Moles: should they be removed or not? Advice from stars and doctors

When a few years ago, actress Sarah Jessica Parker removed her famous mole on her chin, singer Enrique Iglesias got rid of a spot under his right eye, and movie macho Ewan McGregor said goodbye to marks on his forehead, fans were shocked. These “signs of fate” have already become a kind of calling cards of celebrities. Many then said that the stars had “lost themselves.” But still, there were those who liked the idea, and they sincerely believed that the moles should have been removed earlier.

Celebrities themselves thought so, considering them flaws and shortcomings in appearance. But there are celebrities who still do not dare to get rid of stains, despite the fact that now it is not a necessity. Recently, experts from around the world have alternately stated that those with moles age in slow motion.

Known "carriers"

Indeed, looking at idols with moles, one can note that they look excellent and are an order of magnitude younger than their peers. If you have a certain number of moles on your face and body, and they do not bother you, do not rush to remove them. According to a report presented at a meeting of the Royal Society of Medicine in London, you have every chance of not aging for a long time.

Currently, scientists are studying telomerase, an enzyme that helps lengthen telomeres. Next year, experts promise to offer products the use of which will rejuvenate cells, and with them the body as a whole.

What if you remove it?

If you still decide to get rid of the “marks of fate” completely and irrevocably, read the basic recommendations of doctors on where to start and who to turn to. Remember once and for all: moles are not the responsibility of dermatologists or cosmetologists. You need a consultation and opinion from a dermato-oncologist.

The optimal age for mole removal is after 18 years of age, when active growth of the body ends. The best time for this procedure is autumn-winter, because after removal you cannot sunbathe in the sun.

There is a popular belief that laser is considered the most effective method, because it does not leave scars, and the procedure itself takes 15-40 minutes. All this is true, but it is not suitable for everyone. Only an oncologist will tell you how to remove a dangerous mole, based on its condition and size.