Acne appeared on the face sharply

Every person faces such a nuisance as the appearance of acne on the face. Moreover, some suffer from them regularly. Regardless of the frequency of their occurrence, acne appears extremely unexpectedly. It would seem that just yesterday the skin was perfect, but today this unpleasant nodular formation flaunts.

First of all, a person strives to get rid of such a defect. Various creams, ointments, and tinctures are used. They often resort to folk remedies. However, there is one way to get rid of such a scourge, especially if it occurs regularly. It is necessary to understand why acne appeared on the face and eliminate the source of its occurrence.


Causes of rashes

Why do acne appear on my face? It should be said that such phenomena are often provoked by harmless and even banal reasons.

The following factors can cause a rash:

  1. hypothermia of the skin;
  2. prolonged exposure to the sun (or in a solarium);
  3. poor nutrition;
  4. lack of fresh air;
  5. smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  6. improper care of the skin or its complete absence;
  7. clogging of pores with components of modern cosmetics (mineral oils or other petroleum products);
  8. lack of vitamins;
  9. serious shocks and stress.

Such reasons are not a reflection of internal failures in the body. Therefore, a rash caused by the above factors can be easily cured.

But, unfortunately, the reasons are not always so banal. Sometimes acne can indicate serious diseases developing in the body.

What could a rash indicate?

If you are interested in the question of why a lot of pimples appeared on your face and they do not go away, then it is best in this situation to consult a doctor.


After all, a seemingly harmless rash may indicate serious problems in the body:

  1. hormonal disorders;
  2. diseases of the stomach, intestines;
  3. venereal diseases;
  4. ailments of the adrenal glands, kidneys;
  5. gallbladder pathology;
  6. the presence of skin parasites;
  7. diabetes.

It is impossible to independently identify such ailments. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests.

Types of rash

Before you figure out why acne appears on your face, you should determine what type it is.

In medicine, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Whiteheads. They look like medium-sized tubercles. In general, they are difficult to notice, but when you touch them, pain may occur.
  2. Blackheads. They are formed by contaminating the pores with bacteria and microorganisms, after which sebum oxidizes in these areas of the skin and the pores become black. If you do not take proper care of your skin, these acne can become inflamed.

Inflammatory rashes include the following types of acne:

  1. Nodules. They appear in the form of purple acne. They can be located deep under the skin. When touched, they cause unpleasant pain. After squeezing them out, scars form.
  2. Pustules. They are purulent formations on the surface of the skin. Their appearance is preceded by the inflammatory process of comedones. When getting rid of this type of acne, it is necessary to carefully treat the wound, otherwise pus may remain and provoke re-inflammation.
  3. Papules. They are inflammatory formations. In most cases, their diameter is up to 5 mm. If measures are not taken to eliminate them in time, they can transform into pustules.
  4. Conglobate acne. They represent the most severe form of rash. They appear in the form of a complex of large formations that can contain a large amount of pus. These types of acne are often localized on the cheeks. A distinctive feature is that when you try to press on them, the skin acquires a bluish tint. They are also very difficult to heal, leaving behind multiple small scars.


Now let’s take a closer look at why acne appeared on the face.

Causes of purulent formations

So, what are the sources of such unpleasant manifestations? There may be several reasons.

Doctors explain as follows why purulent acne appears on the face:

  1. The main reason is increased sebum production, resulting in clogged pores. Excessive sebum production can be observed in adolescents. It is at this age that a powerful hormonal imbalance occurs. For example, in girls, such acne may indicate the beginning of the menstrual cycle. At a later age, hormonal imbalance may also occur. It can be triggered by stressful situations or changes in climatic conditions.
  2. The cause of purulent acne can be hyperkeratosis. It is a process of growth of the stratum corneum. During this process, bacteria enter the sebaceous glands, which contribute to the appearance of the inflammatory process.
  3. The use of medications can cause skin inflammation, manifested by a purulent rash.
  4. The development of such a rash is facilitated by external irritants and unfavorable life situations.
  5. The cause of acne formation may be a cosmetic product that is not suitable for your skin type.

Subcutaneous rashes

Today there are many known reasons that can contribute to the development of such inflammations. Let's look at why subcutaneous acne appears on the face.

The main causes of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body, which can be caused by pregnancy or diseases of the body.
  2. Insufficient saturation of the body with vitamins. Quite often, acne can appear due to a lack of a component such as zinc.
  3. Stressful situation or nervous breakdown.
  4. Metabolic disease.
  5. Menstrual cycle.
  6. Taking medications that provoke intestinal dysbiosis.


Inflammation also occurs as a result of:

  1. improper skin care or its complete absence;
  2. unbalanced diet;
  3. development of skin diseases (staphylococcus, tick);
  4. hypothermia of the body (in this case, such rashes are called colds).

Regardless of why internal acne appears on the face, you must take all necessary measures to get rid of them.

Causes of white pimples

Such formations are non-inflamed, clogged hair follicles. In medicine they are called white comedones. These are fairly common rashes. So, why do white pimples appear on the face?

Doctors give the following reasons for their occurrence:

  1. metabolic disorders in the body;
  2. problems in the digestive system;
  3. use of low-quality or unsuitable cosmetics for your skin type;
  4. lack of systematic cleansing of the face from dirt;
  5. environmental exposure;
  6. choosing the wrong foods.

Due to a lack of zinc in the body, hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands may occur.

The size of the resulting inflammations can reach the diameter of a millet grain. That is why they were nicknamed “millets”. Also, white inflammation can negatively affect the appearance of the skin. They are located on the cheekbones, cheeks and eyelids.

Their main composition is sebum, so they are not subject to inflammatory processes. However, not always. When microorganisms get inside, the inflammatory process still occurs and is quite painful.


Red rash on face

What do these formations indicate or why did red pimples appear on the face?

The reasons for the appearance of a purple rash on the skin are very thorough:

  1. In most cases, its appearance is provoked by viral diseases such as rubella, scarlet fever and measles.
  2. A red rash on the face can occur due to allergies. The presence of such formations on the skin causes significant inconvenience. In most cases itching appears.
  3. Pityriasis rosea may appear as a red rash. It tends to grow over the entire area of ​​not only the face, but also the body.
  4. You can note the rash as one of the visible manifestations of syphilis. That is why it is worth paying special attention to such formations in order to avoid the development of diseases.

Do not try to determine on your own what the causes of the rash are. Be sure to seek help from a doctor.

Painful inflammation

People of any age can suffer from such formations. Rashes can appear on any part of the body, but they are most painful on the face. This type of acne occurs and develops under the skin. In rare cases, you can notice their manifestation on the surface of the skin. Let's look at why acne appears on the face.

The main reason for their occurrence is disruption of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this process, many dead cells accumulate under the skin. When pressing on them, you can feel a significant compaction.


  1. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Depression and stress.
  3. Poor-quality cosmetics or their inconsistency with your skin type.
  4. Hormonal imbalances in the body. They can appear during puberty in adolescents, also during pregnancy. In this case, the inflammation is temporary and goes away over time.
  5. Weak immunity.

Foods that provoke the development of inflammation

When wondering why acne suddenly appeared on your face, analyze your diet.

Several products have been identified that can negatively affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Caffeine. Quite dangerous in large quantities.
  2. Sweet and floury. This list also includes soda and juices.
  3. Fatty foods. Their consumption causes the development of a rash. It is recommended to replace with vegetable oil.
  4. Dairy products. They are not recommended to be consumed daily.
  5. Peanuts, almonds, pistachios. In small quantities, these products are very useful, but remember in moderation.


Skin treatment

Cosmetic and medical preparations are selected depending on the type of inflammation:

  1. Purulent pimples and blackheads - salicylic acid, Skinoren, Baziron, Retasol.
  2. Black dots - salicylic acid, Skinoren.
  3. Comedones – “Skinoren”, “Differin”, “Klenzin”.
  4. Demodicosis – “Ankebay”, “Delex-acne”.
  5. Acne with dry skin - synthomycin ointment and Cetaphil emulsion.
  6. Rosacea - “Metrogyl”, “Rozamet”, “Rozex”.

Important tip

Don't rush to fight acne on your own. Your best bet is to see a dermatologist. An experienced specialist will determine by appearance what problems are causing the rash.

To effectively combat acne, it is not enough to know a good dermatologist and acquire an arsenal of special cosmetics. Ideally, it is better to prevent a problem, and to do this you need to be aware of its causes.

  1. Causes of acne
  2. Acne map on face
  3. Determining the severity of the disease
  4. Preventive measures to combat acne
  5. Tools Overview

Causes of acne

Not so long ago, recurrent acne on the face received the status of a disease called “acne”, or “acne disease”. The attitude towards them has also become more serious, not just as a local cosmetic defect.

A pimple is an inflammatory element. The process of inflammation is associated with the sebaceous gland. When the outflow of sebum is disrupted for some reason, the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged, and acne propionbacteria begin to multiply in them.

To date, several factors have been studied that provoke disruption of the outflow of sebum and inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Floury, sweet and fatty foods are often the causes of acne © iStock

Poor nutrition

Flour, sweets, and fatty foods are blamed for the appearance of acne - however, these three can be blamed for almost any health problem. Indeed, if you remove these foods from your diet, your skin will become noticeably clearer.

Prevention of rashes includes a healthy, balanced diet and the presence of essential vitamins in the diet. In particular, vitamins A, C, group B. To compensate for the deficiency of useful substances, you can take them in tablets or capsules.

Illiterate care

Oily skin is especially prone to increased activity of the sebaceous glands. That is why she needs products designed specifically for her. Cosmetics for other skin types will not be suitable - they are not able to remove excess fat, if we are talking about cleansing and moisturizing properly (to normalize sebum production).

The ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged with excess sebum, which mixes with dead epidermal cells, particles of makeup, and everyday dirt. In this regard, when caring for oily skin, special emphasis should be placed on cleansing.

Obviously, touching your face with dirty hands or using unwashed brushes for cosmetics means provoking acne.

Hormonal imbalance

To combat acne, products based on zinc, salicylic acid, and clay are produced. © iStock

And if estrogens (female sex hormones) suppress the production of sebum, then androgens (male hormones), on the contrary, stimulate it. In addition, the point is not so much in the excess of androgens, but in the sensitivity of the sebaceous gland receptors to them. Therefore, with the same hormone levels, one person will have acne and another will not.

Acne in a woman after 20-30 years is a reason to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.


These are mainly problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If there are problems with digestion (including as a result of poor nutrition), the balance of microflora is disrupted. This also affects the condition of the skin.

Digestive disorders lead to an excess of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, from where they enter the bloodstream and can negatively affect the condition of the skin, contributing to the occurrence of inflammation.

Emotional condition

For a person with problem skin, stress is a powerful risk factor. The pimple pops up at the most crucial moment, because this moment is associated with emotions and excitement.

“It is known that the stress hormone cortisol provokes increased production of sebum and, as a result, clogged pores,” explains Vichy brand expert Elena Eliseeva.

For the same reason, the connection between deterioration in skin quality and lack of sleep becomes clear. Lack of sleep is also stressful for the body.

Stress and lack of sleep often trigger rashes. Avoid both. © iStock

Climatic factor

Subcutaneous mite

Demodex (subcutaneous mite) is a rather controversial cause of acne. It lives in the skin of 80% of people, but begins to cause trouble, including acne, only against the background of additional health problems or allergies to its waste products.

Acne map on face

Most often, the localization of the rash indicates that it is in this area that the sebaceous gland receptors are very sensitive to the effects of hormones. It is believed that the location of the rash can determine the nature of the problems in the body. In fact, dermatologists do not support this theory, but for general information we will still write about it.

“Favorite” places for acne to appear are the forehead, nose, and chin. © iStock

Part of the so-called T-zone. There are many sweat and sebaceous glands located here, so the skin is often characterized by increased oiliness. It is believed that rashes on the forehead indicate diseases of the large and small intestines.

In adolescence, acne on the cheeks predominates in boys. If acne appears in this area in women, it makes sense to check the hormonal system and intestines.

The nose is also part of the T-zone, where there are many sebaceous and sweat glands.

Here, acne no longer appears in adolescence, but after 30. They are usually associated with hormonal disorders and gynecological problems.

Determining the severity of the disease

The more rashes and inflammations, the more severe the disease. If we are not talking about single pimples, you should consult a dermatologist.

Preventive measures to combat acne

Clear skin for people whose skin is prone to breakouts is the result of careful daily care. It looks something like this.

Cleansing using a special product: it will remove excess sebum, impurities, and makeup.

Washing using gel or foam for oily or problem skin and toning. Once or twice a week, deep cleansing using clay-based masks is recommended (an approximate scheme for such cleansing is given below).

Hydration – a mandatory step in caring for oily skin. Lack of moisture provokes increased production of sebum. Due to the use of aggressive cleansers, oily skin often becomes dehydrated. It urgently needs moisture to maintain hydrolipid balance. Moisturizing normalizes sebum secretion, which helps fight inflammation and infection.

Camouflage imperfections using foundation, corrector or powder designed specifically for problem skin.


Tools Overview

Acne prevention program. Cleansing

As a cleansing gel, it cleanses and mattifies the skin. If used as a scrub, it exfoliates and prevents pore clogging. As a mask, it deeply cleanses pores and visually tightens them (apply for 3 minutes, rinse with warm water).

eucalyptus extract, salicylic acid, zinc

Suitable for pre-cleansing before washing: removes makeup, removes impurities.

Completes the cleansing process and tightens pores.

salicylic acid, zinc

Deeply cleanses problematic skin.

two types of mineral clay, thermal water with selenium

Cleanses the skin of excess sebum and impurities, reduces blackheads, pimples and their marks.

charcoal, salicylic acid, blueberry extract

Exfoliates the skin, effectively cleanses pores, prevents the appearance of acne and fights existing ones.

charcoal, salicylic acid, blueberry extract

Not every person can boast of naturally clean and healthy skin, which is why different lotions and creams are often used. These cosmetic substances allow you to keep your skin looking flawless for a long time. Unfortunately, no matter how hard we try, we still encounter acne from time to time. Some people simply ignore them, continuing to lead their previous lifestyle, while others, on the contrary, panic and crush them, treating them with aggressive antiseptics. You can understand one or the other, but I would like to note that if acne breaks out instantly, it is better to go to the doctor.

Types of rash on the face
