Massage :: Page - 47

Anti-cellulite massage with dry brush technique


Dry massage increases blood circulation, saves from cellulite, increases skin turgor, and slows down the aging process. This type of massage has many benefits, but if the ...

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Anti-cellulite massage with honey at home


The problem of cellulite worries many modern women. Cosmetologists successfully combat this disadvantage using various means, but natural honey is considered the most e ...

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Anti-cellulite massage manual or hardware


There are several manual massage techniques that can remove cellulite and correct figure imperfections. The most common types of massage include: anti-cellulite, lymphati ...

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Anti-cellulite massage of legs and buttocks video


Cellulite is a pressing problem for many women, regardless of age, weight or lifestyle. Massage is one of the most effective helpers in the fight against it. Correct and ...

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Anti-cellulite abdominal massage yourself


Most women try every day to find a remedy against cellulite that does not require a visit to a special institution. There can be many reasons for this: lack of finances t ...

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Anti-cellulite massage before and after 10 sessions


Anti-cellulite massage is a very popular procedure. This popularity is due to a number of reasons, the main one of which is a noticeable effect after just a few procedure ...

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Anti-cellulite massage for belly slimming


Cellulite is a well-known cosmetic problem that concerns women of all ages. Because of the orange peel, the skin on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen appears unkempt and f ...

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Anti-cellulite massage video lessons buttocks


Hello, dear readers! In this article we want to tell you about anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks, its types and technique. Content Beneficial features Anti-cellul ...

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Anti-cellulite massage with a vacuum jar


Cupping massage for cellulite at home is an effective alternative to expensive salon procedures that does not require a lot of time, money or special skills of a massage ...

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Anti-cellulite massage at home for yourself


90-95% of women suffer from cellulite to a greater or lesser extent. Its appearance and further development is not always associated with an increase in body weight, so e ...

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