What do acne on the face mean?

If there are any flaws on the skin, this is a signal of problems in the body. In Chinese medicine there is information about the relationship between acne on the neck and face and the condition of the organs. European doctors confirm the connection between acne and the state of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, and immune problems. The occurrence of redness is not a random occurrence. Let's find out the causes of acne in various areas of the face.


Mirror of body and soul

Chinese doctors claim that there is a relationship between different parts of the face and certain internal organs. In addition, areas of the body store certain information about the energetic and physical state of the human body. The pattern of acne appearing on the face is a direct reflection of health.

Ancient Chinese ideas about the gall bladder, liver, heart, and lungs differ from modern anatomical data. But the connection between appearance and internal diseases has been confirmed by scientific research.


Causes of skin rashes

Common causes of acne on the face are diseases of the internal organs. There is a certain scheme for their location. For each area, one or more problematic internal organs are identified. In order to assess the significance of acne on the face, the location zones are divided into 9 positions.

Pimples above the eyebrows (on the forehead)

Any pimple on the forehead indicates serious problems with the digestive system. The forehead area is considered the T-zone, which contains the maximum number of sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result of the active production of subcutaneous fat, an unnatural shine appears in the frontal area. In addition, there is a serious threat of acne and pimples.

The appearance of pimples above the eyebrows is a signal of problems in the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas. Also among the reasons for this phenomenon is the condition of certain parts of the intestine. Most often, pimples occur in people suffering from gallstone disease and dysbacteriosis.

Depending on the location of the redness, one can also guess the cause of the problem. When acne is located near the hair, there is a high probability of disruption of the gallbladder. If the rash appears near the eyebrows, intestinal irritation occurs and it cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

Any redness on the forehead is a signal of serious nutritional problems. Acne occurs when you eat unhealthy, processed foods. Also, a similar phenomenon is promoted by the abuse of sweet, fatty foods. Drink carbonated drinks and you will also get pimples on your face. The reasons for their appearance may differ by zone, but not significantly. Acne can be caused by taking medications: antibiotics, vitamins, hormonal drugs. Toxins that the intestines could not cope with try to escape through the skin.

Rash between eyebrows

If redness or rash appears in the eyebrow area, this indicates problems with the liver. The reasons for the loss of liver functionality may be: alcohol, fatty foods, dairy products. It is advisable to give up protein foods for a while and remove lactic acid products from your diet. Physical exercise and healthy sleep help eliminate acne on the face. The causes by zone, treatment of the rash (methods) should be determined by a professional dermatologist. Self-medication will only worsen the problem and cause serious health problems.


Around eyes

Any kind of rash in the eye area, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes indicate kidney disease, as well as dehydration. If you find acne on your face, the doctor must determine the causes by zone and choose a course of treatment (prevention), taking into account the results of clinical tests and the general condition of the patient. To prevent rashes around the eyes, you need to drink enough fluids.


On the nose

There is no clear answer to the question about the prerequisites for such a phenomenon as acne on the face. The causes of the rash may vary by region. Most often, pimples appear in this area due to enlarged nasal pores that have increased fat content. The nose is mostly open, and therefore dust and organic pollutants accumulate on its surface. Those people who constantly touch their nose with dirty hands clog their pores. As a result, red spots and black dots appear on the nose. Due to hormonal imbalance, acne also appears on the face. Their number may vary by zone. Hormonal problems are mainly characteristic of adolescents.

A rash on the nose may be a sign of heart problems. Having seen redness on the nose, you need to pay attention to blood pressure, assess the quantitative content of vitamin B in the body. It is advisable to check your cholesterol level, give up “bad” fats for a while, and include flaxseed oil, fish, and avocado in your food. Girls and women have their own problems, which cause acne to appear on the face in zones. The reasons lie in poor quality skin cleansing after makeup and the use of low-quality cosmetics.


On the ears

Why do acne appear on the face? By zone, the reasons are almost the same: diseases of internal organs, unhealthy diet, disruption of the daily routine. Redness and rash on the ears occurs due to kidney disease. To eliminate acne, you need to drink purified mineral water, give up strong coffee, carbonated drinks, and strong alcoholic drinks.

On the cheeks

If a rash appears in this area, there are serious problems with the respiratory system. This phenomenon is mainly typical for allergy sufferers and smokers. Acne on the cheeks and when the body overheats are also possible. To eliminate redness, it is advisable to use refrigerated foods. It is also important to reduce the consumption of sweet foods and increase the duration of walks in the fresh air. Dermatologists advise not to eat foods that create an acidic environment: caffeine, sweets, protein products. They need to be replaced with vegetables and fruits.


On the lips

If pimples appear around the lips, the body is in a stressful situation, or serious hormonal changes have occurred. A full eight-hour sleep, green vegetables, and a sufficient amount of regular drinking water are suitable as a preventive measure. As a result of clinical studies, a connection has been confirmed between acne in the mouth and disorders of the digestive system: loose stools, constipation, intestinal colic.


On the chin

The causes of rash and redness on the chin are the functioning of the endocrine system, as well as a malfunction of the digestive tract. If acne appears on the face, the causes by zone can only be determined after a full clinical study. For prevention, you can include foods rich in fiber in your diet. They will help remove harmful toxins from the body and restore the functioning of the digestive system.

Pimples in the chin area can be a consequence of increased levels of male sex hormones in the female body. Girls and women who find a rash on their chin should consult a gynecologist. Inflammation can be a consequence of hypothermia, decreased immunity, or an infectious disease. If you struggle with acne for a long period of time to no avail, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

How to get rid of acne?

Before you begin to eliminate acne, you need to understand the internal and external causes of its occurrence. Only in this case can one count on the effectiveness of the course of treatment. You will have to be patient and prepare yourself for a long war with acne. Often, the course of acne treatment lasts several years. You should not neglect basic hygienic rules of facial care. If one course of treatment is ineffective, you need to look for a new option and not fall into despair.

Considering the type and degree of acne damage to the facial skin, you can use different treatment methods:

  1. Removing dead skin particles from the skin, opening pores.
  2. Relieving inflammation from areas affected by acne.
  3. Treatment of hormonal imbalance.
  4. Restoring the functionality of the sebaceous glands.

Among the folk remedies that allow you to fight numerous redness on the skin, we note the juice of lemon, celandine, and lemon. Oatmeal and yeast masks remove bacteria from the skin and expand pores. Do not try to get rid of pimples on your own by squeezing them. Such manipulations will lead to the spread of infection throughout the skin, and as a result, the number of acne not only will not decrease, on the contrary, it will increase several times.

Analyzing the significance of acne on the face by zone, cosmetologists and dermatologists came to the conclusion that they can be used to make an initial conclusion about the patient’s health status. But to choose a course of treatment, a complete examination is a mandatory requirement. Only based on its results will the doctor be able to select therapy and eliminate the source of acne.

Almost every woman faces the problem of acne on her face. For many, this problem really ruins their lives, sometimes developing into complexes that affect the subconscious and prevent them from feeling and communicating normally. Why do pimples (acne, blackheads, acne) appear on women's faces? What do they mean? How to get rid of them? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Almost every woman faces the problem of acne on her face. For many, this problem turns into complexes that affect the subconscious and interfere with normal life and communication. Why do pimples (pimples, blackheads, acne) appear on girls’ faces? There are several different explanations for this, from your hormones to your genetics to your hygiene habits. In this article we will look at:

  1. What do pimples mean according to the Chinese face map?
  2. Why do pimples (acne, blackheads, acne) appear on the face?
  3. What steps can you take to get rid of acne?


Medical studies of the appearance of acne on certain areas of the face have been carried out for a long time and they confirm the fact that skin manifestations are associated with diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract or weakened immunity.

Eastern medicine suggests that skin problems are a reflection of the health of your internal organs. Looking at what part of your face is prone to acne can help determine what underlying health problems you may have. This is not an exact diagnosis, but it is worth looking into.

Pimples on the forehead and bridge of the nose

According to Chinese medicine, pimples on your forehead or above your eyebrows indicate that your liver is overworked and is having a hard time doing its job. Your diet is likely dominated by fats, dairy products, alcoholic beverages and red meat, which means your body is struggling to rid itself of excess toxins.

To help him get rid of his forehead acne, start consuming less chocolate, cakes and sugary drinks. Try to steam or bake food in the oven, and also exclude fried, fatty, and spicy foods from your diet. Start drinking more water and eating foods that help flush toxins out of your body. Baked apples are very useful. If all your efforts to follow a diet lead to nothing, try giving up dairy products for a month.

Pimples under the eyes

Acne under the eyes indicates problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands. If you constantly suffer from skin rashes in this area, you are probably very tired, have little sleep, and are under constant stress. Your diet is likely lacking in essential vitamins and nutrients.

Try to put your nervous system in order, relax, do yoga, meditate. Read a good book, make evening walks in the fresh air a norm. Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C (currants, lemons, oranges, kiwis, bell peppers), which will help you stay in a good mood.

Acne on the chest, back and cheeks

Pimples on your chest, back, and cheeks can mean your lungs are vulnerable. According to Eastern medicine, the lungs accumulate unbalanced, heavy and sticky energy that cannot find its way out of your body. This can be facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, consumption of sweets and fatty dairy products, as well as low consumption of vegetables and fruits.

To balance your energy, try to spend more time every day in the fresh air, move more, do morning exercises, and walk to work. Include more fresh vegetables and fruits, oatmeal and brown rice in your diet.

Pimples on the nose

According to Chinese medicine, pimples on the nose indicate cardiovascular problems. This could mean that your heart is lacking vitamin B and protein, or that you are inactive, or constantly anxious. If this is the case, your skin will suffer from a lack of nutrients, vitamins and poor circulation.

To solve this problem, add more green vegetables and fruits, fish, lean chicken, nuts and whole grains to your diet. Spend more time in the fresh air, do exercises and walk for at least an hour a day.

Pimples above the lips and shoulders

Pimples above the lips or shoulders may indicate digestive problems. In addition to acne, you may have indigestion, intestinal colic or constipation. These symptoms can occur when you are very sensitive, vulnerable, and worry too much about life.

To help your digestive system, add more fiber-rich vegetables to your diet, and try drinking a cup of green tea after every meal.

Acne on the chin and jaw

Acne on the chin can indicate both problems with the small intestine and hormonal imbalance. Perhaps you are nervous or sleep very little, drink a lot of coffee or alcohol. Acne on the chin can sometimes be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. Be sure to consult your doctor if your acne is very painful and there is a lot of it.

Pimples on the neck

Pimples on the neck may indicate problems in the endocrine or digestive system. They can also be caused by a cold or infection, as well as poor hygiene. Certain foods, such as berries, broccoli, salmon, buckwheat and rice, beans and green peas, may help relieve symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Pimples in the ear area

Pimples in the ear area often indicate problems with the kidneys, as well as as a consequence of constant stress, anxiety and nervous shock, and can be a consequence of high consumption of carbohydrates (sweets and starchy foods). To get rid of them, try reducing the amount of fried, fatty and sweet foods you consume in your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables. You can also limit your intake of dairy products.

Although Eastern medicine is popular, there are no proven correlations between acne on areas of the face and diseases of certain organs. However, failure to comply with personal hygiene standards can affect the blockage of the sebaceous glands, which will cause inflammation of the comedones. Long, untied hair, as well as synthetic clothing with long collars and scarves, can cause skin irritation. Infrequent changes of bed linen and towels also contribute to the development of skin rashes.


Acne near the hairline can be the result of old makeup left unremoved and clogging the pores. Make sure you remove makeup thoroughly from the entire face, especially close to the hairline.

Acne and pimples in your T-zone can be the result of too much stress, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee, or not getting enough sleep. May also be a normal side effect of puberty.

Pimples on the cheeks can be caused by various factors. They can appear if you smoke, repeatedly touch your face with your hands, or forget to change your pillowcases regularly. They can even be caused by touching your skin with a dirty mobile phone!

Acne on the chin is usually caused by hormonal imbalance, especially during adolescence and before your period—if you are a woman. However, eating a lot of sweets, chocolate or starchy foods can also contribute to an increase in acne on the chin, jaw or neck.

If acne is caused by poor hygiene rather than hormonal imbalance or genetic factors, your attitude towards proper sanitation needs to be adjusted.

Keeping your skin properly clean will help you get rid of those annoying pimples without resorting to very expensive products. Here are some ways to maintain healthy skin.

Adults should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. This will help keep your skin hydrated and healthy, preventing early wrinkles from appearing. If your skin is dry, your epithelial cells can die and clog your sebaceous glands, thereby contributing to the formation of inflammatory skin conditions.

  1. Change bedding regularly, especially pillowcases

Dirt and sebum from the face, body and hair end up on the bed linen. It's important to change your pillowcases at least once a week to prevent sebum and germs from transferring from one part of your body to another. You may need to change them more often if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin.

  1. Don't use other people's towels

Everyone's skin and hygiene are different. It's best to use your own towel to prevent other people's germs and sebum from getting on your face or body. Also, try to change your towel as often as possible. The same rules apply to brushes and applicators.

  1. Remove all makeup

To keep your skin clean, wash your face twice a day, morning and evening. Water for washing should be cold or slightly warm.

To remove makeup, use sanitary napkins and makeup remover or micellar water. Wipe your face thoroughly from the hairline to the neck.

  1. Use an acne treatment with benzoyl peroxide

The best ingredients used in acne cleansers are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid. Benzoyl peroxide has been shown to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, but it can also dry out your skin—so moisturize your face after using it.

  1. Use tea tree oil

This natural oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used on its own to spot treat problem areas. You can also add a few drops to your favorite cream, or buy a moisturizer that has tea tree oil as one of its ingredients.

7. Use a hot compress on your face

Prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, string) in the proportion: 1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water. Leave for 7-10 minutes, then wet the towel and squeeze well. Place a hot, damp towel on your face for twenty minutes, or while you relax in the bath. A hot compress will help open pores, remove plugs and remove dead skin cells.

  1. Use face masks

There are a number of products from your kitchen that have bactericidal properties when applied to the skin - potatoes, pumpkin, cucumbers. You can grind one of these products into a paste, apply it to your face and neck for 15 minutes, and then remove it. Do them daily or several times a week, this will protect your skin from foreign microflora.


I love the skin I'm in!

I hope this article helped you understand the causes of your acne and find ways to eliminate the problem. However, please remember that you can do everything to control and treat acne, but there are so many uncontrollable factors such as your genes, hormones and constant stress levels that contribute to the development of acne. Acne doesn't define you. Learn to love yourself, no matter what you look like!

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Acne can appear at any time, even the most inopportune moment, but people do not think about the reasons for its appearance. Acne is the first bell signaling a malfunction in the body. If functionality is impaired, then the problem should be looked for in your body, otherwise acne, papules, pustules, small black spots and similar rashes will constantly bother you.

There is a diagram that can help you recognize which internal organ is responsible for the appearance of acne in a certain part of the face. Why does acne appear, what problem is hidden behind its appearance, how to treat the disease and what measures need to be taken to get rid of acne forever?

What is a “pimple map”

Chinese doctors are convinced that there is a parallel between organs and facial rashes. Depending on what part of the face the pimple appears on, you can tell which organ is not functioning properly. The face is the keeper of several states at once - energetic, psychological and physical. When acne appears, you should pay more attention to the health of your internal organs.

Qualified doctors consider the relationship to be a scientifically proven fact, but the essence of this technique changes slightly. The fact is that the skin, according to doctors, is one large and important organ that protects the insides from aggressive environmental influences.

The skin is considered a constant participant in interaction with the outside world, so it is the first to suffer from negative consequences. There are many sebaceous hair follicles on the skin. If they function correctly, sebum is produced, which protects the epidermis from drying out and maintains elasticity. This creates a protective barrier. When sebum production is impaired, the skin becomes dry or oily. If the sebaceous duct becomes clogged with a collagen plug (blackhead), you will get a pimple. Since the lard has no outlet, the process of decay begins, creating propionobacteria.

The “Acne Map” helps to see the connection between diseases of the internal system and the location of acne on the face. Based on the diagram, you can divide the face into 3 parts, which are responsible for their own group of organs. To understand which organ is functioning poorly, it is enough to have knowledge of which part of the face is responsible for it.

The face is conventionally divided into 14 zones, some of which are asymmetrical (temples, cheeks). Leave 9 main parts:

  1. frontal lobe;
  2. Auricle;
  3. cheeks;
  4. wings of the nose, middle;
  5. chin;
  6. bridge of the nose;
  7. near the eyes;
  8. near lips;
  9. neck.


The Acne Map allows you to understand the meaning of acne and its formulation. All kinds of rashes, including acne in the neck area, indicate malfunctions in the internal system of the body.

Diseases of the stomach and nearby organs responsible for processing food are accompanied by rashes on the forehead. When propionobacteria spread, new acne appears, and the skin acquires an unhealthy shine. If acne does not appear and the oily skin does not disappear, then it is better to go check the gastrointestinal tract, because oily skin is directly related to malfunctions of the digestive system.

When acne on the forehead appears exactly above the eyebrow, the problem may be hidden in the gallbladder or pancreas. It is unlikely that there was a malfunction in the intestines. There may be dysbiosis, enteritis, colitis, flatulence. Inflammation of the mucous membrane that envelops the intestines or an imbalance of its microflora are serious diseases.

If acne is observed on the forehead, along the hairline, then the patient suffers from intestinal irritation. This occurs due to an unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of salty, sour, sweet, fried or fatty foods, alcohol or carbonated drinks. If acne has attacked your temples, then you should think about reducing your medication intake. Temporal rashes may appear due to the consumption of hormonal drugs or antibiotics. Periodic consumption of vitamin complexes can also affect the spread of acne. Diseases of the spleen and lymph flow are less commonly diagnosed.

Pimples on the temples can indicate cardiovascular diseases and disturbances in the production of hormones in the female half of the population. In order for your skin to look healthy, you should refrain from eating foods with a rich taste, balance your diet and eat more plant foods. Bad habits can also become provoking factors, so it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible.

You can talk about kidney disease if acne appears in the ear area. In appearance, the auricle is very similar to a kidney. With ear pimples, inflammatory diseases occur in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), urination is difficult, and it is possible that there are stones in the kidneys. To eliminate diseases, you should drink at least 2 liters. pure non-carbonated water, completely remove coffee, carbonated and alcohol-containing drinks from the diet.

Pimples in the cheek area appear when problems arise with the bronchi or lungs. Depending on the location of the pimples, you can judge which lung is functioning poorly. If the rash appears on the right cheek, then the problem concerns the right lung, if on the left, then the left. Tracheitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and even pneumonia may be present. Allergy sufferers and smokers are more likely to have a chronic disease. If the patient does not use tobacco and is not allergic, then pimples on the cheeks can be caused by overheating.

If acne appears above the cheekbones, you should take care of the stomach, since it is possible that gastritis (including atrophic), ulcers, and heartburn develop in the body. There are cases when a person suffers from constipation. If acne has formed under the cheekbone, then the disease can affect the oral cavity. Sometimes small red rashes occur - this is a symptom of an unstable mental state, emotional overload. Similar symptoms apply to acne in the cervical area. All patients are recommended to drink at least 2 liters. water per day, eat fresh, refrigerated foods, reduce your intake of sugary foods and increase your time outdoors.

There is no clear idea why acne appears on the nose, but there are the most common factors that influence the presence of rashes in this area:

  1. problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur with acne on the upper part of the nose;
  2. If the tip of your nose is strewn with pimples, then you should look for answers in a reference book with cardiovascular diseases.

When acne appears on the nostrils, you should pay attention to the respiratory system. Diseases associated with the trachea or bronchi are possible.

Reduced blood circulation can also cause acne on the nose. The distinguishing factor is the redness of the tip of the nose and a constant burning sensation. Sometimes nasal acne appears due to hormonal imbalance caused by puberty, premenstrual syndrome, menopause or pregnancy.

The environmental situation in the region of residence plays an important role. The body can react in its own way to emissions and excessive gas pollution. Pimples on the neck and nose can form due to this factor.

It is necessary to take into account that the nose is completely covered with sebaceous hair follicles, which means it is more susceptible to oiliness. External pollutants are often concentrated on the nose. It is advisable to maintain careful hygiene and periodically moisturize your face - this will help protect your skin from harmful factors. Refusing to consume unhealthy fats in favor of healthy ones will also affect your appearance. A balanced diet is always aimed at maintaining health and strengthening the immune system. If pimples often appear on your nose, then it is advisable to monitor your blood pressure for 2 weeks.

If you have acne on the bridge of your nose, you should pay attention to the functioning of your liver. You can get hepatosis, hepatitis, or simply get a metabolic disorder. This is the first signal that the liver cannot cope with the food consumed, which means you will have to go on a strict diet, remove alcohol, medications and unhealthy foods from your diet. Such actions will help cleanse the liver, remove toxins and waste from the body, and cleanse the blood. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, and exercise should be repeated regularly!

You can pay attention to 2 scenarios - kidney disease or dehydration (lack of water) of the body. To avoid consequences, you need to drink more fluids and spend more time outdoors.

Pimples near the lips indicate a disruption in the production of hormones. If there is a rash above the upper lip, it can indicate problems of a cardiac nature, and above the lower lip, it can indicate problems of the small intestine. Pimples appear in the corners of the lips with diseases of the duodenum, and a little further along the edges - with diseases of the large intestine.

Touchy people develop acne due to stress and unspoken grievances. With profuse acne on the back, the cause should be sought in the psychological state of the patient. Frequent exposure to conflict situations is reflected in red lips and upper back. Don't be nervous - you should relax and spend more time sleeping.

They are responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system; the appearance of acne can also indicate diseases affecting the female reproductive glands. When the level of male hormones in the body increases, rashes may appear. Often the cause is normal menstruation, when male hormones are produced in large quantities.

The neck is an extremely sensitive area, and acne can become inflamed - this indicates a cold. Immunity is reduced, and to get rid of acne on the neck you will have to block the inflammatory process.

Amina Pirmanova / article author