Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4516



Intracellular (from Latin intra - inside and cellula - cell) is a term denoting structures, processes or substances located or occurring inside a cell. Intracellular stru ...

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Mataria Virus


Mataria virus belongs to the ecological group of arboviruses. According to its antigenic properties, it belongs to the Mataria antigenic group. His family affiliation has ...

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Exhaustion Traumatic


Traumatic exhaustion, also known as traumatic disease, wound dystrophy, wounded dystrophy, etc. wound cachexia, or wound cachexia, is a condition that can occur in a pers ...

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Vesicle of the Old


Pemphigus of old is an indolent subtype of pemphigus that occurs in older people. A distinctive feature of this disease is the absence of acantholysis (dissolution of int ...

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Scaphoid-sphenoid ligaments


Scaphoid-sphenoid ligaments: Anatomy and Role in the Foot The navicular-sphenoid ligaments, also known as the navicular-sphenoid ligaments (l. scaphoideocuneiformia dorsa ...

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Seizure Epileptic Reflex Auditory


An epileptic reflex auditory seizure (a. epilepticus reflectorius auditivus; synonym: n. epileptic acousticogenic, n. epileptic audiosensory) is a type of epileptic seizu ...

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A mouth dilator is an instrument used in medicine to widen a patient's mouth and prevent their mouth from closing. A mouth retractor is a metal or plastic structure that ...

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Calmetteization is a method of specific prevention of tuberculosis using the BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin), proposed by French scientists Albert Calmette and Cam ...

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Hymen Keeled


The study of the anatomy of the female body has always been an important subject for medical professionals. One of the most interesting items in this area is the hymen ca ...

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Reticular fibers


Reticular fibers (fibrillae reticulares) are thin collagen fibers that make up the reticular tissue. Reticular tissue forms the framework of the organs of the lymphoid sy ...

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