Vesicle of the Old

Pemphigus of old is an indolent subtype of pemphigus that occurs in older people. A distinctive feature of this disease is the absence of acantholysis (dissolution of intercellular connections) in the blisters.

Pemphigus of old usually occurs after 60 years of age and is more common in women. The disease is characterized by the appearance of tense blisters of various sizes on the skin of the trunk, limbs and mucous membranes. The blisters slowly increase in size and then spontaneously burst, leaving erosions that do not heal for a long time.

The causes of old pemphigus are not completely clear. It is believed that it may be due to changes in the immune system that accompany the aging process. Treatment is mainly symptomatic and aimed at relieving itching and preventing secondary infection. The prognosis for old pemphigus is favorable.

Pemphigus is a serious skin disease characterized by the appearance of blisters on the body and mucous membranes. This article is devoted to the description of one of the types of pemphigus, which is called Old pemphigus.

Pemphigus is an inflammatory skin disease that can lead to serious complications. One type of this disease is Pemphigus of the Old, which occurs in older people.

What is old pemphigus?

This is a form of pemphigus or dermatitis associated with the immune system's reaction to certain substances. In the case of pemphigus old, the immune system attacks a layer of skin called the stratum basale. This can cause small blisters to appear on the skin, which can develop into ulcers and irritate the skin.

Signs and symptoms

Since this form of the disease can manifest itself in different ways, symptoms may include