Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4370



Ecchymosis (ecchymosis; from the Greek ekchymosis, which means “to shed fluid, blood”) is a bruise that forms under the skin as a result of the rupture of small blood ves ...

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Reflex Cochleopalpebral


Cochleopalpebral reflex: what is it and how does it work? The cochleopalpebral reflex, also known as the cochleopalpebral reflex, is one of the important reflexes that co ...

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Endemic Geochemical


Endemic Geochemical: How deficiency and excess of microelements affect health Geochemical endemic is a disease that is associated with a deficiency or excess of certain t ...

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Medicine Naval


Naval Medicine: Ensuring Health at Sea Naval medicine is a branch of military medicine that aims to provide medical care to the Navy in peacetime and war. The Navy is an ...

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Sklifosovskogo-Rena-Delorma-Bira Operation


Sklifosovsky-Ren-Delorme-Beer operation: history, essence and application Sklifosovsky-Rena-Delorme-Bira operation, also known as Beera resection of the rectal mucosa, De ...

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Spinal Nerves


Spinal Nerves: structure and functions The human nervous system is one of the most complex and important systems in the body. It consists of many individual elements that ...

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Ataxia Vestibular


Vestibular ataxia is a violation of coordination of movements and balance caused by damage to the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus is located in the inner e ...

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Chromolysis: what is it and how does it happen? Chromolysis is the process of decomposition of a chromosome, the basic structural unit of genetic material in a cell, whic ...

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Orotaciduria: causes, symptoms and treatment Orotaciduria is a genetic disease that is associated with a disorder in the metabolism of purine nucleotides in the body. It ...

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Salus-Gunn I


Salus-Hun I: history of creation and significance for ophthalmology Salus-Gunn I is a technique for assessing visual function, which was developed jointly by the Czech op ...

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