Aortitis Infectious

Aortitis of infectious origin or aortitis of vascular infection (infectiosa aortitis, AIA) is a rare inflammatory disease in which the infection spreads in the aortic wall and develops an aortic inflammation that can lead to damage to the aortic wall, dissection of its walls, or the formation of a narrowing of the affected area. Usually developing in children or young adults. Infectious aortitis is characterized by an acute onset and rapid progression of symptoms, which most often affects women of reproductive age.

Infectious endocarditis is an inflammatory process of an infectious nature that affects the heart valves. This also includes atrial fibrillation, pulmonary valve disease, and vena cava lesions. The most contagious endocarditis is one in which pyogenic streptococcus settles. But recently, other types of infective endocarditis have appeared more often, for example, when