Facial care stages and remedies

A woman’s face is a kind of “showcase” of appearance. That is why it is necessary to take into account the stages of facial skin care when performing daily cosmetic procedures. After all, the face is exposed to external and internal conditions.

Malfunctions in the functioning of the body, sleepless nights, exposure to wind or, on the contrary, the rays of the sun, all this is reflected as a carbon copy on delicate skin. For this reason, caring for her must be systematic, competent and step-by-step.

There are some basic, universal rules that apply to absolutely any skin type (this includes the stages of applying some cosmetics). But the rest of the care needs to be tailored strictly to yourself.

We will help you understand what your skin requires!

Rules for facial skin care

For complete, and most importantly, high-quality facial skin care, you should choose everything you need and need for each type of skin from the list. The care list, in general, is small and includes only a few items for everyday facial care. Although at first glance this entire complex may seem numerous and difficult to implement, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to outline the steps necessary for a particular woman’s skin and move in a given direction purposefully and systematically.

The main law of beauty is the need for daily facial skin care. Fatigue, lack of time, banal laziness should not stand in the way of beauty and grooming. Makeup must be washed off, skin care products applied to the skin, peelings and masks are carried out at certain intervals. This is the base. The foundation, without which the appearance of the dermis will never become well-groomed and pleasing to the eye. That is why step-by-step care should be practically “hammered” into the daily routine of every self-loving woman.

The application of cosmetics during the day and during evening care must certainly be done along the massage lines. This will help the cosmetics absorb faster and avoid stretching of the dermis, which can occur if the fingers are moved incorrectly. The main massage lines are:

  1. from the chin to the earlobes;
  2. from the corners of the lips to the earlobes;
  3. from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  4. from the outer corners of the eye to the inner (movements along the upper and lower eyelids);
  5. from the collarbones to the chin up the center of the neck;
  6. from the earlobes to the shoulders on the sides of the neck.

Basic stages of facial skin care

The main stages of facial skin care are as follows:

  1. cleansing;
  2. toning;
  3. hydration;
  4. applying cream.

Facial skin care at home involves the use of peelings and masks. But these steps are considered periodic because they are not performed daily.

The primary stage of complete daily facial care is skin cleansing. Dust, cosmetics, sebum, toxic substances of the modern environment readily clog the pores of the face almost every minute. Of course, all excess accumulated during the day must be removed. Otherwise, comedones (blackheads), acne, inflammation and other minor and major troubles will most likely appear on your face. For this reason, cleansing the dermis must be thorough and regular.

Following the care sequence, the cleansing is followed by a toning process. Toners remove remnants of cleansing cosmetics from the face and give the skin a fresh look. The tonic helps narrow pores, cellular renewal, restore acid balance and relieve inflammation.

A facial will not be considered complete if the face is not moisturized. This can be achieved by using moisturizing creams, sprays and lotions. They will help restore the skin's water balance.

Find out more about the stages of facial skin care:

How to apply cream on your face?

The cream, selected taking into account your skin type, is suitable as a skin care product for every day. It is very important to apply cosmetics correctly. Then it will have a better effect. Having completed the remaining preliminary stages of basic care, you can begin to distribute the cream over your face.

A small amount of cream is squeezed onto the palm. Distribute the product with careful movements. Leave the cream until completely absorbed. The remains are rubbed over the surface of the hands.

Important! You don’t need to skimp on the amount of product, but you shouldn’t apply too much of it either.

Sequence of facial skin care in popular questions

Modern man is very mobile. We are constantly striving somewhere, running, walking - to the bus, up the career ladder, towards our goals. So why not start taking steps towards amazing, youthful skin? Moreover, these steps will not require any excessive effort.

So, step-by-step instructions for daily facial care look like this:

Step 1: Wash your hands. Touch your face exclusively with clean hands.

Step 2. Remove eye makeup. For this purpose, a special product (hydrophilic oil, micellar water) is suitable, which must be applied to a cotton pad and lightly moved along the eyelids, removing any remaining makeup.

Apply cleanser to face and neck using fingertips. After a minute, rinse with warm water.

Step 3. Moisten a cotton pad with toner. Gently rub the skin along the massage lines.

By the way. If a tonic is used in the form of a spray, it is sprayed over the face and gently driven into the dermis with light movements of the fingertips. The product can also be distributed with a cotton pad.

Step 4: Apply moisturizer. This process is carried out twice a day - morning and evening, distributing the product along the massage lines.

Important! Day cream is applied half an hour before going out into the air (an hour in winter) so that it has time to be absorbed. Night cream is applied about an hour before bedtime.

It is recommended to tidy up your facial skin with cleansers and water. But is all water suitable for such a delicate procedure? What water is best to use?

Ideally, use filtered water free of chlorine. But it is also acceptable to wash your face with tap water. Its contact with the dermis when washing lasts no longer than a few seconds, and the tonic applied afterwards neutralizes the effect of all “unhealthy” substances.

Yes. Can. But after such a procedure, you need to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in water or tonic. This will remove any remaining cleaning products.

When caring for your delicate facial skin, you shouldn’t forget about washing your face every day. Complete facial skin care involves at least two washes - morning and evening. This approach will allow you to cleanse your skin after sleep or a day of work and prepare it for subsequent skin care stages.

The subtleties of the facial skin care process depend on the woman’s age. Very young girls do not need to apply night cream. All you have to do is cleanse your face and apply toner.

Having crossed the twenty-five year mark, ladies are recommended to perform all skincare procedures without exception.

Seasonality in facial care also plays an important role. Facial care in summer differs from the same procedure in winter. Although the basic sequence of stages is usually preserved. In winter, it is worth using protective products that protect your skin from negative weather influences. Moisturizer is applied exclusively at night. It is unacceptable to go outside immediately after applying the product.

Summer care is aimed at moisturizing the dermis. In warm weather, it is recommended to apply natural-based masks more often: fruit, clay, vegetable, etc.

Many girls doubt the advisability of using tonic in facial care. But it is preferable for everyone to use the tonic. It is preferable to choose a product for your skin type that performs suitable functions. Thus, according to functionality, tonics are divided into moisturizing, refreshing, astringent, exfoliating and others.

The sequence of actions in facial skin care is a mandatory condition. Three main steps - cleansing, moisturizing, toning - a woman should do every day, moving towards well-groomed and youthful skin. Regular care procedures in tandem with high-quality cosmetics will help achieve stunning results.

Standard facial skin care includes five main stages - this is the scheme that is used to care for the face in European countries. In the east, in particular in Korea, there are twice as many stages - we counted ten. In this article, let's look at the main stages of skin care - five standard and ten Korean. In addition, we will get acquainted with the features of caring for aging skin.

Five stages

So, the standard “set” of facial skin care procedures includes five stages:

Next, we will go through all five stages in detail.

The most important skin care procedure - without it, you cannot see a clean face and flawless appearance. It is recommended to cleanse twice a day: immediately after waking up in the morning and before going to bed. So, in the evening, cosmetics, dust and dirt are removed from the skin, and in the morning, the fat formed overnight by the sebaceous glands.

It is best to use cosmetic products specially designed for this purpose for high-quality cleansing: gels, foams, milks. It is also important that the products have a neutral acidic pH reaction - this way they will not harm the epidermis.

You should be careful when choosing a product and focus on your own skin type. If your face is dry, choose creamy products with a nourishing and moisturizing effect. If your skin is oily, it is better to prefer gels, as they can control this problem and minimize oiliness.

We recommend using foam products for cleansing (except soap, of course). The liquid preparation is first applied to the palms, then mixed with water, beaten a little and distributed over the skin of the face. Avoid applying cleansers to the skin around your eyes to avoid stretching it.

Although we usually don’t see it, our skin is constantly renewing itself. Every day old cells die off and new ones appear in their place. Where do dead cells go is a good question. If you do not exfoliate, some of the old cells will remain on the face, clogging the pores with their mass, contaminating the epidermis. Therefore, exfoliation is also an important part of care.

Note that the younger the skin, the faster and easier it is to remove old cells on its own. But the older the skin gets, the slower this natural process becomes. Therefore, it is necessary to help your face using special scrubs and peels. Otherwise, lethargy, sagging skin, and loss of elasticity cannot be avoided.

To keep your face fresh and glowing with health, it is recommended to tone it after exfoliation. Special lotions are used for this purpose. It is not advisable to use lotions containing alcohol, as they dry out the skin greatly.

Tonic helps remove cleanser residues from the skin, normalizes the pH of the epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, firmness and smoothness. In addition, a properly selected tonic also significantly reduces the pores of the face and charges the epidermis with vitamins. A high-quality tonic will prepare the skin for the application of other cosmetics and enhance the effects of their beneficial components.

This procedure helps to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a healthier, more beautiful and well-groomed appearance. It is advisable to use not surfactants for moisturizing, but those that are capable of a deep effect.

Moisturizing is an important procedure for any skin type. Both dry epidermis and normal and even oily epidermis are subject to dehydration. In the latter case, it is better to prefer products with a mattifying effect. This stage is especially important in the summer - in the heat, hydration should never be ignored. A properly selected moisturizer will make your facial skin soft, healthy, and delicate. In summer, you can use both creams and products based on gels and emulsions. In winter, it is better to prefer denser products rich in nutrients.

You might like Libriderm creams.

This stage involves the use of products that help protect the face from the negative influence of the external environment. Including from weather, atmospheric phenomena, dust, dirt, ultraviolet radiation. Usually, products with a toning effect are used as protective products, which, among other things, also give the skin an even, beautiful tone. It is recommended to use protection only in the morning before leaving the house. Before going to bed, covering your face with a foundation layer is not necessary and even harmful.

In the video - what are the stages of facial skin care:

After 30

When the thirty-year mark passes, skin problems and visible negative changes become more and more common. This sad fact is connected with the fact that with age, the skin, for natural physiological reasons, loses its elasticity, becomes less and less elastic, and becomes increasingly covered with wrinkles. Therefore, facial care needs to be transferred to a regular basis, and also made more profound and thoughtful.

It is no longer worth experimenting with caring drugs and methods - it is advisable to use classic remedies with proven positive effects.

Cleansing must be made a mandatory procedure, since dirty skin ages faster and looks much narrower. Use all cosmetics only if you thoroughly cleanse your face first - otherwise it will simply be useless.

You should not use soap to wash your face. This cleanser has a pronounced drying effect, which is unacceptable for aging skin. The use of soap can lead to faster and more active aging, the formation of new and deeper wrinkles.

You should also not use alcohol products. Alcohol is very drying, so the effect of using such products will be similar to the effect of using soap.

Include lip and eye area skin care into your regular routine. These areas are distinguished by a particularly delicate structure of the epidermis - almost completely devoid of natural fat. Because of this, wrinkles form around the mouth and eyes faster and earlier than others. Use only specially designed products to care for these areas.

For nutritional purposes, it is better to use night creams, since during the day it is more important for the skin to remain well hydrated. And at night, during rest, the epidermis will be able to most fully absorb beneficial nutritional components. Cosmetologists recommend starting to use nourishing creams in a standard care program no earlier than you turn 25 years old.

At a younger age, the skin is already saturated with nutrients and has its own fat reserves.

In summer, be sure to use products containing protective SPF filters. And the lighter your complexion tone, the more powerful these filters should be. This way you will protect your face from photoaging.

It is important to choose products that also contain components such as:

All these components benefit the skin after 30 years, help it stay fresh and healthy longer, and preserve your beauty

Korean system

Many have seen Korean beauties in photos and noticed how soft, smooth and fair their skin is. And what is important, both a young Korean girl and an older lady can boast of good skin.

How do they achieve such an impressive result?

The answer is simple - Korean women do not use a five-step care system like we do, but a ten-step one. Yes, performing as many as ten different procedures takes more time, but when developing the proper skills, it doesn’t take much. Let's find out the main points that help Korean women stay young and beautiful.

Korean women prefer not to treat existing skin problems and defects, but to prevent them in advance. Rather than getting rid of wrinkles, isn’t it better to prevent their appearance from an early age, using products specially designed for this purpose?

Women in Korea take care of their skin carefully, achieving complete and deep cleansing through ten steps. Korean women pay more attention to health than to beautification through the use of decorative cosmetics.

We also note that in general, the composition of Korean products is much softer, gentle and far from as aggressive as Western drugs. It is impossible to find alcohol in the composition of a Korean tonic or other product, which mercilessly dries out the skin.

It is also interesting that when carrying out caring procedures, Korean women do not use cotton pads: they apply the products directly to the face, and then wash it off or leave it on. Korean ladies avoid unnecessary touching of their facial skin, so products that can be applied non-contactly, for example, spray mist, are especially popular among them.

Korean women strictly divide the stages of care into morning and evening, and never confuse them.

Morning care is:

  1. cleansing with foams, gels or cream soaps if the skin is oily;
  2. toning with lotions and tonics;
  3. nutrition using milk, emulsions and deep serums;
  4. about twice a week a mask is added to standard morning care;
  5. applying day cream;
  6. and the finishing touch is makeup.

Evening care includes the following procedures:

  1. cleansing with foam and hydrophilic oil (two-stage system);
  2. facial massage using oils and scrubs;
  3. standard toning;
  4. food, as in the morning;
  5. a couple of times a week - additional care with masks and oils;
  6. applying night cream, including around the eyes.

This is the kind of advanced care that Korean women use. And thanks to this, they can boast of smooth skin without defects and wrinkles even at a fairly old age.

Facial skin care can be either simple, consisting only of cleansing and moisturizing, or five or even ten steps - thorough and much more effective. Of course, multi-stage care is preferable, as it allows the skin to remain youthful longer and prevents the appearance of age-related changes and defects. And with the development of a skill, care that seems so long will take a lot of time, and will be done almost automatically.

To always have a fresh appearance and flawless makeup, you must follow the steps of facial skin care. A competent approach to such a seemingly simple matter (but only seemingly!) will help, if not get rid of many cosmetic defects, then significantly reduce their visual manifestation.

This is why it is so important to follow simple rules for caring for your face, neck, décolleté, lips, and hands. These are those areas of a woman’s body that are most “tested” by the external environment. Consequently, they react very actively and vividly to negative factors with their unpresentable appearance.

Do we need this? Naturally not! So let's begin to study all the intricacies of the process.

Proper facial care


The epidermis in exposed areas of the body is exposed to daily environmental influences. These are not only natural factors (wind, heat, cold, humidity), but also dust, dirt, harmful emissions and much more that is invisible to the human eye. So, in particular, you need to follow the rules of facial skin care from a very early age. Another question is that products for different age categories will differ significantly in composition and effect.

It is necessary to remember, as an axiom, that a person requires compliance with a certain ritual, and a regular one. The skin care routine involves the daily use of certain cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type and age.

You also need to take into account that there are a number of procedures that are performed periodically, but also regularly. This is a thorough, deep cleaning using special products:

  1. scrubbing - in the salon or at home;
  2. mechanical or hardware cleaning;
  3. peeling of different types according to indications.

Such manipulations are usually carried out in courses of several procedures. Home scrubbing using both store-bought and homemade products is done 1-3 times a week, depending on skin type.


There is a certain sequence of applying cosmetics with different effects. It depends on the purpose of the product and its texture. But there is something in common, namely:

  1. application is carried out along massage lines, in the direction from the middle of the face to the cheekbones and chin;
  2. movements should be light and not stretch the skin;
  3. liquid products are applied with a cotton pad or sponge;
  4. creams, mousses, gels - with fingertips.

If the products are nourishing or moisturizing, you can help them absorb by performing “driving” movements with your fingertips. But without effort, only lightly touching the surface of the skin.

An immutable rule that must be remembered forever! Morning cream is applied to the face in the summer - half an hour before going outside, in the winter - at least an hour. “Summer” cream should be light in texture and not contain a large amount of oils. “Winter” is the opposite - with less liquid, but with a higher percentage of fatty components.

Facial care program at home

There are standard facial care steps that are performed twice a day - morning and evening. Each of them performs its functions, allowing the epidermis to fully “work.”

It is very important to know in what order to apply the products so that they complement each other, providing comprehensive care.


Statistics show that many women do not quite understand how to properly cleanse their skin. This is where problems arise - inflamed areas, pimples, clogged pores, makeup “floats”, and “glossy” appears in the middle of the day. Therefore, we study the order of applying skin cleansing products, which is very important.

The stages of facial cleansing can be divided into two “sub-stages” (let’s call it this way):

  1. washing. For this you need to use special gels or foams for washing. The water should be warm (not hot or cold!). After the procedure, do not wipe your face vigorously, but only pat dry with a cotton towel;
  2. cleansing with lotion. To do this, apply the required amount of product to a cotton pad and rub the skin along the massage lines without pressing. Allow it to dry naturally.

Lotion, micellar water or another product in this series should be used morning and evening to cleanse the skin. They not only complete the process, but also remove any remaining detergent.


For complete facial care, the toning stage is very important. Tonics perform the following functions:

  1. restore the pH of the dermis;
  2. tone and moisturize;
  3. increase the elasticity of the skin;
  4. stimulate collagen production;
  5. tighten pores.

You should also apply facial care products using a cotton pad along the massage lines. The movements are light, without pressing or stretching the skin. This is a kind of massage that improves blood flow and resists the formation of wrinkles.

The toner should be selected specifically according to your skin type. In addition, experts insist that the composition does not contain alcohol components and parabens. They can dry out the skin, which is especially important for women with a dry type of epidermis.


Proper facial care involves thorough moisturizing. Even if your skin is oily or problematic, it needs moisture no less than dry, thin and sensitive.

You need to apply moisturizer twice a day. Products should be selected not only according to skin type or age, but also taking into account the temporary characteristics of the product (that is, day or night cream).

Look for the following components:

  1. vitamin complexes (A, E, C, group B)
  2. hyaluronic acid;
  3. glycerol;
  4. proteins;
  5. panthenol;
  6. plant extracts;
  7. vegetable oils.

Interesting fact. The presence of collagen and elastin in products is considered a good indicator. But in some sources you can find information that these substances have large molecules that physically cannot penetrate the epidermal barrier into the tissues. So the presence of these components in creams is a somewhat controversial issue.

Now let's look at how to properly apply the cream to your face. This, as it turns out, is also a whole science, although not complicated, but important.

  1. Squeeze a sufficient amount of product from the tube (or take it from the jar) into your palm. In the case of a tube, this is convenient. And if the product is in a jar, then this technique minimizes the entry of bacterial microflora into the container.
  2. Apply the cream along the massage lines in a circular motion without pressing, so as not to stretch the skin.
  3. The layer of product should be thin and uniform so as not to overload the epidermis.
  4. Apply a cream with a moisturizing effect of a lighter texture to the skin around the eyes. It is better to choose a product specifically designed for this purpose.

We perform the evening moisturizing procedure two to three hours before bedtime. At this time, facial expressions, blood microcirculation and metabolic processes are active. The cream will be well absorbed and the skin will receive all the necessary substances. If you do this immediately before going to bed, the effect is reduced.

These are the main stages of skin care that will help stop age-related changes, have a preventive effect and ensure a presentable appearance every day.

Frequently asked questions about facial care


Very often, women ask: “Why is facial skin care done this way step by step? Is it possible to change the order, remove some process, or do it your own way?”

We looked at why step-by-step facial care is important and what functions each of them performs. Now let's pay attention to some particulars that interest our readers.

You can wash your face, but will it benefit your skin?!

The composition of tap water is like a whole chemical laboratory. It contains, in particular, a substance such as chlorine. It is used for water purification. There is also iron, salts of various metals and some other components that are not completely removed at filtration stations.

All these “components” of tap water do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. They dry out, injure, clog pores, and so on.

It is better to give preference to structured water (melt water, non-carbonated mineral water). Or subject the tap water to re-purification using household cleaners, which are available in almost every home today.

Hot water provokes the activity of the sebaceous glands. Consequently, sebum secretion increases. An oily sheen appears, pores can become clogged, comedones, pimples, acne and other troubles occur.

Cold water, on the contrary, inhibits all natural processes. The tissues seem to “shrink from the cold” and the pores close. As a result, the penetration of nutrients worsens, metabolic processes slow down, and the skin does not receive enough necessary elements.

Conclusion - choose the “golden mean”. In our case, warm water, approximately room temperature.

The washing process is very important. Water and special detergents cleanse the face not only of decorative cosmetics, but also remove dust, dirt, natural oils and pathogens.

After washing, the skin is “open” to the intake of vitamins, minerals and other components necessary for full functioning, contained in hygienic cosmetics.

If this process is too confusing for you, you can skip it. Only in this case, you need to moisten a cotton pad with the water you use for drinking and wipe your face thoroughly to remove any remnants of cleansers and makeup.

Basic basic facial skin care involves cleansing twice a day. It is necessary.

In the evening, during this process, all polluting particles (including makeup) that have reached the skin during the day from the environment are removed.

In the morning, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of natural waste products.

However, if the skin is dry, mature and sensitive, then in the morning you can limit yourself to just washing your face and immediately move on to toning.