Collateral Training

Collateral training is one of the methods of treating patients with insufficient blood flow through the arterial vessels, which improves blood circulation in tissues and organs that do not receive enough blood. In this article we will look at the basic principles of collateral training and its benefits.

Collaterals are additional vessels that form around the main arterial vessel to provide additional blood supply to tissues. Collateral training involves a set of exercises aimed at stimulating the development of these additional vessels. One of the basic principles of collateral training is the use of physical exercises that create additional stress on the limbs, which helps to increase blood flow in them.

Benefits of collateral training:

Improving blood circulation in tissues that did not receive enough blood;
Increased volume and quality of blood flow;
Reducing the risk of developing diseases associated with circulatory failure;
Increasing physical performance and endurance of the body.

Collateral training can be carried out both in specialized medical institutions and at home. It is important to remember that before starting training, you must consult a doctor and undergo an examination to determine your health status and the presence of contraindications.

Collateral training is a very useful procedure that helps improve blood flow in the human body and prevent the development of various diseases. In this article we will talk about what collateral training is, how it is done and what results it can bring.

Collaterals are small vessels or capillaries that