Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4504



Duodenoscope: an instrument for examining the duodenum A duodenoscope is a fiber-optic or video-camera instrument that is used to examine the inner surface of the duodenu ...

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Pioneer Camp


Pionersky Camp: Educational and health institution for children A pioneer camp is an educational and recreational institution, which is usually located in a suburban area ...

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Oneiric syndrome


Oneiric syndrome (syndromum oneiroideum; synonyms: oneiroid, sleep-like stunned syndrome, dream-like alteration of consciousness) is a pathological condition characterize ...

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Pre-infarction condition


Pre-infarction condition (synonyms: pre-infarction period, unstable angina, progressive angina) is an acute pathological condition characterized by paroxysmal chest pain ...

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Special Treatment Partial


S. o. , limited to those areas of object surfaces contaminated with radioactive and toxic substances or biological agents that pose the greatest danger to people; carried ...

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Out-of-Hospital Care


Community care Out-of-hospital care is the general name for all types of medical care except inpatient care. It includes medical care provided by all types of outpatient ...

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Ludotherapy (from Latin ludus - game and Greek therapeia - treatment) is a method of psychotherapy and psychocorrection based on the use of gaming activities. Ludotherapy ...

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Skeptophylaxis (from the Greek words skeptomai - "to consider, provide" and phylaxis - "protection") is a historical term referring to precautionary and protective measur ...

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Pneumonia Meningococcal Primary


Primary meningococcal pneumonia is an acute infectious disease caused by meningococcus and characterized by inflammation of the lung tissue. The disease begins acutely wi ...

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Morphology Functional


Functional morphology: the relationship between the structure and function of the body Functional morphology is a branch of morphology that studies the relationship betwe ...

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