Retinol palmitate for facial skin reviews

From this article you will learn:

  1. Is retinol effective for facial skin - reviews from dermatologists,
  2. retinol - instructions for use at home.

Retinol is one of the many forms of vitamin A that is used in cosmetology to treat acne, reduce the depth of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging caused by sun exposure. But with retinol it’s not so simple, because... There are several forms of it, some of which are more effective, others less.


As we have already said, retinol is only one of the forms of vitamin A. A group of drugs that includes various forms and derivatives of vitamin A, as well as its structural and synthetic analogs, are called retinoids. To rejuvenate facial skin in cosmetology, as a rule, the following forms of vitamin A (retinoids) are used:

  1. true retinol,
  2. retinol esters (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, etc.),
  3. retinaldehyde,
  4. retinoic acid.

Thus, true retinol and the most commonly found retinol esters in cosmetics are completely different forms of vitamin A. In Fig. 2, we have indicated these forms in descending order of their effectiveness, and a little lower we will compare them in much more detail.


Forms of retinol and their effect in creams -

The only effective form of vitamin A that can affect skin cells is pure retinoic acid. All other listed forms of vitamin A, after application to the skin, must still be converted into retinoic acid (through cycles of chemical transformation) before they can act on skin cells. Those. Most retinoids are only precursors to retinoic acid.

This metabolism of vitamin A forms is as follows −
retinol acetate and retinol palmitate (retinol esters) are the most distant precursors of retinoic acid. When applied to the skin, they first convert into true retinol. The latter is transformed into retinaldehyde, which in turn turns into retinoic acid.

Retinoic acid is not only the only effective form of vitamin A, but also the strongest. Preparations based on it (for example, Tretinoin and Isotrtinoin) are extremely strong, excellent for wrinkles and other signs of skin aging, but are prescription drugs, because They also have a strong irritant effect on the skin. These drugs are prescription drugs. Therefore, weaker forms of vitamin A are used in anti-aging cosmetics.

Important : There is a strict pattern - the more transformation cycles required for the original form of vitamin A in a cosmetic product to reach retinoic acid, the weaker the effect will be. Those. the most ineffective forms will be retinol esters (retinol acetate and retinol palmitate). True retinol will be stronger and more effective than its esters, but inferior in strength to retinaldehyde, which only needs 1 cycle of transformation to retinoic acid.

After all the transformations from retinol (and especially its esters), not much retinoic acid is obtained, which creates only a small concentration of it in the skin. This is due to two reasons: firstly, the transformation always does not occur in full, and secondly, retinoids are unstable compounds and are quickly destroyed.

The latest creams with stabilized vitamin A
In recent years, a new patented stabilized form of retinaldehyde has entered the American market under the brand name “IconicA”. This is the only form of vitamin A to date and the first in the world that has been stabilized using microencapsulation technology.

The technology ensures that retinaldehyde does not break down during application to the skin and when transformed into retinoic acid, which increases the effectiveness of such cosmetics. Examples of such products include creams and serums from the company “SIRCUIT ® Cosmeceuticals” -

  1. cream SIRCUIT ® “Supernatural-A” (Fig. 3),
  2. serum SIRCUIT ® “Infusion-A” (Fig. 4).



Retinol: reviews from dermatologists

Retinoic acid, into which retinol is converted after application to the skin, has its effect both on the superficial layers of the skin (epidermis) and on the deep layers of the skin, where it stimulates collagen production. The severity of these effects will depend on the concentration of retinol in the product.

Effects of retinol

1) Fights acne - this occurs due to the fact that retinoic acid eliminates hyperkeratosis of the epithelium of hair follicles, which consists of excessive accumulation of desquamated epithelial cells in the lumen of the follicle, which leads to clogging of pores with comedones (blackheads). Secondly, retinoic acid helps reduce the production of secretions from the sebaceous glands, and also dissolves the substance that makes up acne, which helps cleanse the pores. This is why retinoids are the best acne treatment.

2) Reduces the thickness of the superficial stratum corneum of the epidermis by accelerating the exfoliation of dead cells, which allows the skin to have a more even texture and look younger.

3) Increases the thickness of the deep layers of the epidermis, thereby increasing its hydrophobic properties (thus reducing the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, which will maintain its hydration).

4) Enhances the production of collagen and elastin in the dermal layer of the skin (by stimulating the function of fibroblasts). Accordingly, it helps reduce the depth of wrinkles and fine lines on the face, and also increases skin elasticity.

6) Lightens age spots.

Retinol concentration and its effectiveness –

Most retinol products contain only about.1% concentration (which = 0.0025% retinoic acid). Only a few products contain a therapeutic concentration of retinol of 0.4%, and only very rare products contain 1% or more retinol in their composition. The vast majority of manufacturers do not indicate the concentration of retinol at all.

It is believed that a retinol concentration of 0.1% to 1% (true retinol, not its esters) is the most optimal for anti-aging cosmetics. In terms of its activity and action, this concentration retains its properties and does not cause strong skin reactions, therefore it can be freely used from any age. If the purchased cream does not contain true retinol, but its esters, then the concentration should be even higher.

Results of studies on the effective concentration of retinol:

  1. Application of retinol with 0.1% concentration –
    reviews from cosmetologists and patients show that even if you use a cosmetic cream with a low 0.1% concentration of retinol every day, the skin still becomes smoother, softer, smoother, with an even matte color.

True, this happens over a longer period of time (only after 6-8 months), and you should not expect a decrease in wrinkles. Those. The main improvements will relate to improving skin tone and texture. Moreover, in order to achieve this effect, you must simultaneously use sun cream with SPF 50+.

  1. Application of retinol with 0.4% concentration –
    Conducted studies of products with a 0.4% concentration of retinol (application regimen: 3 times a week for 6 months) showed significant improvements and changes in aging skin cells and even a slight decrease in the depth of fine wrinkles (link to study).
  1. Using a 1% retinol concentration –
    such a high concentration almost approaches the effectiveness of products based on pure retinoic acid (1% retinol is approximately equal to 0.025% retinoic acid). Such products already cause irritation and peeling of the skin at first, which in principle indicates that they really work.

When used for 36 weeks, you can achieve a noticeable reduction in the depth of wrinkles and an improvement in skin tone and texture. Keep in mind that such products with 1% retinol are quite expensive. To learn how to choose the right product with retinol, read our article:
→ “Products with retinol: rating 2019”

Retinol: price

Professional products with retinol are expensive, especially for cosmetics with therapeutic dosages of pure retinol from 0.4 to 1%, or products based on retinaldehyde (which is even higher in effectiveness than pure retinol). Retinol: the price for products from well-known manufacturers will average…

  1. Cream SkinCeuticals “Retinol 0.3” –
    contains 0.3% retinol; costs from 5,500 rubles in a branded Russian online store.
  1. Cream SkinCeuticals “Retinol 1.0” –
    contains 1.0% retinol; You can buy it on Amazon or Ebay (for about $76).
  1. SIRCUIT ® products –
    contain one of the most effective forms of retinol - stabilized 0.1% retinaldehyde. SIRCUIT “Supernatural-A” cream costs about $180, SIRCUIT ® “Infusion-A” serum costs about $180 (you can buy it on Amazon or Ebay).
  1. La-Roche-Posay creams –
    contain 0.3% retinol; face cream Redermic-R – from 2200 rubles, and cream for the skin around the eyes Redermic-R Yeux – from 1900 rubles.
  1. RoC cream “Retinol Correxion – Deep Wrinkle Nigh Cream” – from 1200 rubles.




Retinol palmitate and retinol acetate: price

Retinol esters in the form of oil solutions, for example, retinol palmitate - the price will be only about 100 rubles per package. To save money, you can add an oil solution of vitamin A to the cream yourself, but keep in mind that even if this can be effective, it will only be to a very small extent. Moreover, it is better to take retinol palmitate, because it is slightly more effective than retinol acetate.

It is best to buy these oil solutions in bottles or capsules. But solutions in ampoules can be thrown away immediately after opening, because... retinol decomposes almost immediately when interacting with light and air (




Who is suitable for cosmetics with retinol?

Retinol for facial skin - reviews from dermatologists and cosmetologists agree that anti-aging cosmetics with retinol are perfect either for preventing skin aging or for skin with the first signs of aging (to even out its tone and texture, as well as moderately increase elasticity).

Cosmetologists recommend retinol for the skin starting from the age of 28, when the first signs of skin fatigue are just beginning to appear. A good cosmetic cream or serum with retinol will be an excellent alternative to preparations with pure retinoic acid if...

  1. if the patient’s skin is still young, but the first signs of aging are already beginning to appear,
  2. if you have never used other retinoids before,
  3. if the skin has slight unevenness and age spots,
  4. if the skin is very sensitive, thin or irritable.

Also, cosmetic products with retinol are necessary for the skin to get used to vitamin A if you plan to use potent retinoids such as Tretinoin. Preliminary use of products with retinol for several months will significantly reduce the severity of side effects (dryness, redness, burning of the skin).

Cosmetics with retinol are definitely NOT suitable for you if...

...if you want to achieve significant changes in the skin, for example, a significant reduction in medium and deep wrinkles, fine lines on the face, as well as achieve a significant increase in its elasticity, a pronounced alignment of skin texture and tone. Research has shown that the optimal effective concentration of pure retinoic acid to significantly reduce medium to deep wrinkles is 0.025 to 0.05%.

For more information about the use of prescription forms of retinoids to reduce medium and deep wrinkles, the results of clinical studies, reviews, read the articles:

Examples of products with Tretinoin and Isotretinoin: photo




Retinol - instructions for use

Learning to properly use cosmetics with retinol, and even more so professional creams with topical retinoids based on pure retinoic acid, is a whole science. Below we have summarized all the main recommendations for using retinol.

1. Planning –

It takes about 4-6 months for the skin to get used to retinol. Therefore, plan to start using it in advance so that in the first months there are no serious “public appearances” (weddings, graduations, etc.). This is more true for products with high concentrations of retinol, or for people with very sensitive and/or dry skin.

You also need to choose the right season when you start using products with retinol. Retinol is somewhat drying to the skin, so winter is not the best time to start using it. Despite the fact that retinol increases the skin's sensitivity to the sun, it can be used in the summer, but provided that you constantly use products with a high degree of sun protection (minimum SPF 30), and also use wide-brimmed hats that cover your face from the sun .

2. Conduct an audit of cosmetics –

Get rid of any cosmetics while using retinol that have even the slightest irritating effect. For example, it will not be possible to use -

  1. scrubs and chemical peels,
  2. alcohol based toners,
  3. products that dry the skin
  4. It will also be impossible to wax depilation on areas of the skin treated with retinol.

3. Skin should be clean and dry -

Before using retinol, the facial skin should be washed with a mild cleanser and then dried very well. After washing your face, you should wait 15-20 minutes before applying retinol cream. This will reduce the appearance of dryness, peeling and irritation. Also, after applying retinol, after 15 minutes, you can apply a moisturizer on top, which will “seal” the retinol on the skin and additionally help avoid irritation.

4. Use only small amounts of retinol –

Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of retinol cream, no more. This amount should be enough for the entire face area. Avoid getting retinol on sensitive areas and mucous membranes of the lips, eyelids, and nose.

5. Apply retinol face cream only at night -

Sunlight breaks down retinol molecules and, in addition, using retinol during the day can cause pigmentation on the skin, even if you use sunscreen. Therefore, it is best to apply retinol cream just before bed.

6. Be sure to use sunscreen -

Because retinol exfoliates dead cells from the skin's surface, stripping away your skin's natural defenses against UV rays, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, preferably SPF 30, before going outside each morning.

7. Retinol application plan –

Most dermatologists and cosmetologists suggest starting to use a cream with retinol according to the following scheme: at first, apply only every third day (approximately during the first 2 weeks). Then you can use it every other day, gradually building up to daily use. Monitor how your skin reacts to retinol.

For some people (with fair skin and light eyes), the adjustment process takes several months or even six months so that they can safely apply retinol cream every evening. We hope that our article: Retinol for facial skin reviews was useful to you!

For facial skin care, products containing retinol palmitate - or more simply, vitamin A - are often used. This substance has unique beneficial properties, helping the skin become healthier, younger, and more beautiful. In the article, we will look at the features of using retinol palmitate in skin care, find out what beneficial properties this substance has, and get acquainted with the reviews of those who have already used the help of this unique vitamin. But what are the stages of Korean facial skin care can be seen here.

Description of the solution “Retinol Palmitate”

Vitamin A or retinol palmitate is a substance that is useful in many ways for cosmetology and for the body. Including it:

  1. participates in the regulation of protein synthesis;
  2. necessary for normal cell division;
  3. participates in restoration processes;
  4. strengthens the immune system, promotes skin rejuvenation;
  5. whitens the skin, eliminates pigmentation;
  6. smoothes the surface of the dermis;
  7. prevents the occurrence of epidermal diseases;
  8. fights wrinkles and prevents their formation;

But what kind of moisturizing gel exists for oily skin and how to use it can be seen here.

Vitamin A also helps with:

  1. skin eczema;
  2. jamming in the corners of the mouth;
  3. dermatitis of various kinds;
  4. cracks and abrasions.

The vitamin has an effect on the skin similar to that of mechanical peeling: it exfoliates and renews cells. The anti-aging effect occurs due to the antioxidant effects of retinol. The substance slows down the breakdown of collagen in skin tissue, due to which the epidermis strengthens and becomes much more elastic.

Vitamin A regulates the process of proliferation of sebaceous gland cells under the skin, due to which the structure of the epidermis is normalized, inflammatory processes, pimples, and acne are eliminated. When used locally, the substance also increases the local immunity of the facial skin.

The vitamin helps the epidermis regenerate faster, including after mechanical damage, as well as acne. With the help of this substance you can quickly get rid of post-acne and eliminate acne from the surface of the skin. The vitamin saves the skin from enlarged and clearly visible pores and reduces the stratum corneum of the dermis.

Retinol palmitate can quickly eliminate dermatological problems of various types. It helps restore the turgor of aging skin, which is important for older women. The substance, like a light lift, tightens the skin, but only in a completely natural way. Retinol also nourishes the skin and also moisturizes it. The drug is very useful for teenage skin problems: oiliness, greasiness of the epidermis, acne, acne.

Thanks to these properties, retinol palmitate is a truly effective remedy for solving skin problems.

But what herbs are the most effective for youthful facial skin and how to use them are indicated in great detail here.

Video: The effect of vitamin A on facial skin against acne

The video provides a detailed description of how to use the product:

Instructions on how to use

The substance retinol palmitate is included in many cosmetics: creams, gels, masks. The vitamin is also useful when taken orally in its pure form. You can buy it at the pharmacy - the product is freely available and is an oily vitamin solution. When purchasing, purchase a pipette at the same time, since the daily dose of vitamin A is 5-6 drops - you need to take them by dropping them onto a piece of bread.

In addition, you can use retinol palmitate to lubricate skin defects: acne, scars, wounds, abrasions. With this product you can quickly get rid of skin defects, make your face smooth, healthy, and even out its surface. Retinol palmitate accumulates in the skin when used, and its effect ceases only four months after the end of the course.

You can also use retinol palmitate by adding it to cosmetic preparations: creams, tonics, and other products. For example, if you drop a few drops of an oil solution into a cream for the skin around the eyes, this area of ​​the face will soon become more tightened, moisturized, and brightened. In addition, wrinkles will be noticeably reduced.

Retinol is very effective in various face masks. Vitamin A reduces the aggressiveness of the other components of the masks and reduces the likelihood of allergies.

Pure vitamin A cannot be applied to large areas of the skin; it must be applied exclusively to spots.

Before using the product, perform an allergy test so that the use of the vitamin is guaranteed to be beneficial and not harmful. In addition, you cannot use the drug for more than two months in a row - skin treatment with vitamin A must be carried out in courses. After one course you need to take a break for a month, and you can take a second course.

In order for retinol palmitate to have an intense effect on the skin (for example, with severe skin problems), it is used daily for two months, and after this course - 2-3 times a week in order to support and consolidate the result.

How many drops to use

Preparations containing retinol or pure retinol must be applied to the face, previously thoroughly cleansed and dry. After retinol, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to the skin to prevent dehydration and dryness. However, if you use a cream or other product with this vitamin, usually all the components are already selected in the right way and neutralize each other’s negative effects.

Keep in mind that using vitamin A externally increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, we do not recommend taking a course of skin treatment with retinol in the heat in summer - postpone it until autumn-winter. If you need to use a vitamin in the summer, apply it to your skin before going to bed, and not before going outside.

Attention: this vitamin should not be heated, as in this case all its beneficial qualities are lost.

When not to use

Not all women are candidates for using retinol palmitate to improve their skin condition. Let's find out in what cases the use of this vitamin is prohibited:

  1. if you are allergic to this substance;
  2. in case of pregnancy and lactation;
  3. for acute liver diseases;
  4. with alcoholism;
  5. in case of severe nicotine addiction.

If you use vitamin A in its pure form, dry skin is likely to occur. To stop this undesirable effect, use moisturizing creams and masks after applying retinol.

Vitamin A can be purchased at the pharmacy both in the form of pills and in the form of an oil solution. If you want to use the substance as a skin treatment, it is better to prefer a solution.

The product is inexpensive - a package of an oil solution with a volume of 10 ml will cost only 100 rubles, and a package of 50 ml will cost 282 rubles. So this is a completely affordable drug that is beneficial both for the skin and for the health of the whole body.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions included with the package. This will help avoid unwanted side reactions.

How is Retinol Acetate different from Retinol Acetate?

For the health of the skin and the body as a whole, it is better to use retinol palmitate. The fact is that retinol acetate for facial skin is also vitamin A, however, it is usually used in veterinary medicine. Acetate is extracted in a simpler way than palmitate, therefore it costs less, however, the range of its beneficial effects is narrower. Retinol acetate is a derivative of acetic acid, and by its origin it is alien to the human body.

Retinol palmitate is absorbed much faster and easier by the human body. If you use acetate, then this substance must undergo many transformations in the body before being absorbed. Therefore, the solution is logical and obvious - palmitate. And due to such a difference in the effects of these substances with similar names, always pay attention to the packaging of the product when purchasing.

How to choose cosmetics with retinol

The purchase of a cosmetic product containing retinol palmitate should be approached with caution and attention. We'll tell you what points are important to pay attention to here.

In order for a cosmetic product containing retinol palmitate to have the desired positive effect on the skin, it is necessary that the specified component in the preparation be at least 0.03%.

Retinol always increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to the sun's ultraviolet rays. Therefore, choose a product that is marked with SPF protection.

You should not choose a drug that, along with vitamin A, also contains vitamin C. These substances dissolve in different media: one in oil, the other in water. Therefore, they are incompatible in the same preparation.

Among cosmetic products containing retinol palmitate, it is better to give preference to capsule products. Such cosmetics belong to the medicinal category, and it is better to use them on skin that has real problems. Normal epidermis does not need highly intensive vitamin therapy.


Let's find out what women who use retinol palmitate in facial skin care say.

  1. Elena, 26 years old: “Since I was a teenager, my acne has not completely gone away. Sometimes acne appears. This problem makes life quite difficult and, of course, I tried many different remedies and methods to eliminate it. Recently I had an appointment with a good cosmetologist, and she suggested that I treat acne with vitamin A in oil. I bought it - the product is very inexpensive, and started lubricating pimples and blackheads with oil. What do you think? Where expensive creams and various expensive polishes failed, a simple vitamin helped. After a week, a positive result was already noticeable, and after a month, the face was almost completely cleared. Of course, you still need to go to a cosmetologist for procedures, but even without this, the result is already very good. I’m satisfied, I recommend it to everyone.”
  2. Marina, 43 years old: “I often use vitamin A for the skin and also for the hair; I have known about the beneficial properties of this substance for a long time. My teenage daughter also uses retinol to solve her problems with skin and acne. Along with external use, I recommend taking vitamin A internally - if the skin defects are significant, this way the treatment will go faster

So, vitamin A or retinol palmitate is a product that has a unique positive effect on the skin. Buy an oil solution of this vitamin - and let it always be in your home medicine cabinet. If a pimple appears on the skin, a fever on the lips, an ulcer, or some other poorly healing defect, it is enough to lubricate it with an oil solution, and soon there will be no trace of the defect. In addition, vitamin A is also useful when taken orally - in this case it will benefit the entire body.


Today I would like to dedicate my post to vitamin A.

After digging through a bunch of information on the Internet and watching a lot of videos, I want to share with you. Winter is just the time when you should think about facial care with retinols, so that in the summer you can stop masking your imperfections.

Probably, as long as our planet rotates, humanity will continue with undying enthusiasm the centuries-old search for the elixir of eternal youth, beauty and health. To maintain such precious gifts of Nature as beauty, health and youth, “scientific minds of our time” are developing more and more new cosmetics and introducing innovative technologies.
It has been scientifically proven that vitamins are a vital element for the full functioning of the human body. The balance of the “vitamin alphabet” allows you to maintain and preserve beauty and health for many years. Nowadays, quite often the beauty industry offers the use of retinol – true vitamin A – as an anti-aging therapy.

Vitamin A recognized as one of the main vitamins of youth and beauty, due to its pronounced antioxidant properties. The use of vitamin A guarantees healthy and beautiful hair, strong nails, increased immunity, improved blood circulation, strengthened blood vessels and stable metabolism.
Initially, in cosmetology, retinol was used to treat skin diseases such as acne, pimples and other rashes. Based on this practice, the rejuvenating effect of vitamin A was noted - smoothing out fine wrinkles, improving skin texture, etc. After a series of long-term clinical and laboratory studies, retinoids (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, retinolic acid) began to be included in not only medicinal but also cosmetic products.

Cosmetics containing retinol have the following advantages:

• Thanks to the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin (the location of collagen and elastin), it helps maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin, stimulates the growth and restoration of skin cells - an excellent and clearly expressed anti-aging therapy.

• The use of retinol-containing cosmetics allows you to fight expression lines and even deep wrinkles, improve complexion and even out skin texture, get rid of age spots, etc.

• Vitamin A is actively used to treat acne - it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands (regulates the process of sebum secretion), accelerates the process of skin renewal, fights inflammatory elements and promotes the healing of wounds and scars after acne. For problem skin, retinol can be used both internally - in the form of an oil solution or pharmaceutical preparations (tablets) with a certain concentration of retinol, and externally - ointments, creams or gels.

• Retinol is one of the best anti-aging and restorative components of cosmetics, the effect of which has been proven and is already undeniable.

• The action occurs in two directions - desquamation (that is, exfoliation) and proliferation (cell division and growth), i.e. They thin the stratum corneum of the skin and thicken the epidermis. Therefore, retinol-based products simultaneously cleanse the skin of acne and age spots, smooth, renew and restore.

Side effects of retinol:

• In excessively high concentrations it can have a toxic effect on the body. Before you start using vitamin A (retinol), it is recommended to consult a doctor or highly qualified cosmetologist.

• May cause increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays (photosensitization). In this regard, the use of cosmetics with vitamin A requires the use of sunscreens with a high SPF factor.

• The use of retinol is not recommended during pregnancy (especially in the first 3 months) and breastfeeding - there is no definitive research data on the effect of retinol on the fetus.

• Please note that using retinol may cause skin reactions such as flaking, redness, swelling and dryness (retinoic dermatitis).

Can be used exclusively at night or in the evenings, but not under cosmetics. Skin receptors are most sensitive to retinol at night, and besides, in the light, retinol completely loses its properties. This is probably the most important point of all today. This is indeed a very effective ingredient in anti-aging skin care lines, but if used incorrectly, the consequences can be far from happy.

Rules for using retinol for the face:

— Retinol is a very unstable product. When exposed to light and air, it oxidizes very quickly, so if you are thinking of buying this vitamin in liquid form, always choose capsules rather than bottles. Of course, you need to store it in a dark place.

— Retinol makes the skin more sensitive to the sun and ultraviolet rays, therefore, while using products with vitamin A, you must use Sunscreen or cream with a high level of protection during the day (at least SPF15 is recommended, but SPF30 and higher is better).

— If you are going to use retinol for the first time, then it is better not to do it every day. First 1-2 times a week, then more and more often, so that the skin has time to get used to it.

— For those whose facial skin is very sensitive, it is better to completely abandon the cream with retinol. She simply cannot stand it, this is a very powerful remedy. Some manufacturers offer creams with a more gentle formula, especially for sensitive skin, but everything is individual, and the reviews are very mixed, although mostly positive.

— Almost always, after the first use of a cream with retinol, red spots and a feeling of tightness of the skin appear. We need to continue using it. Usually after 1-2 weeks the skin gets used to it and everything returns to normal. If this does not happen, then your skin is sensitive to it and you should completely avoid cosmetics with retinol.

— Retinol should be used with caution on dry facial skin. Judging by the reviews, the skin condition worsens after use. In such cases, experts recommend using products with retinol a couple of times a week, no more, and take care of intensive skin hydration.

— It’s better to start using a cream with retinol in the fall and winter. Retinol increases skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and it is better to minimize the risks.

— Retinol is mainly recommended for those who are already over 30, 35 and older. Many people believe that it can only harm young skin, but do not forget that the most effective acne treatments are also based on retinol, and they are used specifically on young skin. In addition, many manufacturers are already moving away from separating products by age; now it is believed that you need to use those products that your skin needs. For some, wrinkles appear after 25, while for others they are not visible even at 40.

What products can you combine retinol with for the effect of renewed, smooth skin?

It is very important to remember that retinol is hygroscopic, i.e. can dehydrate the skin, so it is necessary to combine its use with moisture-retaining products rich in hyaluronic acid or gluconolactone (moisturizes, activates the keratinization process, helps improve skin quality, has a lifting effect, lingers in the stratum corneum, providing long-term hydration, does not have an irritating effect, has excellent antioxidant properties, quickly restores the skin, has an anti-acne effect). Their use should be included in daily morning care, and at least once a week it is necessary to apply a deeply moisturizing mask.
Due to its renewing ability, retinol is ideal as a conductor for the absorption of the active ingredients of products combined with it.

The best results are seen when it is combined with vitamin C, that is, retinol at night, vitamin C in the morning.


An approximate model of anti-aging daily skin care with a course of retinol would look like this:

Morning: cleansing + antioxidant moisturizer with vitamin C + SPF
Evening: cleansing + retinol product (2 – 3 times a week)

The main disadvantage of retinol:

Use, even in a small percentage, is prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women, and also when preparing for pregnancy. No matter what they tell you, you shouldn’t experiment with teratogenic components of cosmetics at such a crucial moment in life.

Кремы, в составе которых есть ретинол (марка и название):

1. MD Formulations: Vit-A-Plus Illuminating Serum
2. Holy Land Cosmetics: Alpha-Beta & Retinol Day Defense Cream SPF-30
3. Holy Land Cosmetics: Alpha-Beta & Retinol Restoring Cream
4. ROC: RETINOL ACTIF PUR Anti-Wrinkle Moisturizing Treatment Day
5. SkinCeuticals: RETINOL 0.3
6. Vichy: Reti C Soin Correcteur Intensif Jour
7. Faberlic: Aquaftem
8. Garnier: Retinol+Vitamine C Actifs Purs
9. Magiray: «Камелия» («Camellia»)
10. Magiray: Маска «Лифтофин» («LiftoFin Mask»)
11. Anna Lotan Laboratories: Solid Gold
12. Darphin: ArovitA
13. Christina Professional Cosmetics: Active nigt eye cream
14. Dr. Taffi: Cream 12%
15. Decleor: Vitaroma re-sourcing emulsion lift contour et rides
16. Lumene: Retinol night revitalizer
17. Anna Lotan Laboratories: Rebalanse
18. Avon: ANEW ULTIMATE Eye Cream
19. MD Formulations:Retin-a complex for men
20. MD Formulations: Мen complex
21. Avon: ANEW ULTIMATE Skin Transforming Cream
22. Neutrogena: Anti-Cellulite Treatment Retinol Formula
23. Neutrogena: Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Intensive Night Cream
24. Avon: Anew ultinate Eye Cream
25. ROC: Hydra + Vitamines Actives
26. Babor: Skinovage
27. Lyseidia: Botoderm
28. Estee Lauder: Diminish Anti-Wrinkle Retinol Treatment
29. SkinCeuticals: Retinol 0.5 Refining Night Cream with 0.5% Pure Retinol
30. Strength Refining: Night Cream with 1.0% Pure Retinol
31. Philosophy: Eye believe, deep wrinkle peptide gel
32. Alpha Hydrox Retinol: Night ResQ
33. Paula’s Choice: Super Antioxidant Concentrate
34. Фармацевтическое научно-производственное предприятие «Ретиноиды»: Ретиноевая мазь (в форме изотретиноина) продается в аптеках
35. Life Flo Health: Retinol A 1% Advanced Revitalization Cream
36. Chantecaille: Retinol Intense Cream
37. Dr. Dennis Gross: Ferulic & Retinol Anti-Aging Moisturizer
38. Kate Somerville:RetAsphere 2-in-1 Retinol Night Cream
39. Lancer Skincare: Advanced C Radiance Cream
40. Philosophy: Help Me Retinol Night Treatment
41. StriVectin: AR Advanced Retinol Night Treatment

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