Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 120

Fourth Ventricle Syndrome


Fourth ventricle syndrome is one of the rare and little-known diseases that is characterized by pathological changes in the brain. The disease can manifest itself with a ...

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Ferrum Metallicum


Ferrum metallicum is an internal homeopathic remedy that is used to increase iron levels in the blood in patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia. This product is p ...

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Phlebology as an interdisciplinary sciencePhlebo is an interdisciplinary term used to denote complex medicine, including various aspects of the study of the venous syste ...

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Soleus muscle


The soleus muscles are a group of muscles located on the back of the lower leg. One of them is the largest and is called the soleus muscle. It consists of two fibers that ...

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Test-System D/Determination of Antibodies K HIV


An anti-HIV test is a test that detects the presence of antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the blood.Most HIV tests are based on detecting the body's ...

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Lennander Cut


**Lennander section (k. G. Lennander)** is one of the most famous and studied sections of ancient deposits in Russia. It is located in the north of the Karelian Isthmus, ...

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RAST or Radioallergosorbent test is a method for determining the presence and level of allergic sensitivity to chemicals in the air. The abbreviation RAST is often used i ...

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Aortitis Infectious


Aortitis of infectious origin or aortitis of vascular infection (infectiosa aortitis, AIA) is a rare inflammatory disease in which the infection spreads in the aortic wal ...

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Rubrospinal Path


The rubrospinal tract is the branch from the red nucleus to the spinal cord. This pathway consists of several dozen neurons and is involved in voluntary movements of the ...

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Diaphragmopleural fascia


Fascia diaphr. Pleura. - connective tissue plate covering the surface of the pleural diaphragm. F. D. is one of the elements of the diaphragmatic fascia, which surrounds ...

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