Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 122

Shock Insulin


Insulin shock is a condition in which blood glucose levels are too low, which can lead to serious health complications. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas that ...

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Pedroso Disease


Pedrioso's disease is an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus type 2. The disease is characterized by the formation of ulcers and blisters on the skin and mucous ...

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Mercury-Bismuth Ointment


Mercury and bismuth are two chemical elements that are the basis for the creation of Mercury-Bismuth ointment. This ointment is one of the most effective antiseptics wide ...

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The buttocks are a very important part of our body that plays a big role in our daily life. They are the main support of our body and play an important role in walking, r ...

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Vibration therapy


Vibration therapy is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment through the transfer of human tissues and organs by mechanical energy, i.e. vibrations of varying intensity. ...

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Granuloma Tropical


Granulomas are tumor-like benign skin formations with a predominance of tumor elements in their composition. There are infectious and tropical granulomas. Foci of chronic ...

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Pathophysiology is usually called a branch of biological science that deals with the study of disorders of the body’s vital functions, the causes of diseases, the develop ...

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Cultya Nerva


There is a problem that is impossible to hide from and too difficult to get rid of. If a person’s limb is cut off, the skin defect also remains. As for nerves, their reco ...

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Carbon dioxide


Who knows me? I read today that CO2 is 689 grams per m3 of air. You can weigh a spoon or two glasses of air! Popular lie: CO2 increases blood pressure, so you can't brea ...

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Cells Atrophic


Cells are atrophicAtrophy is the process of tissues and cells losing their function and structural integrity. This may be due to aging, injury, or exposure to various env ...

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