Juvederm ultra 3 nasolabial


The formation of nasolabial folds has specific reasons and a special nature, however, in essence these are deep expression wrinkles. They can be eliminated using special means and using a certain method. Ordinary cosmetic preparations are completely useless in solving this problem.

Today, products containing artificial hyaluronic acid are extremely popular. The fact is that it is not dangerous and rarely leads to side effects. Its use gives excellent results that will be noticeable for a long time. It is present in all Juvederm ultra cosmetics.

The appearance of nasolabial folds

The formation of such folds is expected in childhood. This is especially true for temperamental people who have pronounced, active facial expressions. With age, nasolabial wrinkles begin to appear because over time the skin:

  1. Becomes inelastic, flabby;
  2. Loses elasticity and tone.

This adds years to a person, the face takes on an eternally sad and dissatisfied look. In thin people, the folds become even more expressive.

There are other reasons for the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles, but basically they simply aggravate the existing problem, namely:

  1. Age-related prolapse of soft tissues;
  2. Decreased tone of all muscles.

The way out of this situation is to eliminate them at an early stage of formation. For these purposes, the drug Juvederm Ultra appeared in modern cosmetology.

Juvederm Ultra 3 – what is it?

This drug belongs to the advanced injectable fillers of Juvederm gels.

Juvederm Ultra 3 has a denser composition, which allows it to be injected deep into the subcutaneous layer - in its middle. It is also used for:

  1. Straightening nasolabial wrinkles;
  2. Removing deep folds;
  3. Modeling the oval face;
  4. Correction of significant age-related skin changes.

The difference between this gel and similar preparations is the tight bonding of hyaluronic acid molecules to each other. This property allows the drug to remain in human tissues for a long time in the form in which it was administered during the procedure.

Another main difference between these fillers is the presence of lidocaine in their composition. It is this that has the effect of anesthesia, which helps a person survive the procedure easier.

Other ingredients in this product include phosphate buffer. His responsibility is to minimize the appearance of swelling after the procedure.

One package of Juvederm ultra 3 contains 4 needles for injecting the gel and 2 syringes of 0.8 ml each.

Thanks to the innovative method of manufacturing materials and the high concentration of hyaluronic acid in the preparation, the effect of this procedure lasts for a very long time. Juvederm Ultra also has a number of other distinctive properties, such as:

  1. Complete safety for the human body due to its high biological compatibility;
  2. Easy, uniform and gentle introduction, thanks to the presence of a very homogeneous structure.

Reviews from a huge number of patients indicate high comfort during and after the procedure. This, of course, is influenced by the special composition of the product and its high quality.

The procedure for removing nasolabial wrinkles with Juvederm Ultra 3

When performing a procedure to correct nasolabial folds, the Juvederm Ultra 3 filler is injected under the skin at designated points using very thin needles.

The duration of the procedure is approximately half an hour. In order to achieve the best effect, a single session is enough. During this time, the nasolabial folds disappear, but the final result will be visible 14 days after the correction.

Its effect generally lasts for approximately 1 year. However, in each specific case it may be different. A repeat procedure will be required after the effect of the used filler wears off. This is influenced by such characteristic human characteristics as:

  1. Skin structure;
  2. Lifestyle and bad habits;
  3. Age;
  4. Emotionality;
  5. Vigor of facial muscles.

This drug, which is based on synthesized hyaluronic acid, perfectly fills wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle. The skin becomes smoothed and straightened. And although the acid is not of living origin, it is accepted by the body as a natural substance and its administration does not cause any rejection.

Positive properties of Juvederm Ultra

This drug has high plasticity. This property allows it to be distributed evenly in the subcutaneous layer after injection, thereby giving an excellent result. It can be predicted with extreme accuracy.

The greatest result from the method of correction of nasolabial folds with Juvederm Ultra is achieved in the case of correction of areas located near the treated area.

After contouring with Juvederm, the face looks natural. Patient reviews about this product are only positive. People see improvements in their appearance in a positive direction; their face takes on a younger look.

Follow up recommendations

After the procedure to eliminate nasolabial wrinkles using Juvederm Ultra 3, it is recommended to refrain from exposure to various thermal influences, especially sunlight, for approximately a month.

During this time, in order to maintain excellent results, it is prohibited to go to:

Correction of nasolabial wrinkles with Juvederm Ultra 3 is perfectly combined with other methods of restoring beauty. This can be seen in the following example. If a person has nasolabial wrinkles that are clearly defined, very deep, and they are difficult to eliminate, then cosmetologists recommend that you undergo, if possible, several biorevitalization sessions within approximately 2-3 weeks.

However, there are also manipulations that should not be performed for about a month after the procedure for straightening nasolabial folds, these are:

  1. Rejuvenation with laser;
  2. All kinds of peelings.

They are allowed to be done after the skin has completely recovered.

Contraindications for the use of Juvederm

As with any cosmetic procedure, this one also has contraindications that preclude its implementation.

Juvederm Ultra cannot be used if a person has:

  1. epilepsy;
  2. Predisposition to scars;
  3. Intolerance to products containing hyaluronic acid, or to drugs contained in the drug;
  4. Inflammation of the skin at the treatment site;
  5. Viral skin diseases;
  6. Various infections - bacterial, viral, fungal.

Wrinkles are not eliminated using this product while waiting for the birth of a child and lactation. Also, there should be no synthetic implants in the area where the injection is planned.

  1. Lip asymmetry;
  2. Drooping of the eyebrow line – ptosis.

The procedure for correcting nasolabial folds with Juvederm Ultra must be performed by a cosmetologist who has a special certificate.


Age, environmental factors, and even expressive movements of the facial muscles during laughter can cause the formation of the first wrinkles.

Many people experience discomfort from hereditary facial asymmetry, too thin lips, unclear and rough outlines of certain areas.

Today, cosmetology helps eliminate these problems. Undoubtedly, everyone who has ever thought about changing their appearance for the better is familiar with the drug Juvederm Ultra 3. Let's look at it in more detail.


Juvederm ultra 3 fillers contain lidocaine and a selective substance, which distinguishes them from other similar drugs.


Juvederm can correct moderate to severe sagging of the dermis that occurs due to the natural aging process, as well as increase the volume of thin lips.

In addition, injectable filler easily copes with deep wrinkles, smoothes nasolabial folds and models the oval of the face.

The product is presented by the American corporation Allergan and goes on sale as a gel-like substance in a special disposable syringe with a dosage of 0.8 ml.

This drug is the most popular of the entire series of the improved line of Juvederm gels, thanks to the achievement of the stated result.


The Juvederm Ultra 3 intradermal implant for injection includes artificial hyaluronic acid.

The fact that the component is of non-animal origin eliminates the possibility of developing allergic manifestations of the body. The dose of hyaluronic acid in 1 ml of gel is 24 mg.

The main feature of the filler is that all the smallest particles of the substance are, as it were, stitched together, that is, they fit tightly to each other.

This allows the drug to remain in the structure of the dermis in its original state for a long time. As a result, the volume effect is maintained longer.

Lidocaine contained in the drug is responsible for pain relief. Therefore, during the cosmetic procedure the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Indications and areas of application


Juvederm ultra 3 injection gel is used for the following skin problems:

  1. longitudinal and transverse deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  2. mimic sharply defined skin relief;
  3. effects of aging;
  4. nasolabial folds;
  5. unclear contours of the face in the cheekbone area.

It is important to note that it is impossible to achieve dramatic changes in facial contours using this drug.

In addition, the gel is prohibited for introduction into the skin structure of the eyelids. This area can be corrected using Juvederm Ultra 3 only by an experienced specialist who will approach the procedure with full responsibility and can guarantee an excellent result without complications.

As a rule, special gels are used to eliminate imperfections in the eye area, so it is wiser not to take risks.

Most often, Juvederm Ultra 3 fillers are used to add volume to thin lips and outline an expressive contour.

The drug is not injected into vascular tissues, as this can result in necrosis and embolism (complete blockage of blood vessels).

Read here about lip contouring with hyaluronic acid.


Juvederm Ultra 3 should not be used for the following conditions and illnesses:

  1. epilepsy attacks that cannot be completely controlled with medications;
  2. skin defects and genetic abnormalities that lead to keloid formation and benign changes in the dermis;
  3. individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid and selective drugs;
  4. porphyria (hereditary disorder of pigment metabolism);
  5. period of pregnancy and lactation;
  6. age from birth to the onset of puberty (up to 13 years);
  7. various forms of dermatitis and other skin inflammations;
  8. infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  9. use in combination with rejuvenation with chemicals and fractional laser peeling;
  10. oncology.

Restrictions on use


There are some ailments for which filler is used with restrictions.

As soon as the course of the disease enters a passive period, experts allow the possibility of introducing Juvederm, having previously performed a double test to determine the body’s reaction. Such patients should be under constant medical supervision.

If the patient’s medical history has a tendency to allergic manifestations and a sharp increase in the body’s sensitivity (anaphylaxis) has been observed, the specialist performs a double test.

In some cases, the patient will need to undergo a course of preventive therapy. Treatment is carried out before each session.

In addition, preventive measures will be required in case of individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.

For patients who have a sharp increase in the number of streptococcal infections, as a result of which they often suffer from sore throat, suffer from rheumatic heart disease and acute rheumatic fever of the joints, it is better to avoid using the drug.

7 days before the procedure, the patient must stop taking antithrombotic drugs and blood thinners.

If this condition cannot be met, the doctor informs the patient about possible unpleasant consequences, such as blood tumors and deep bruises.

The drug contains components that may show a positive result when taken for control doping tests.

Therefore, patients participating in professional sports competitions should be warned about the possible risky consequences.

In this article, find out how much facial contouring with hyaluronic acid costs.

Release form

One package of the drug includes:

  1. 2 syringes with a volume of 0.8 ml each;
  2. 4 sterile needles (27G1/2”) for injections;
  3. 2 stickers with serial number;
  4. See the package insert for detailed instructions.

The gel has medium viscosity and retains its effect for up to 10 months.

Preparation for the procedure

Next, the cosmetologist calculates the required amount of gel for one procedure and notifies the patient about this.

2–3 days before the procedure, the patient should stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin. You will need to temporarily not use decorative cosmetics.

Skin care and makeup application are allowed only after injections. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable not to visit gyms.

Patients with chronic herpes are recommended to take acyclovir first, which will prevent various skin rashes.

Before carrying out the procedure, you will need to undergo tests to identify allergic reactions and individual intolerances.

Main stages of introduction


Cosmetologists divide the procedure for introducing Juvederm into several stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities, followed by treatment with antiseptic substances.
  2. Opening the package with the drug in the presence of the patient.
  3. Preparing the syringe by putting on a needle and a protective cap, which is removed immediately before injection.
  4. Replacing a dull needle with a new one (usually performed after 15–20 punctures).
  5. Slowly introduce the gel into the skin structure for uniform distribution.
  6. Massage manipulations on the skin to fill all problem areas with gel.

The duration of the procedure is 20–40 minutes. The sterile gel in its original form is not sufficiently saturated with moisture, so after injection within 24 hours it will gradually expand under the skin.


For 10–15 hours after rejuvenation with Juvederm, the patient must adhere to some recommendations:

  1. refuse to visit the pool;
  2. do not go outside during severe cold and frost;
  3. provide skin with protection from sun rays;
  4. exclude the use of various decorative cosmetics.

During two weeks of rehabilitation, going to the sauna, solarium and bathhouse is prohibited.

Possible complications

Possible adverse effects include:

  1. Inflammatory manifestation of the skin. Here we can highlight the appearance of redness, itching, painful sensations when pressing on the skin, abnormal hyperemia of a certain area of ​​the skin.
  2. Formation of bruises at puncture sites.
  3. Formation of nodes and dense tissue under the skin.
  4. Depigmentation and hyperpigmentation of certain areas of the dermis.
  5. Necrosis of tissue at the puncture site (usually in the area of ​​the upper edge of the nose).
  6. Allergic manifestations to the components of the drug.



The drug Juvederm Ultra 3 is widely used by cosmetologists for effective rejuvenation of the facial skin by injection.

The filler is of high quality and completely safe for the human body. The action of the filler is to smooth out wrinkles, model clear facial contours, and give the skin tone and elasticity.

The main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug, does not contain any harmful impurities. It is obtained by synthesizing molecules of the dermis of farm animals of the bovine subfamily. Thus, the development of allergic reactions in patients is minimized.
  2. The molecules of the main active ingredient of the drug are tightly connected to each other, which guarantees deep penetration into the structure of the skin and a lasting, long-lasting effect.
  3. The phosphate buffer in Juvederm prevents inflammatory processes, therefore, the possibility of developing unwanted complications is reduced.
  4. The effect lasts for 8–10 months. The skin looks firm, toned and elastic.

Cost of injections

The total cost per session will depend on the amount of the drug used. This is determined based on the condition of the patient’s dermis and the complexity of the defects that need to be eliminated.

The price of one package of Juvederm Ultra 3 with two syringes varies between 9-13 thousand rubles. The work of a specialist is paid separately.

With one syringe, a cosmetologist can correct wrinkles in the forehead and give clear contours to the cheekbones.

For more information about the administration of the drug, its action and effect, see the video.


Patients often complain about the minimal effect of using the drug. As a rule, the problem lies in the desire to save money.

In such cases, women try to buy the drug in half with a friend or acquaintance. In addition, undesirable consequences arise after using the gel at home, which will undoubtedly affect the final result.

If you have already rejuvenated your face with Juvederm Ultra 3 and appreciated all its advantages and disadvantages, share your impressions with readers in the comments to this article.

The line of popular fillers, the Alergan brand, is produced in France. They are distinguished by high quality and safety of use. Products for injection procedures are based on hyaluronic acid. The corporation's target area of ​​work is natural rejuvenation, correction of aesthetic imperfections using low-traumatic procedures. Juvederm lip augmentation is possible thanks to a wide range of drugs. As a result of its use, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention; the effect of contouring is comparable to surgery. The products have ISO, GMP quality certificates and meet high international standards.​

Features of lip fillers

A series of biodegradable gels based on highly purified synthetic hyaluronic acid. The Ultra line does not contain waste products of microorganisms. An anesthetic, 3% lidocaine, is also included. The drugs provide the most natural effect, thanks to a special 3D matrix technology.


The effect of the procedure lasts from 3 to 6 months. Fillers can be injected by a plastic surgeon or dermatocosmetologist after completing training in the technique of working with these fillers.

Composition of drugs

Juvederm biopolymers contain the same components. They differ in the concentration of ingredients, and therefore in the viscosity of the preparations.

The gel contains:

  1. Hyaluronic acid — non-animal origin, high degree of purification reduces the likelihood of developing allergic reactions. Evenly distributed in tissues allows you to achieve the most natural result. Helps care for the delicate, thin skin of the lips and around the mouth, preventing dryness and the formation of wrinkles.
  2. Mannitol - has antioxidant properties, helps prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid. Affects cellular immunity, neutralizes the effects of aggressive environmental factors.
  3. Lidocaine - an anesthetic component, ensures painlessness.

Note! A phosphate buffer is also included in the formula, preventing biogel rejection.

Indications, effectiveness of use


The main purpose of Juvederm is to add volume, smooth, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, and restore hydrobalance. Depending on the anatomical and individual characteristics of the skin, various preparations from the ultra and smile series are used.

Application is possible from 18 years of age. Up to 30 years, low-density gels are used. At the age of 30 to 45 years, fillers of medium viscosity are used, which are effective for eliminating the nasolacrimal groove.

After 40–45 years, it is advisable to perform correction with Juvederm preparations of maximum density to correct the lower third of the face.


  1. nasolabial folds of varying degrees;
  2. thin or asymmetrical lips;
  3. purse-string wrinkles in the mouth area;
  4. drooping corners of the lips.

Also, biorevitalizing gels are used for preventive purposes, providing general health and moisturizing of the skin.

Types of fillers

The basis of the line is hyaluronic acid; depending on its concentration, fillers differ in density and purpose.

  1. Ultra 2 - prescribed to smooth and prevent superficial wrinkles. The deuce is injected into the surface layers of the skin, helping to correct the contour of the lips and add volume. Used between the ages of 25 and 30. The package contains 2 syringes of 0.55 ml, price - about 7800 rubles.


  1. Ultra 3 - presented in a denser composition, allows you to correct wrinkles of medium severity. The injection is carried out into the deep and middle layers of the skin. Prescribed to eliminate nasolabial folds and raise the corners of the mouth. Release form: 2 syringes, 1 ml each, cost: 11,400 rubles.


  1. Ultra 4 - used for pronounced, deep wrinkles, with excess skin flap. A fairly dense filler helps smooth out nasolabial folds and increase lip volume. Available in a package of 2 syringes, 1 ml in volume, can be purchased for 12,000 rubles.


  1. Smile — the drug is intended specifically for lip augmentation and correction of their shape. It is also possible to correct asymmetry and slightly raise the corners. You can buy a package of 2x0.55 ml for 7900 rubles.


Instructions for administering the drug

The drugs are intended for intradermal administration and into the mucous membrane of the lips. It is important to take into account the doctor’s technical training and experience in performing injections.

Instructions for use:

  1. Before starting, check the integrity of the packaging and expiration dates. The drug should not be re-sterilized.
  2. Skin preparation is carried out according to the standard procedure - cleansing, disinfecting the integument, and, if necessary, applying anesthetic ointment.
  3. The filler is introduced slowly, the areas of placement depend on the chosen type and areas of correction.
  4. The drug cannot be reused.
  5. After use, syringes and needles are placed in a special container and then disposed of.
  6. Stored at temperatures from 2º to 25º.

Introduction techniques:

  1. point by point — a minimal amount of the drug is administered at regular intervals, allowing you to add volume and correct lip asymmetry;
  2. net — linear injections intersect at an angle of 90º, many cells are formed, used to fill nasolabial folds, correct purse-string creases;
  3. fan — linear injections are located along rays diverging to the side; they are used to smooth the nasolabial lips and lift the corners of the mouth.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

An important aspect that determines the final result of the correction is the choice of clinic and doctor. A cosmetologist with a medical education can perform injections after completing training in the technique of working with Juvederm. Preparation is carried out in a standard way, the client’s skin condition is assessed, and the optimal filler is selected. The line of biogels is varied, allowing you to choose a filler not only for correcting lip volume, but also for eliminating wrinkles, including nasolabial folds.


The doctor finds out whether the patient has any contraindications for the procedure and whether allergic reactions have been observed previously. Where to inject is determined after a detailed analysis of the client’s data.

Important! Despite the safety and high quality of the product, in some cases individual intolerance to the components of the composition is possible.

Following the recommendations at the preparation stage will help avoid side effects:

  1. on the appointed day you cannot smoke, drink strong coffee, tea;
  2. do not visit the sauna, solarium, or exercise for about a week;
  3. You should not take medications for a month.

Before the procedure, the doctor pastes a sticker indicating the name of the drug into the patient’s chart. The patient should also check the certificates and the expiration date of the filler. A holographic sticker with the batch number and expiration date is attached to the original packaging. It is important to pay attention to the color and consistency of the drug; it is a transparent gel without foreign impurities. The package is opened in front of the patient; subsequent injection of the drug is prohibited. The client gives informed consent to invasive procedures.

Procedure steps:

  1. Using professional products, cosmetics and dust are removed. The affected areas are treated with chlorhexidine.
  2. For patients with a low pain threshold, an anesthetic cream is used, despite the presence of lidocaine. Whether it will hurt also depends on your psychological mood. In this way, it is possible to minimize discomfort during implantation.
  3. After half an hour, when the product has already taken effect, the residues are removed with an antiseptic.
  4. According to the chosen technique, injections are carried out. To add volume and correct the shape of the lips, 1-2 ml is usually enough. Filling is very slow. This allows you to achieve uniform distribution in the tissues and also reduce pain.
  5. The injection areas are treated with an antiseptic solution.
  6. The doctor performs a gentle massage and applies anti-inflammatory ointment.

The procedure takes no more than 40 minutes, after which you can immediately evaluate the results.

Photos before and after



Healing period

The first few days there is swelling and swelling of the affected area. To make the symptoms go away faster, it is necessary to adhere to medical recommendations:

  1. for several days you cannot touch, actively use facial expressions, or kiss;
  2. cleanse the skin with professional cosmetics; to speed up healing, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments and apply cold compresses;
  3. review your diet, exclude strong coffee, alcohol for a week, drink at least 2 drinks of water;
  4. observe a gentle regime; intense physical activity, sports, visiting the bathhouse, solarium are contraindicated;
  5. protect your face from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  6. avoid sudden changes in temperature conditions.

If filler was used for lip augmentation, the effect lasts from 3 to 8 months, depending on the density of the composition. When correcting the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, smoothing purse-string wrinkles, the result can be admired from 9 to 12 months. How long it will last depends on lifestyle and anatomical features. You can extend it by taking collagen and hyaluron, in tablet form, maintaining a water balance.

Average cost of the procedure in Moscow clinics


Juvederm fillers are often used to enlarge and improve the shape of the lips. The line of fillers allows everyone to choose the optimal preparation to improve their appearance.

An experienced cosmetologist will help you choose the optimal product and determine the required volume of the drug. The price may also include a consultation; with a separate payment, the price varies from 1000 rubles. up to 3000 rub.

In some clinics you can find a correction marked as a promotion, but too low a price should raise doubts; it is important to check the authenticity of the filler.

Price for lip area correction in Moscow:

  1. Juvederm Smile - from 12,000 rubles;
  2. Juvederm ULTRA 2 - from 11,000 rub. up to 17,000 rubles;
  3. Juvederm ULTRA 3 - from 16,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles;
  4. Juvederm ULTRA 4 - from 19,000 rubles. up to 32,000 rub.;
  5. Juvederm Volift - from 22,000 rubles. up to 35,000 rubles;
  6. Juvederm Volbella - from 20,000 rubles. up to 32,000 rub.

How to minimize the effect

The advantage of hyaluronic fillers is complete biodegradability. If for some reason the patient is not satisfied with the effect, the effect of the drug can be neutralized as quickly as possible. To do this, a solution of hyaluronidase is injected and neutralizes the filler for 2 days.

Important point! The procedure is not carried out until complete recovery is completed; until this time the final result cannot be assessed. An allergic reaction may occur; the patient's condition will be monitored by a doctor for about 2 weeks.

You can also use massage, hardware procedures, or engage in intense sports. Your doctor will help you decide on a technique.

Precautionary measures


Injection procedures require strict implementation of the technique, preparation stage, and recovery. The effect depends on the qualifications, skill of the doctor, and the responsibility of the patient. Lip augmentation should not be performed if there are contraindications:

  1. pregnancy, lactation;
  2. systemic diseases;
  3. malignant formations;
  4. postoperative period;
  5. intolerance to the components of the composition;
  6. dermatological diseases in the field of correction;
  7. viral infections;
  8. epilepsy;
  9. tendency to form keloid scars.

The use of the Juvederm line does not exclude development of side effects:

  1. allergy;
  2. hematomas;
  3. change in pigmentation in the injection area;
  4. redness, swelling;
  5. tissue necrosis;
  6. asymmetry;
  7. lack of result.

A detailed medical history, as well as an allergy test at the preparation stage, will help you avoid the consequences. The cause of complications may be the use of a counterfeit, a violation of the implantation technique, or an insufficient volume of the administered drug.

Advantages and disadvantages


Before choosing a Juvederm filler, it is worth learning about the positive and negative properties of fillers. The doctor will help you make the final choice based on the patient’s individual anatomical data. Which drug is best to use depends on the desired effect.


  1. natural result of correction;
  2. the effect can be assessed immediately upon completion of implantation;
  3. lasts from several months to a year;
  4. short rehabilitation period;
  5. improves the overall condition of the skin, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.


  1. painfulness of the procedure;
  2. risks of an allergic reaction;
  3. upon repeated administration, an addictive effect occurs;
  4. Only a specialist has the right to carry out;
  5. high price.

Comparison with other fillers

The Ultra series is distinguished by its plasticity and uniform distribution of the substance. Thanks to the special firmware of hyaluronic acid, it is possible to achieve the most natural appearance. The smail filler is designed to correct unexpressed wrinkles and add volume to the lips. The presence of lidocaine makes the procedure more comfortable. The result of lip correction lasts from 3 months to six months. When administered to other areas of the face - up to 12 months.

Volift - used to increase volume, helps remove nasolabial folds, add volume to lips, create cheekbones. The composition is standard for Juvederm preparations, only the concentration of the active substance differs. There is also a general therapeutic effect, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. The effect lasts up to 15 months.


Volume — application is aimed at replenishing the volume of soft tissues. Based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It has a high density and retains moisture well. Indicated for correction of cheekbones, cheeks, chin and lips. The effect lasts from 12 to 18 months.


Rack - also created on the basis of hyaluronic acid, country of origin - France. The use of innovative technologies made it possible to achieve natural, long-lasting results. The composition includes antioxidants - mannitol, sorbitol, and lidocaine. The drugs are much cheaper than Juvederm fillers; the effect lasts for about a year, but according to consumer reviews, no more than 8 months.


Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors share their experience of using Juvederm to improve the shape and add volume to the lips.

The review describes the appearance of balls in patients after using Juvederm Ultra 3.


The user provides a description of delayed side effects.


The participant writes about the insufficient volume of filler injected to correct the mouth area.


The user writes about the long-lasting results after Juvederm, in comparison with Balatero.


Patient reviews

French filler is popular not only among cosmetologists, but also among patients. On the Internet there are mostly rave reviews about the results of the correction.

The participant writes that he likes the look of his lips both before and after the procedure.


The user indicates a good effect, but the high cost of injections.


The review indicates different effects when administering the same volume, as well as the high cost of the procedure.


The user does not like the result of the correction and writes about the unnatural appearance.


Other reviews can be read on the forum.

Useful videos

Juvederm Ultra 3 lip augmentation.