Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4514



Hypochondria: when the disease becomes the only thing in life Hypochondriasis is a mental disorder in which a person suffers from morbid concern for his health and exagge ...

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Neuromuscular Junction, Myoneural Junction


The neuromuscular junction, also known as the myoneural junction, is the zone of contact between the motor terminal of a nerve and the muscle fiber it innervates. Each mu ...

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Compression of the Brain


Article "Cerebral Compression" Compression of the brain (compressio cerebri; synonym compression of the brain) is a pathological condition in which the brain is affected ...

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Elevation, Ledge (Mons)


In anatomy, mons (lat. mons) is a rounded elevation. The most famous example is the pubis (mons pubis) - an elevation above the pubic symphysis formed by adipose tissue. ...

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Prozoplasia: understanding of this term Prosoplasia is a term used in science to describe the process of formation of cellular organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplas ...

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Infirmary Garrison


Garrison infirmary: organization of medical care in small garrisons A garrison infirmary is an organization of medical care in small garrisons that do not have a full-fle ...

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Синдесмоз (Syndesmosis)


Syndesmosis is a fixed fibrous joint in which the surfaces of the bones are interconnected by connective tissue. A classic example of syndesmosis is the interosseous memb ...

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Chervenyansky Biological Endoprosthesis


Chervenyansky Biological Endoprosthesis: an innovative solution for orthopedic prostheses In the world of medicine, scientific and technological developments are constant ...

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Oxycephaly (Oxycephaly, Turricephaly)


Oxycephaly is a deformation of the skull bones in which the skull takes on a conical shape. This condition is a type of craniosynostosis - premature fusion of the bones o ...

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Sanitary Transport Vessel


A medical transport ship (STS) is a ship that is not part of the Navy, but is used during military operations to evacuate the wounded and sick. It is an important means o ...

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