Massage :: Page - 89

Anti-acne cream with calendula


Problems associated with acne are familiar to most people. Such rashes can take a long time to heal, become inflamed, fester, hurt and itch, and they also cause psycholog ...

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Anti-acne powder with camphor alcohol


Nature does not always provide a person with perfectly clean skin without blemishes and acne. You have to independently achieve the desired result using any available mea ...

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Face wash at the pharmacy


Acne mash is a drug based on medications that have a healing, antibacterial and drying effect. Affects the external manifestations of pimples and acne, making the skin ev ...

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A hanging mole hurts, what should I do?


The appearance of hanging moles. Every person has moles on their body, but some are practically covered with a wide variety of moles, while others can count their nevi ...

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A hanging mole under the arm hurts


Usually, when we hear the word mole, we provide a small dark spot that feels no different from the skin. However, during life, under the influence of unfavorable factors, ...

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Pain after anti-cellulite massage


Anticellulite massage, along with an anti-cellulite diet and exercise, effectively fights cellulite. The main thing is not to start cellulite, not to let it disfigure the ...

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Disease when children age quickly


Humanity has not yet learned to fight all illnesses. Progeria, or premature aging syndrome, should also be considered an incurable disease. What is premature aging syn ...

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Hoffmann's disease - what is it?


Werdnig-Hoffmann disease is an extremely severe pathology, which is accompanied by amyotrophy, the gradual destruction of the main nerve fibers of the spinal cord, and, a ...

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Diseases similar to urticaria


Almost every person strives to be healthy. Therefore, small manifestations on the skin can cause a lot of trouble. Not only can a similar rash be the cause of any illness ...

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Blonde in a black dress image


It is believed that every girl should have at least one stylish black dress in her wardrobe. This can be either a classic evening outfit in the Chanel style or a discre ...

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