Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4468

Orthopedic shoes


Orthopedic shoes are specially designed shoes designed to correct the function and (or) shape of a pathologically altered limb. Such shoes are made individually for each ...

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Autoenteric vaccine


Autoenteric vaccine: what is it and how does it work? Autoenteric vaccine is a type of vaccine that is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with i ...

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Sideroblastic anemia


Sideroblastic anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment Sideroblastic anemia is a rare disease characterized by a disruption of the process of hemoglobin synthesis in the bo ...

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Ganzalova Symptom


Hanzalov's symptom: what is it and how to determine it? Hansal's sign is one of many neurological symptoms that can be observed in patients with central paresis. This sym ...

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Automatic syringe: mechanized injection Syringes are an integral part of modern medicine. Their use allows injections to be performed with high precision and minimal disc ...

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Kinesthesia (from the Greek words “kinesis” - movement and “aesthesis” - sensation) is the sense of movement and position of the body in space. It allows us to sense the ...

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Cushing's Disease


Cushing's Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Cushing's disease is a rare disease that occurs due to excess secretion of a hormone from the adrenal cortex. This hormo ...

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Circulatory (lat. circulatorius) - related to blood circulation. The term comes from the Latin word circulatio sanguinis, which means "circulation". Blood circulation is ...

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Antibodies Cytotoxic


Cytotoxic antibodies are a class of antibodies that can resist surface-located cellular antigens and cause irreversible damage to the cytoplasmic membrane of the target c ...

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Küstner-Piccoli Operation


Küstner-Piccoli operation The Küstner-Piccoli operation is a surgical procedure used in gynecology to treat ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy. The operation was proposed in 189 ...

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