Immunity and health of the child. Your treasure trove of knowledge

Child's immunity and health

The birth of a baby is the most important event for parents. An unknown world, full of happiness and joyful worries, opens up for them. New, unexperienced emotions appear in life: tears of tenderness at the appearance of a tooth, pride at the first step taken, at the sight of their grown-up child learning to read words syllable by syllable, then first grade, and so on all his life.

Of course, the most important thing is caring for the child's health. The foundations of good health and a child’s immunity are laid in childhood. The task facing parents is to do everything possible to improve the health of the baby. Weak immunity is the cause of frequent illnesses, constant illnesses affect the character, the child becomes lethargic and often cries.

For a biological organism, the meaning of immunity is to ensure genetic integrity throughout life. Immunity is “the ability of the immune system to get rid of genetically foreign objects.” You need to have an idea of ​​what it is, what types there are and how to improve health, according to the knowledge gained. It comes in two types: congenital (nonspecific) and acquired (specific).

A congenital fetus acquires in the womb, a specific one is produced after an illness. Moreover, specific, depending on the disease suffered, it can persist intravitally or for a certain time. It is called natural. It is produced only on its own.
Acquired is produced when a vaccine is introduced into the body. It is called artificial. It has subtypes: antimicrobial is aimed at destroying the causative agent of the disease; antitoxic fights waste products and decay of the dead pathogen.

Lots of controversy over about the advisability of vaccinating children. Many people are afraid of side effects as a result of vaccination; they believe that the immune system is able to cope with a variety of pathogens on its own. It's a delusion. Vaccinations protect against serious diseases with serious consequences, such as polio. There is also an extremely bad disease called diphtheria. When an unvaccinated person gets sick, the consequences can be extremely severe. Only a doctor can decide whether to vaccinate or not, when to do it. On the issue of improving your health, how best to do this, you should consult a doctor. The doctor can find out whether your baby is weakened or not, and give recommendations. If the baby gets sick several times a year, there is nothing to worry about. The ability to fight bacteria and viruses that attack from the outside is developed.

But when the frequency of diseases is five times a year or more; they occur without elevated temperature, your baby is pale, his appetite is weak - this is a reason to examine him. Other signs of weakened immunity: food allergies, dysbacteriosis, lymph nodes are often enlarged, sometimes the spleen. Paleness and lethargy can also be caused by blood diseases, such as anemia. During the examination, your therapist will refer you to the right doctor, perhaps an immunologist, where the baby will receive comprehensive treatment and subsequently good health. You cannot start treatment on your own, vitamins and herbs will not help, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

In the first year of a baby’s life, he has maternal antibodies received in the womb. During this period, he suffers from, for example, the contagious disease chickenpox, but his health is good, thanks to the immunity given by his mother. He endures the disease without consequences. In children born with pathology, the immune system may not perform its intended function, and parents need to strengthen their health, treat the child from the day he is born in order to get a healthy toddler in the future. Of course, the best thing that will strengthen and protect this is breastfeeding. The benefits of this can hardly be overestimated.

About breastfeeding Many articles have been written, now every mother tries to breastfeed her child for as long as possible. Children who receive breast milk grow healthy and get sick less than artificial babies. It happens that the mother does not have enough milk, it is difficult for the baby to suck on the breast, or, on the contrary, there is too much milk and the baby may choke on it, but these are temporary difficulties, the baby and mother will adapt to each other.

The reward will be a strong and cheerful little one. There is no greater happiness for parents than seeing a happy, rosy-cheeked and contented baby. Besides the benefits of breastfeeding, there are other aspects to promoting health. Massages, walks, nutrition, adherence to the regime, hardening. Be sure to follow a certain routine, go to bed on time, get up, and go for a walk. Many people make the mistake of starting to overzealously protect their child from drafts and the slightest breeze, fearing possible diseases. But wanting the best, they achieve the exact opposite. When the baby feels comfortable in his clothes, he is comfortable, then he will be happy to play, walk, and always be in a great mood. Mood is also an important point: mood can be included in a set of measures to strengthen the immune system. Just love him, play with him, read, sing songs - and your little one will be happy.

More about hardening and nutrition. Of course, moderation is needed in everything, but you can start gradually hardening as soon as mommy returns home from the maternity hospital. The baby should receive air baths. Just leave him naked several times during the day for 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time to half an hour, adding one minute per day. Monitor the air temperature in the room; the temperature must be at least 18 degrees. As mentioned above, dressing according to the season is the same at home: the body breathes, the little one is at ease. It is also recommended to run barefoot; there are many points on the feet, the impact of which has a beneficial effect on the body. Of course, everything in moderation.

As the child grows up, it is necessary to take the child to a resort once a year; the sea air has a beneficial effect. The baby should eat according to his age, gradually adding useful vitamins and microelements to the diet, following the doctor’s recommendations. For full development, the body must receive everything it needs from food. You can, after consulting with your doctor, choose vitamins for children.

The baby should be taught to a certain diet, this will bring undoubted benefits in the future. No matter how much you would like to pamper your child, you should not give him tasty but harmful foods: foods with preservatives, dyes, children's treats, sparkling water. There are a lot of healthy and equally tasty things that can be offered that will please him. The taste of the baby is shaped by the parents; it depends only on them whether he will eat right or not.

You can strengthen your immune system traditional methods, but any recommendations, before putting this into practice, consult your doctor. Now there is a lot of unverified information that can harm your child.
By following these simple recommendations, you will lay the foundation for further development and adaptation in kindergarten and then at school. Adaptation in kindergarten does not always proceed as smoothly as we would like. In addition to taking care of the baby’s health, you have to prepare the baby psychologically, encourage him to play with other children, and invite friends with small children into the house. The child must get used to playing with children and not be afraid of being left without the attention of their parents for some time.

We hope this article was useful to you. We wish you and your children health, joy and love. And let your children’s eyes glow with happiness.