What is the definition of voluntary health insurance?

Voluntary health insurance, also known as VHI, is insurance coverage that combines out-of-pocket expenses with voluntary premiums.Voluntary health insurance policies range from workplace group insurance to community insurance. You can also .

Availability of Voluntary Medical Insurance

You can get a voluntary health insurance policy. Through Employers Voluntary insurance is an additional benefit provided through workplace benefits. Companies offer these health insurance plans to allow their employees to purchase additional and more exciting insurance coverages.

Common types of voluntary insurance include life insurance, dental insurance, disability insurance, vision insurance and catastrophic even umbrella insurance.

Additional insurance policies are voluntary, since it is the employee who decides whether he or she is willing to purchase additional coverage. Your employer will likely not pay premiums for voluntary health insurance that you purchase during your enrollment period.

The advantage of joining the voluntary health insurance scheme of your workplace's choice is that premiums are low because they cover a group. A group insurance deductible frees you from hefty premiums and overloaded co-pays. You'll still pay out of pocket, but at a lower rate if you didn't have additional insurance.