Massage :: Page - 359

I applied heparin ointment and my face turned red


Symptoms and treatment of heparin allergy Heparin is a popular anticoagulant agent that is used to treat inflammatory manifestations in various pathologies. Some people ...

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Stickers for wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows


To get rid of wrinkles, girls often resort to special facial gymnastics, masks and beauty injections. But there is a remedy that does not require any complex manipulati ...

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Anti-wrinkle face pads


—Categories homemade dandruff remedy (126) folk remedies for dandruff (126) dandruff remedy (126) how to treat dandruff (125) anti-dandruff hair mask (124) dandru ...

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Names of Russian foundation creams compositions


A woman should always be beautiful, but sometimes the presence of pimples or other skin defects can significantly spoil her appearance. In order to avoid all this, it i ...

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Name of face masks


Face masks are truly women's secret weapon. These concentrated multi-component mixtures, designed for intensive care of the face and neck, are capable of solving an ...

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Should I wash off body milk?


If you really liked the tempting phrase “body milk”, but you can’t decide to buy, check out this article. In it we will talk about the pros and cons of this product and g ...

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The skin above the eye is peeling


There are many reasons that cause this unpleasant problem - the eyelids peel, itching, and severe burning appear. You should not treat alarming symptoms carelessly - a da ...

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Suppuration after mole removal


Removing a mole requires the work of an experienced specialist and equally attentive aftercare. These two factors can help maintain the health and external aesthetic beau ...

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Set for spa treatments at home


1. Bath salt Baths with salt help relax the body, moisturize, remove toxins, rejuvenate, give freshness and a good mood. The effect depends on the use of extracts an ...

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Vichy set for problem skin


Those with oily and problem skin always choose cosmetics with passion, and you can understand them. Excessive shine, a tendency to blackheads and pimples - skin with thes ...

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