Massage :: Page - 357

Small pimples on the neck itch


Dermatologists are well aware of how common the phenomenon of acne in women on the neck is. The causes of the pathology are both simple and difficult to establish. On the ...

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An abscess appeared on the seam after the operation


The result of an operation not related to the treatment of a purulent wound is the closure of the surgical field by suturing. If the tissues are infected, the surgeon cre ...

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What to pay attention to


Any transaction in the form of purchase and sale involves monetary settlement. Furniture, a fur coat, greens at grandma's at the market - a certain amount of banknotes fl ...

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What does stress affect?


Nowadays, the concept of stress and the impact stress has on the body are relevant and are being actively studied by specialists. The main reason for this is the transiti ...

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Pimples appear on the body and itch photo


The greatest concern is a rash on the body in the form of tubercles and pimples, which itch and itch, causing discomfort. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, since they ofte ...

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Causes of many moles appearing on the body


A mole is a large collection of pigment cells. Visually it looks like a dark spot or nodule. Another name for a mole is nevus. By size they are divided into small (up to ...

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Pimples appear on the body and itch photo


Red pimples on the body cause a lot of inconvenience to their “owner”. Rashes can appear at any time, especially annoying when it happens before an important meeting or e ...

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Red pimples appeared on the body and itched


A rash on the body always causes great concern among people. Most often, such a rash is accompanied by peeling and itching, causing discomfort to the person. Under no cir ...

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There are many black moles on the body


Mole, nevus, birthmark - all these are names of benign pigmented formations on the human skin. Moles can be present on the skin from birth or appear throughout life, be o ...

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Pimples of dropsy have appeared on the feet and are itchy


Skin rashes occur for various reasons. The most likely occurrence is an allergic reaction. It can be, as they say, with or without reason. For example, for a new brand of ...

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