques extremely carefully, since making mistakes can only aggravate existing skin problems.

In fact, The technique is based on only three techniques:

  1. deep gripping of the skin with tweezers along with the subcutaneous layers;
  2. kneading, which also involves developing both the skin and subcutaneous layers of muscles;
  3. vibrations combined with pressure and pinching.

Masters actively crumple the fabric, avoiding only the area around the eyes. Some movements are similar to squeezing pimples. Manipulations are aimed at destroying inflammation and suppuration in the subcutaneous layers and at their rapid resorption. During the procedure, it is even possible that the eels will rupture and their contents may be squeezed onto the surface. Therefore, in preparation for a massage, the skin is thoroughly cleaned and the hands are treated with an antiseptic. The pinching should be fast and rhythmic. Periodically, the skin should be given a rest, alternating with vibrations.

Oils and creams are not used for pinch massage. This is due both to the peculiarities of the technique, according to which excess sliding will only interfere, and to the fact that most people who want to carry out the procedure have oily skin, and oils are not of particular value for it. As an additional means, Jacquet's massage involves the use of talc.

Regardless of massage technology it is always performed along certain massage lines. With the Jacquet technique they will be the same as with other techniques:

  1. The first group begins at the eyebrow cavity and goes to the temples along the arches of the eyebrows, to the sides along the forehead and up to the hair. Pinching the skin in these areas is very problematic, since the skin here is very stretched and fits tightly to the frontal bone, however, vibrations and kneading will be very appropriate. They will help smooth out wrinkles and folds in the eyebrow area.
  2. The eye area is usually massaged from the inner edge to the outer along the upper eyelid and along the lower in the opposite direction. In accordance with the Jacquet technique, this extremely sensitive area is treated exclusively with moderate pressure and vibration. Pinching movements and tissue grasping are prohibited.
  3. From the center of the nose, massage lines diverge to the ears. Thanks to the skin treatment here, you can regain an attractive bright blush.
  4. Further from the wings of the nose, the lines move to the cheekbones and ears. The skin should be worked out moderately, paying great attention to warming up the muscles and kneading them. Massaging this area will help restore the contours of the cheeks and prevent them from sagging.
  5. The lines running from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes do not need to be drawn out particularly strongly, but thanks to tucks of moderate depth, noticeable wrinkles can be reduced.
  6. The most intense impact should be along the line from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw bone. Pinch massage of the chin helps to tighten the contour of the face. It also prevents double chin. The procedure should be carried out with maximum skin tension with the head tilted back.
  7. The lines of the neck, from which Jacquet's massage usually begins, need to be kneaded in the center upward - from the neckline to the chin, however, on the sides downwards - from the ears to the shoulders. Manipulating this area will help reduce sagging skin, which often reveals a woman’s true age. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to tilt your head back and stretch the skin as much as possible.

Sequence during the procedure should be as follows:

  1. Hands must be washed and treated with antiseptic;
  2. The facial skin is cleansed;
  3. Kneading is done;
  4. Start doing quick and intense pinching along the massage lines, starting from the forehead and gradually going down. The skin is grasped with the thumb and forefinger, with each further action the manipulations become deeper and more intense.
  5. Having finished pinching, we move on to vibration movements. We move along the same lines.
  6. The procedure ends with kneading, then a soothing cream is applied to the face.

Tips and results

To ensure that the results of the massage only delight you, it is not enough to automatically perfect the technique. It is also worth considering some tricks, including the following:

  1. The massage should last for 10-15 minutes, no more.
  2. If the skin becomes very red or if an unpleasant burning sensation begins to be felt, stop the procedure immediately.
  3. Before you start performing facial pinch massage at home, you can watch training videos.
  4. Unlike most other techniques, Jacquet massage does not involve the use of oils.
  5. The effect on the skin is very aggressive, so massage is not performed in the area around the eyes - the skin there is too delicate for such pinches.
  6. The course consists of 15-20 sessions, which need to be carried out twice a week.
  7. You can repeat the course no more than twice a year.

The results will help you understand whether you are doing everything right. After 3-4 procedures, the skin condition should improve significantly. If there are no changes, you may be making certain mistakes in your technique.

If you take a full course of massage, you can get the following results:

  1. sebaceous glands with oily skin will not work as actively;
  2. inflammation will go away;
  3. pigment spots will lighten;
  4. complexion will improve;
  5. acne, pimples, comedones, post-acne will go away;
  6. facial muscles will gain tone;
  7. scars and cicatrices may resolve;
  8. facial contours will become more attractive;
  9. The aging process slows down, wrinkles smooth out, and the skin tightens.

Facial massage according to Jacquet is a difficult, but very effective procedure for improving skin condition. It is worth considering that if you decide to carry it out at home, you need to perfectly study the technique - then the results will be extremely positive. We invite you to watch a video on the topic of pinch massage.

Video technique of performing massage according to Jacquet