A hanging mole under the arm hurts

Usually, when we hear the word mole, we provide a small dark spot that feels no different from the skin. However, during life, under the influence of unfavorable factors, such pigments can increase, transforming into unattractive “pendulous papillae”.

Most often, hanging moles are located under the armpits, in the groin area or on the neck. Growths not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, they can cause physical discomfort and even cancer. Getting rid of potentially dangerous growths today is quite simple - treatment can be carried out in a medical facility or at home, using medications and traditional recipes. But before you begin manipulations, you need to visit a doctor to establish the cause and nature of the tumor.

Why do hanging moles appear?

People understand the meaning of the word “mole” differently – for some, it is a congenital pigment spot consisting of melanocytes accumulated in the subcutaneous space. Others use this term to mean all existing epidermal growths - papillomas, condylomas, keratomas, etc.

If we talk about ordinary pigmented moles, then their causes are as follows:

  1. Heredity - quantity, location, color is laid down in utero at the DNA level. Multiple pigmentation on the body of parents in 90% of cases is transmitted to children - the first spots may appear immediately after birth;
  2. Ultraviolet light – it promotes the activation of melanocyte cells, which produce the coloring substance melanin. The more intense and frequent the UV radiation, the more active the melanocytes work - moles increase in size, darken, and the appearance of new pigmentation is observed. In addition, excess UV leads to mutation of melanocytes, as a result, a mole can degenerate into melanoma (skin cancer);
  3. Radioactive radiation affects the body in the same way as UV rays;
  4. Endocrine and hormonal disorders can cause a small mole to transform into a large hanging nevus;
  5. Injuries, insect bites, and dermatological ailments can trigger the growth mechanism.

Another reason is human papillomavirus infection. Active HPV in the human body causes uncontrolled division of epidermal cells, as a result of which pseudo-moles or papillomas appear on the skin. They have nothing to do with melanin; in fact, it is a viral skin growth.

Favorite places to localize papillomas are the armpit, groin, area under the breast, and neck. Outwardly, they are very similar to moles, but the main difference is multiple seeding - in a small area of ​​​​the skin you can find up to several dozen hanging processes.

The virus is transmitted through household contact, so when coming to someone else’s house or visiting public places, use only personal hygiene products and avoid close, prolonged, and especially sexual contact with sick people.

Thus, all large skin tumors that interfere with everyday life are recommended to be removed, and this is best done in a medical facility.

When deletion is indicated

It doesn’t matter what causes the appearance of hanging moles - the production of melanocytes or the activation of HPV, being in traumatic places, all of them must be removed. The only condition is the patient's desire.

The armpit, groin, neck are very easy to injure the growth (rubbed with clothing, accidentally cut with a blade, caught in jewelry). Any injury can cause a mole to grow; in addition, an infection can easily penetrate the wound, causing redness, inflammation, and even suppuration of the growth. If the injured neoplasm is located in places where sweat glands accumulate, then it takes quite a long time to heal.

In general, calm, painless moles with a diameter of up to 6 mm, with a smooth surface and clear edges do not need to be removed - they are safe, treatment is carried out solely at the request of the patient (due to aesthetic discomfort).

Dangerous symptoms of degeneration

For various reasons, a nevus can become inflamed, red, and even painful (most often this is associated with injury), but what if all these unpleasant symptoms appear, as they say, “out of the blue,” then you can suspect the worst thing - the degeneration of a mole into melanoma.

The main signs that you should pay attention to in order to recognize malignancy in time:

  1. A small mole is growing rapidly;
  2. The color of the growth changes (lightens or darkens);
  3. The structure of the neoplasm has changed (it has become dense or, on the contrary, soft);
  4. The boundaries are unclear, blurry;
  5. The surface is lumpy, rough;
  6. Cracks and exudate appeared;
  7. The main symptoms are inflammation and pain.

Even if a small hanging mole appears under the arm, but it has one or more of the above symptoms, it should be removed immediately - timely treatment increases the chances of completely getting rid of cancer.

When can removal be done at home?

It is not recommended to cauterize or freeze pigmented nevi on your own - the consequences of such manipulations can be irreversible. Visit a medical facility, where you (your choice) will undergo laser, radio wave destruction, electrocoagulation or cryotherapy. A single tumor is removed quickly, painlessly and without unnecessary financial costs.

Benign multiple papillomas can be removed at home (malignancy can only be confirmed or refuted by diagnostic means - a visit to a doctor is mandatory).

Of course, you can get rid of them using hardware procedures, but you will have to pay for each individual pathological element - the amount will not be small. That is why many people prefer to carry out removal at home, using a special medication or a folk recipe.


To get rid of a hanging element in the armpit, you will need a necrotizing or freezing agent for home use - Supercelandine, Feresol, Cryopharma, Wartner Cryo, Lapis Pencil, others.

Feresol, Supercelandine and other necrotizing drugs are applied pointwise - 1-2 drops of the drug are enough (depending on the size of the tumor). Cauterization is carried out 2-3 times, after which the growth turns black, becomes covered with a dry crust and is rejected. You cannot scratch or tear off the scab; it should fall off on its own, this usually happens within 10-14 days.

Cryopharma, Wartner Cryo, and other freezing drugs are used according to the instructions - remove the protective cap, press the applicator to the growth, make 1-3 presses. Then wait 10 seconds and remove the applicator. The procedure is similar to cryotherapy.

When using a lapis pencil, it should first be moistened with water, then the neoplasm should be treated several times a day without touching healthy skin.

When the diagnosis of papillomatosis is confirmed, it is not enough to simply remove the growth, you need to overcome the virus, otherwise a relapse cannot be avoided - antiviral and immunostimulating therapy is also prescribed.

Folk removal remedies

There are many ways to remove pseudo-moles on your own, here are the most well-known remedies:

  1. A home remedy that grows everywhere is celandine. The growth is treated with its juice twice a day, over time it turns black and falls off. You can make an ointment from celandine (mix the juice with Vaseline), treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day;
  2. Lubricate the new growth with iodine until it dries out. You can also make a compress and leave it overnight;
  3. Rub the growth with brown laundry soap and wash off after 8-12 hours. Typically, 4 procedures are sufficient to remove small moles;
  4. Treat with fresh juice of garlic, onion, dandelion - simply drip onto the surface of the growth or make compresses.

If you decide to remove it yourself, first undergo diagnostics and coordinate your actions with your doctor.

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Medical expert article

Every person has moles - some have more, some have less. They appear in the first months of a child’s life and remain for life. In some nations, the presence of many moles on the body is considered a sign of a long, happy and comfortable life. In the Middle Ages, fashionable women and beauties even painted on “sights” on their faces to look more flirtatious and charming. However, not all moles are so harmless. The medical name for moles is nevus, and they are considered a congenital or acquired skin defect. As a rule, moles are a small brown, slightly convex spot - this is exactly how we are used to seeing them. However, there are also other varieties. For example, hanging moles. Their peculiarity is that they develop from epithelial tissue. They are a cone-shaped outgrowth with an uneven surface. As a rule, their color does not differ from the color of the skin, but they can be in different colors - from white to dark brown. Hanging moles “love” to settle on the neck, under the arms, and in the groin.

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ICD-10 code

Causes of a hanging mole

The reasons for the appearance of hanging moles on the body are different and are individual for each individual.

One of the reasons is a change in the body’s hormonal levels. For example, this is a common occurrence in pregnant women. Women notice that small formations begin to grow under their arms or in the groin - hanging moles. Such nevi do not pose a danger, and sometimes even go completely unnoticed. They disappear after childbirth, as soon as the woman’s hormonal levels return to normal.

The second reason is the human papillomavirus. In this case, everything is much more serious. The virus enters the blood and multiplies, causing multiple formations to appear on the skin. If you suspect infection with the papilloma virus, your doctor will refer you for tests, the results of which will help you choose further treatment.

The third reason is age-related changes in the skin and hormonal levels. This theory was put forward by American doctors, and so far they have not been able to either completely confirm or refute it. However, it is known for certain that cases of hanging moles in older people are very common.

And fourth is the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. It has long been noted that areas of the skin that are often exposed to sunlight are prone to the formation of nevi. It is better to cover moles on exposed parts of the body or treat the skin with products with a UV filter.

[3], [4]


The causes and mechanism of the appearance of hanging moles on the body have not yet been fully studied. However, it is known for sure that most often they appear in places that are subject to friction or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. For some reason, the epithelial cells begin to divide with a vengeance, which leads to the mole increasing in size and taking on the appearance of a small cone-shaped formation of irregular shape.

[5], [6], [7], [8], [9]

Symptoms of a hanging mole

The symptoms of hanging moles are very simple and obvious. On palpation, a nipple-like formation is felt, painless when palpated. This is a hanging mole. As a rule, several days pass before the person or someone in his family notices the growth, especially if the hanging mole is located on the back, shoulders or in the pelvic area, where it is not easy to notice. If the mole has been damaged, there may be minor bleeding, a burning sensation, and pain. In the future, the location of the mole may swell and change color, which in itself is a serious symptom. In such a case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

[10], [11], [12], [13]

Are hanging moles dangerous?

Single moles of this type are common. However, if moles begin to appear in large quantities, hurt, itch, or change color in any way, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Doctors consider moles of this type to be potentially dangerous and advise paying close attention to them. It is necessary to ensure that such moles do not develop into tumor-like formations. There is no point in panicking, because many people live with hanging moles all their lives without any problems. However, you should listen to your doctor and do all the necessary skin tests and tests. The danger is that hanging moles can often be injured by clothing or accessories, and in open areas of the body they are exposed to ultraviolet radiation. If you tear off such a mole, it can cause suppuration or even the appearance of melanoma. If the nevus is damaged, it is recommended to cauterize the wound with a disinfectant - for example, hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

[14], [15], [16]


Hanging moles vary in appearance and location.

They come with uneven, bumpy edges and smoother shapes, reminiscent of a pea.

The color also varies - from white to dark brown and even black.

Depending on their location, hanging moles are divided into those that form in the groin, under the arms, on the face and on the neck. They are most often found in these places. Black hanging moles are not very good in themselves. After all, nevi turn black due to damage or inflammation. If you find that a hanging mole has turned black, do not hesitate, contact the clinic for tests. White hanging moles are most common during puberty and in pregnant women - under the arms or in the groin. They are dangerous because they can easily be overlooked and cut off during hygiene procedures. If this happens, quickly treat the wound with a disinfectant. Brown, large hanging moles appear on the face and neck; they also cause a person a lot of inconvenience - from their appearance to constant injury from items of clothing.

It is better to remove a hanging mole on the neck, since it is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation and is rubbed by clothing - a collar or scarf. Hanging moles on the face cause particular inconvenience to women, because such a formation will not decorate even the prettiest face.

Hanging moles under the arms are most often injured during swimming or shaving. If you constantly accidentally cut a mole, then it is better to remove it, since systematic damage can cause it to grow or fester.

If a mole is inflamed, itchy, or painful, this is the first sign that inflammatory processes are occurring in it, which can have a very negative effect on the body. Therefore, if there is the slightest change in the appearance of moles, or painful sensations in them, immediately go to the doctor! The same should be done if the hanging mole has become crusty, thickened, and the vascular pattern on it has changed.

If a hanging mole turns red and hurts, then there may be several reasons for this: the same hormonal imbalances (in teenagers, pregnant women and women on certain days of the cycle); accidental cuts or rubbing by clothing; and, finally, the most serious reason is the degeneration of a mole from a benign formation to a malignant one. Such transformations can be accompanied by the appearance of blood inside the mole, its loosening, and a radical change in color. Of course, the sensation of pain will not be as strong as, for example, with flux, but it is difficult not to notice it.

[17], [18], [19]

Diagnosis of a hanging mole

Diagnosis of hanging moles does not present any difficulty for an experienced doctor. The characteristic shape, location and color of these skin formations speak for themselves.

In cases where there is suspicion that the formation is not benign, a biopsy will be proposed to determine the nature of the mole.

Also, for diagnostic purposes, tests are carried out for the presence of the human papillomavirus. In this case, local treatment of hanging moles will be ineffective.

If the mole has changed size or turned black, an examination should be carried out by an oncologist.

[20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]

Who to contact?

Treatment of a hanging mole

To get rid of hanging moles, there are many methods - from radical removal to treatment with various folk remedies.

  1. At home, hanging moles can be smeared with iodine solution or celandine tincture. The latter, however, must be used very carefully, as burns are possible. The tincture should be applied directly to the nevus.
  2. Large moles that spoil the appearance and interfere are best removed. It goes without saying that this should be done after consultation with a dermatologist. Removal of hanging moles on the neck, face or body is carried out in a clinic or beauty salon.

Removal is possible using cauterization with liquid nitrogen (the most effective method is 85-100%), laser (electrocoagulation) or surgery under local anesthesia. The last method is the most traumatic, and is currently little used. A laser will cope with the task much better than a scalpel.

  1. If the appearance of hanging moles is associated with the papilloma virus, then the following drugs can be used: Condimin, Bonafton ointment, Aldora cream. They are based on folk recipes using medicinal herbs. These ointments are applied to the mole twice a day for two weeks. Contraindications to treatment are pregnancy and lactation. Recently, the drug Panavir has appeared, which is administered intravenously and destroys the papilloma virus. However, it should also not be used during pregnancy or in children under 12 years of age. Adults with human papillomavirus infection are usually prescribed 5 ml of solution every 48 hours; after 3 injections, they switch to 5 ml of Panavir solution every 72 hours. The course of treatment is 5 injections.
  2. Traditional methods, such as compresses with Kalanchoe juice, garlic, potatoes and celandine, are ineffective, but they also have the right to be used. Some recipes advise removing small hanging moles with vinegar essence. We would like to warn against such extremes - as a result of such “treatment” a serious chemical burn can form, which you will have to treat for a very long time.

The simplest folk method is to tie the base of a hanging mole with a coarse thread. Dermatologists do not recommend using this type of removal - firstly, it is unhygienic, and secondly, it is ineffective.

A popular remedy is wormwood oil for hanging moles. It is recommended to lubricate it with wormwood essential oil twice a day for several weeks. After this treatment they disappear.

Many people are interested in the question of how to remove hanging moles around the eyes and whether it is dangerous. It is recommended to remove such moles surgically with a thin cosmetic suture. Laser or liquid nitrogen may leave marks on the skin of the face.

Treatment of hanging moles should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the medical history in each specific case. During pregnancy, it is better not to remove hanging moles. It is better to wait until the hormonal balance is restored. And of course, under no circumstances should hanging moles be torn off or cut off! This can lead to the worst consequences. If this happens due to negligence, the wound should be cauterized with iodine or peroxide and consult a doctor.

If a mole under the arm is inflamed, it causes a lot of inconvenience and can cause extremely unpleasant consequences. Moles, or nevi, on the body are a completely common and familiar phenomenon. In themselves, they do not pose a health hazard, but large moles that protrude above the surface of the skin require careful and careful treatment.

The reasons why nevi become inflamed are:

  1. mechanical injuries - rubbing, scratching, attempts at self-removal, burns, etc.;
  2. degeneration of a mole into a malignant tumor due to hormonal imbalances or excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Hanging moles under the arms can be injured in the following cases:

  1. careless shaving;
  2. wearing clothes with narrow armholes - the nevus is rubbed by the seam of the sleeve;
  3. picking with nails while scratching.

Whatever the cause of the inflammatory process, you should not expect it to go away on its own. A large number of sweat glands are concentrated in the armpits, and sweat is a breeding ground for microorganisms living on the human body. Thus, an inflamed mole located under the arm is at increased risk of infection, which can initiate the development of melanoma or significantly accelerate it.

Alarm Signals

Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of malignant skin tumors, characterized by a tendency to frequent relapses and metastasis to other organs. The first signs of melanoma are inflammation of the mole and pain. You should immediately seek advice from an oncologist or dermatologist-oncologist if a mole under the arm:

  1. starts to itch;
  2. increases in size;
  3. changes its shape;
  4. changes color, fragments of other shades appear on it;
  5. bleeding;
  6. the skin of the mole loses its characteristic striations and smoothes out;
  7. a white border appears around it;
  8. hair falls out from the surface of the nevus;
  9. the surface of the pigmented formation ulcerates and cracks.

If a flat or hanging mole has suffered mechanical damage, you need to treat it with hydrogen peroxide, then with a solution of brilliant green, apply a sterile bandage and go to a medical facility. There is no point in waiting for inflammation to occur. It is advisable to take a cut or combed fragment of a mole with you as material for histological examination.

The sooner a diagnosis is made and measures are taken, the greater the chance of stopping the development of a dangerous disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

The primary diagnosis is made based on the results of dermatoscopy. The doctor evaluates the size, color, symmetry and borders of the nevus and, if there is a suspicion of melanoma, decides to remove the mole. The tissue excised during the operation is subjected to histological examination, based on the results of which a final diagnosis is made.

Removal of nevi is carried out using different methods:

  1. surgical excision;
  2. electrocoagulation;
  3. cryodestruction;
  4. laser burning;
  5. radio wave coagulation.

Which one to use in a particular case is determined by the doctor after examination, identification of contraindications and assessment of the general condition of the patient’s body.

Whether the mole under the arm is inflamed or just in the way, it is highly not recommended to remove it yourself. Firstly, at home it is difficult to comply with all the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis, and secondly, if the development of melanoma has already begun, the likelihood of the disease worsening is very high, because incomplete removal of the nevus provokes accelerated spread of the malignant tumor. Only a qualified specialist in a medical facility can remove a mole completely and without consequences.