Aruzz - rice

Hot, dry, but its dryness is more obvious than its warmth: however, some claim that it is hotter than wheat.

Actions and properties.
Rice provides good nutrition but is dry. If it is boiled with milk and almond oil, it becomes even more nutritious and better and its drying and fixing properties disappear, especially if it is soaked one night in water with bran. Rice is one of the slow cooling and cleansing agents.

Eruption organs.
A condensed decoction of rice in water to some extent strengthens the stomach, and a decoction in milk increases the flow of semen and does not fix it unless the rice is thoroughly fried in the husk or you try to destroy the wateriness of the milk in which it is boiled. Rice is especially strengthened if it is soaked for one night in water with bran in order to destroy its dryness.