In harmony with hormones. Taming the obstinate organism

Today you want to hug the whole world, and you can move mountains, but a week later it seems that everyone is up in arms against you, and there is no place for joy in life at all. Today you like that men turn around after you, and a week later you hate the entire male gender. Do you think this is because we women are all so mysterious, so unpredictable... But in fact, all these are the machinations of hormones.

How can a weak woman get out from under their power and learn to live in harmony, despite any hormones? To understand this, you need to know what and when to expect from hormones, be prepared to reduce losses from their power over us to a minimum, and not let them rule our lives. Remember, in addition to hormones, we also have a heart and a mind.


The two main hormones that rule the roost in our female lives are estrogen and progesterone. They are responsible for the reproductive function of the female body, ensuring the birth of the egg, its maturation and preparation of the body for a possible pregnancy.

The first half of the menstrual cycle is marked by estrogen. It is responsible for femininity in our body: it adds beauty, sexual attractiveness, energy and performance to us. The apogee of its influence on the body occurs at the moment of ovulation - the quintessence of the female essence (it is during this period that the amount of estrogen in our blood is maximum).

In the second half of the cycle, after ovulation, the amount of estrogen gradually decreases, and the splashing fountain of emotions is replaced by calm prudence and a desire for peace. All this happens because estrogen is gradually replaced by progesterone. It is responsible for “receiving and placing” the fertilized egg. Agree that sedate behavior and discretion are more suitable for a pregnant woman. But even if pregnancy does not occur, this behavior is already programmed by nature. The amount of progesterone reaches its maximum before menstruation, and then life is not pleasant for some, but for others it turns into real hell. It all depends on the intensity of PMS manifestations.

On critical days, the amount of both estrogen and progesterone decreases to a minimum, and along with them our mood drops and energy goes away. I want complete privacy and peace. Some, however, suddenly show unprecedented work enthusiasm, but it concerns only one work matter - putting things in order. Do you think that the desire to do spring cleaning came to you spontaneously? No, the hormone told you that too. It is these days that women want special cleanliness and order.


Many problems can be solved if you can correctly navigate within the framework of your cycle and time their solution to the “right” hormonal period.

All necessary intellectual efforts (for work and life): a new project, course work, an essay, or thinking about a strategy for behavior with a new lover - are best undertaken in the first period of the cycle, when estrogen levels are highest.

It is best to take decisive actions (ask for a promotion at work, demand repayment of debts, or look for a new admirer) during the period of ovulation. Estrogen during this period adds confidence and determination to a woman.

Everyone knows that it is better to make vital decisions with a “sober” head, having carefully thought everything over and weighed all the pros and cons. Postpone making important decisions until the second half of the cycle. The progesterone that reigns in the body will reduce determination, but will add prudence, concentration and observation.

Of course, in life it often turns out that when making a decision, there is simply no time to consult hormones. But in order not to regret it later, try to make allowances for their influence.


Some well-read and savvy ladies tend to explain almost all their mistakes (falling out of love, cheating, quarreling with everyone, etc.) by the action of hormones, subconsciously absolving themselves of responsibility for