Facial treatment for enlarged pores

The maximum program for those with enlarged pores is to make them invisible once and for all. And here questions arise: how to choose cosmetics suitable for such a purpose, and does it exist in principle? Let's try to figure it out right now.

  1. Why are pores enlarged?
  2. Steps to care for skin with large pores
  3. How to narrow pores: cosmetic procedures
  4. Useful tips for those with skin with enlarged pores
  5. Prevention

Why are pores enlarged?

So, what could be the cause of enlarged pore size?

Oily and combination skin is usually characterized by more pronounced pores, this is caused by the need to bring more products of the glands to the surface.

It has been proven that pore size is determined genetically, and genetics, as we know, is a stubborn thing. So if heredity is to blame, prepare for careful skin care. If your skin is problematic or prone to oiliness, you need to act in two stages:

get rid of excess sebum that accumulates in the pores

exfoliate dead cells in the “risk zone”.

Usually those with oily skin have wide pores © IMG

Another reason for enlarged pores is hormonal imbalance. Garnier brand expert Marina Kamanina believes: “A healthy glow of the skin means that sex hormones are functioning normally. But an unnatural oily sheen may indicate that the sebaceous glands are sensitive to the male hormone testosterone, which stimulates sebum production.”

Steps to care for skin with large pores

If you want to reduce the size of your pores and maintain this effect, you will need to regularly use special cosmetics. But what the pores will definitely thank you for is delicate exfoliation and good cleansing.

In the morning, use a cleansing gel labeled “to tighten pores.” These products usually contain ingredients that get rid of dead skin cells and ingredients with known anti-inflammatory properties to prevent breakouts. Do not overuse scrubs, peelings and cleansing masks.

You can't reduce pore size forever, but you can correct it for a while © IMG

Even if you have oily skin, don't ignore moisturizer. It restores the hydrolipid barrier and protects the skin throughout the day.

For dehydrated skin, stock up on products with glycolic and hyaluronic acids. This combination will provide both exfoliation and hydration.

Those with problem skin should pay attention to acne-fighting products. But first, discuss your treatment program with your dermatologist.

Regardless of your skin type, be sure to use mattifying wipes throughout the day to remove dirt and excess oil from the surface of the epidermis. Special sprays to tighten pores (for example, Serozinc by La Roche-Posay), which can be applied directly at the workplace.

When choosing a cream, read its composition. Formulas with caffeine, for example, help tighten pores.

Cosmetic procedures will help temporarily narrow pores © IMG

How to narrow pores: cosmetic procedures

Do not squeeze out the contents of the pores yourself - this will only stretch and injure the skin. Contact a cosmetologist.

Most likely, the first procedure that a cosmetologist will recommend will be classic mechanical cleaning. It begins with cleansing and exfoliation using cosmetics, followed by steaming, and only after that the cosmetologist begins to clean the pores using special tools.

The effect of laser radiation is effective not only with wide pores. In general, such grinding helps to even out the skin texture and get rid of post-acne scars. It is better to carry out such procedures in the autumn-winter period.

Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

“Cold massage” is performed using a device that delivers liquid nitrogen to the skin under high pressure. As a result, blood flow improves and metabolic processes in the skin are activated. Along with enlarged pores, indications for cryomassage include acne, inflammation and loss of skin tone.

This physiotherapeutic method affects the pores with high-frequency electric current pulses. The procedure normalizes blood circulation, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, and also stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid.

Useful tips for those with skin with enlarged pores

Below is a list of products that will help keep your pores clean and also reduce their diameter for a while.

Cleanses and visibly tightens pores, eliminates oily shine.

The key word in the functionality of this tool is “reduction”. In addition to pore size, the concentrate reduces wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity of the facial skin.

Product name Action Components
glycolic and salicylic acids, glycerin, Vichy thermal water
Exactly 170 elastic bristles and a formula containing antibacterial components gently cleanse the skin and fight skin problems. salicylic acid 2% and phytocomplex
Gently removes dead skin cells from the skin surface. Instant results: smooth skin and noticeable tightening of pores. three types of clay (kaolin, ghassoul, montmorillonite), red algae extract
yeast extract, geranium essential oil
Mask that cleanses pores and gives radiance to the skin Skin Best Wonder Mud, Biotherm Tightens and cleanses pores, gives the skin radiance and makes it velvety. green algae extract, Moroccan clay

It's no secret that lifestyle affects the condition of facial skin in general and its pores in particular. Three important conditions that must be observed if you want to improve the situation: giving up bad habits (let’s break up with them, period), proper nutrition, and physical activity.

Dermatologists do not insist, but recommend that women with large pores reconsider their diet. Fatty and fried foods, as well as fast food, provoke excessive sebum production and, consequently, enlarged pores.

When planning your menu, try to include more fruits, vegetables, nuts and vegetable oils, as well as fish - it is rich in omega polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Once every two weeks, arrange fasting or detox days for yourself, but before that, consult a nutritionist.

Skin with large pores needs hydration © IMG

The more often you spend time outdoors, the more oxygen your skin will receive. This means that the sooner you will get rid of the dull gray tint and imperfections. In order not to waste time, go for a walk with Nordic walking poles - at the same time you will tone your figure, pump up your muscles, and lose a couple of extra pounds.


Choose a day cream based on your skin type. For those with oily skin, water-based products are recommended.

Pay attention to the texture of the cosmetics you use. The denser it is, the higher the likelihood that the pores will not be happy with it.

When applying the cream, use moderation: if you have clogged or enlarged pores, use a little less product than usual.

There is a comparison of facial skin with an orange peel or strawberry, when you can clearly see enlarged pores, and because of this the relief becomes uneven and resembles these particular fruits.

It is not always possible to simply disguise this problem with decorative cosmetics.


Since it often clogs pores and contributes to inflammation and infection.

Let's look at how to properly care for skin with enlarged pores and get rid of them forever.

Enlarged pores - what are they?

The skin pore is an opening formed by the exit of the distal part of the duct of the sebaceous gland and hair (the so-called pilosebaceous follicle). In some cases, an expansion of this hole is formed, which causes the characteristic appearance of the skin.


Enlarged pores - quite common occurrence for oily skin types and at combined in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), as well as on the cheeks under the eyes.

As we age, the skin becomes drier as a result of natural reducing moisture levels and the amount of sebum secreted.

Your skin type may change from oily to dry, but enlarged pores may remain permanent.

Causes of enlarged pores

The most common causes of enlarged pores on the face are: increased skin oiliness (excess sebum causes an increase in the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and the formation of comedones, which also contributes to this expansion) and improper care for oily and combination skin in youth.


The second reason - frequent mechanical extrusion with failure to comply with the rules for such cleaning.When steaming the skin, it helps to expand the pores and facilitate the removal of excess sebum and comedones. This procedure must be completed with a pigment-constricting mask. All manipulations on the face must be careful and least traumatic, otherwise complications can occur in the form of enlarged pores.

Excessively oily skin often contributes to the emergence of inflammatory elements, the removal of which can also lead to the formation of a stable expansion of the mouth of the pilosebaceous follicle. These defects can be either single or multiple, while especially standing out against the background of other areas of the face.

The third reason is hereditary predisposition for this reason, the presence of comedones, excess ultraviolet radiation, environmental pollution, unbalanced diet, bad habits, chronic stress, decreased immunity, abuse of decorative cosmetics, taking certain medications that affect the production of sebum and some endocrine diseases.

Basic rules for the care and treatment of skin with enlarged pores


  1. Reduce to Minimum traumatic procedures: mechanical cleaning, first of all. Replacing deep skin cleansing with atraumatic, ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning, microdermabrasion, disincrustation, peeling. Even when drying your face with a towel, pat it lightly rather than rubbing it.
  2. Carry out skin care with specially selected cosmetics for your skin type, containing pigment-constricting components as part of final care products. The main role is played by daily (morning and evening) high-quality cleansing of the skin, as well as deeper cleaning once a week with gommages, home peelings, soft scrubs (so as not to increase trauma to already enlarged pores).
  3. Skin toning with lotion – a mandatory stage of skin care after cleansing, as well as after each contact with water. In addition, in the summer, if it is necessary to remove excess sebum or impurities, it is also recommended to use a toner according to your skin type or thermal water, which, in addition, will help mineralize and saturate the skin with moisture.
  4. For elimination of serious skin defects, and also in case of increased comedonation, professional help from a cosmetologist is recommended. Special programs on highly effective cosmetic preparations, cryomassage, alternative cleaning techniques, peelings of all types, primarily superficial chemical and enzymatic, laser treatment, phototherapy, electrophoresis, microcurrent therapy.
  5. Using decorative cosmetics, use quality products, preferably marked “non-comedogenic” or cosmetics for problem skin. Do not get carried away with heavy, pore-clogging products do not use any decorative products unless necessary, limiting yourself to mattifying napkins. Give preference to light foundations with reflective particles, and the largest pores are well masked with concealer. When choosing powder, it is better to use loose powder. Remember to thoroughly remove your makeup before going to bed and keep your brushes and sponges clean.

By properly caring for skin with enlarged pores, you can significantly reduce them visually.


4 “Don’ts” when caring for skin with large pores

  1. Do not use solutions containing alcohol, since you can achieve the effect of drying the skin with a violation of its structure, while the sebaceous glands will work in an enhanced mode, producing even more sebum
  2. Avoid heat treatments, expanding pores.
  3. Moderation during the reception sunbathing and while staying in the solarium.
  4. Smoking has never made skin young and healthy!

Professional and expensive cosmetics can be replaced with natural products, how to do this - read in the continuation of the article "Part 2: Natural remedies to combat enlarged pores."

Enlarged pores are not masked by either powder or foundation. Usually this problem is typical for those with oily skin type. A familiar situation: in the morning a face with neat makeup, and by lunchtime a shiny nose, forehead, cheeks and treacherously protruding pores. The problem of enlarged pores can come along with pimples, blackheads and other imperfections. But first things first.

Why? Excessive work of the sebaceous glands of the skin is the main reason for enlarged pores. Bacteria multiply quickly in sebum, causing inflammation. All people have pores, and we cannot narrow the genetically determined size of pores, but we can visually reduce and disguise them. Pores appear largest in the areas where the sebaceous glands are most active, which is the T-zone. Such problems are familiar to everyone who has mixed skin type.

How to care for your skin? How to tighten pores?

1. Cleansing: in the morning, wash your face with cool water, which tones the skin, tightens pores and helps reduce oiliness. It is recommended to cleanse the skin with water-soluble products - gels, foams in the evening - cleanse with some lotion for oily skin, as well as salicylic acid. TIP: Wash your face at home with cold sparkling mineral water. Microelements will help restore the mineral balance of the skin, and the bubbles will improve complexion through micromassage.

2. Toning: After washing, refresh and cleanse the skin with toner.

3. Nutrition skin with wide pores: in the morning, apply a nourishing cream with a minimal content of fatty components, and before going to bed, apply a thin layer of night cream. Moisturizing and protection: compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Prevention: drink a glass of herbal tea every day For oily, porous skin, masks are very useful: protein, protein-lemon, protein-camphor, fruit and vegetable, yeast, hydrogen peroxide.

4. Exfoliation: The main remedy for large pores is exfoliating problematic skin with acids. Choose products with salicylic, lactic, and glycolic acid. After peeling, the skin becomes smooth, clean and pleasant to the touch. Peeling should not be done on inflamed skin with pustular rashes. Many women abuse the magical properties of scrubs, making cleansing masks almost every day. This is a very dangerous mistake. The fact is that frequent peelings greatly dry out the skin, causing a deficiency of sebum. And this, in turn, is a trigger for restoring the lost lipid layer. That is, the skin begins to produce fatty lubricant in even greater quantities than before peeling. This leads to deterioration of the skin condition. You can use scrubs once or twice a week. In this case, the scrub should be applied to damp skin and rubbed with soft circular movements over the face. All movements must be very careful. The procedure is carried out for no less than one and no more than three minutes. It should be borne in mind that when using scrubs, a large number of microtraumas appear on the skin, which can become infected when going outside. Therefore, experts advise exfoliating with scrubs in the evening, before going to bed.

What's in the cosmetic bag?

Choose cosmetics containing acids, including nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is advisable to use products from the same cosmetic line, which includes a cleansing gel, toner, and mask to tighten pores.

Cosmetics at home

Grind the fresh yarrow flowers, add the same amount of gruel, honey, cream, 1 tsp. lemon juice and egg yolk. For dried herbs: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry yarrow pour 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. starch.

Keep the mask on your face for 15 minutes.

Cut the tomatoes into circles (1-2 pieces), stick them on your face for twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water, then cold. Recommended for oily, earthy skin with large pores.

Grind the egg yolk with 1 tsp. berry, fruit or vegetable juice. Add 1 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. sour cream. Apply to face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

A tablespoon of grated dry sage leaves is mixed with a tablespoon of green medicinal clay and aloe gel (juice). The mask is applied in a layer of approximately 2 cm to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and kept until completely dry. Rinse with warm water, first soften the mask. It is advisable to avoid cracks in the clay mask.

Beat the egg white into a stiff foam, add rolled oats ground in a coffee grinder and 2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil. The mask is applied in a thick layer. Keep the mask until dry, then rinse with cool water. 1–2 times a week.

In a beauty salon

1. Superficial microdermabrasion is the most effective procedure, but it is quite painful and has contraindications. Before choosing it in a salon, consult a cosmetologist.

2. Peeling with salicylic acid – helps narrow and cleanse pores.

Disguise rules

After applying a gel or makeup base to tighten pores, use a primer that contains silicone polymers that fill uneven areas on the surface of the skin. For example, foundation with silicone particles from YSL. Then apply a light pore-tightening foundation with reflective particles. For example, mattifying foundation from Clinique. During the day, remove oily shine with mattifying wipes.

Proper diet

It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried, hot, spicy, fatty and sweet foods. Milk chocolate and other sweets should be excluded from the diet. All this affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands and enhances the synthesis of sebum. It is necessary to supplement your diet with complex vitamins, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on the condition of not only internal organs, but also the skin.