
Intracellular (from Latin intra - inside and cellula - cell) is a term denoting structures, processes or substances located or occurring inside a cell.

Intracellular structures include cell organelles - nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes and others.

Intracellular processes include various biochemical reactions, protein synthesis, cell division and other vital functions.

Intracellular substances are various ions, molecules, enzymes and other compounds circulating in the cytoplasm of the cell.

Thus, the term "intracellular" is widely used in cell biology to describe the structure and function of a cell at the subcellular level.

Intracellular inflammation Intracellular is inside the cell (intracel-internal), that is, outside the cellular structure, and that is why the term “intercellular” is not found in the scientific literature when describing infectious inflammation, since any infectious inflammation ends predominantly with a bacteriostatic effect (lysis of the pathogen), or bactericidal (destruction), which inherently causes the death of microorganisms. In light of this, the need for the term “infectious inflammation” is clear. But in the case of studying other infections, including non-infectious inflammations, the term “interselecular” still implies intersinacular (intercellular). Cellular inflammation. We believe that these points are easily perceived by those who are professionally involved in the study of infectious diseases and the inflammatory process, especially infectious inflammation (diseases caused by microorganisms); the internuclear site of inflammation does not exist. The reason for this is only that any infectious disease at its core (not in the phase of autoinfection / convalescence) we summarize: the term “infection” as such implies the intracellular development of infectious damage to a pathogenic microorganism, which ends with lysis (bacteriostatics). Inflammation - inflammatory process

> General principles of classification. There are different classification systems for inflammatory reactions.

The ontogeny of inflammatory reactions proceeds with an increase in the intensity of all its elements, that is, it characterizes the dynamics and evolution of any typical complex in the inflammatory reaction. Exotoxic - antigenic stimulation is clearly manifested. This pattern appears after initial contact with patho