
Guardianship is a form of protection of the rights and protection of personal and property interests of incapacitated and partially capable citizens, including children and mentally ill people. It is carried out by guardianship and trusteeship bodies, which are government agencies or local governments.

Guardianship can be established over both minors and adults who, for health reasons, cannot take care of themselves independently. In the case of minors, guardianship is established until they reach the age of majority. In the case of adults, guardianship may be established indefinitely or for a specified period of time.

One of the main tasks of guardianship is to protect the rights and interests of the person under guardianship. The guardian must take care of his health, education, employment and other aspects of life. He must also ensure that the person under his care does not harm himself or others.

If the guardian does not fulfill his duties, the guardian may be removed from guardianship. This can happen, for example, if the guardian violates the rights of the ward or does not care for him properly.

One example of guardianship is child custody. Parents cannot always take care of their children, so the state establishes guardianship over them. Guardians must monitor the health and education of children and protect their rights.

There are also various forms of guardianship, such as temporary guardianship, permanent guardianship and others. They can be set depending on the specific situation.

Thus, guardianship is an important form of protecting the rights and protecting the interests of incapacitated and partially capable people. It ensures the protection of the rights and interests of those under guardianship and promotes their well-being.

Guardianship is a form of provision of state assistance and support in the case of persons who, for health reasons, are unable (or partially capable) to independently ensure their rights and vital interests. We are talking about incapacity or limited functioning of the psyche. For example, these could be children suffering from mental disorders or adolescents with physical problems. There are the following types of guardianship according to different parameters: - Relative guardianship - close relatives, for example, mother, father, or a guardian appointed by relatives, provide care for the ward. - Temporary guardianship – appointed for the duration of treatment and recovery from injuries that require the patient to remain in a hospital. In this case, issues with property management will be resolved by representatives of relatives.

Types of guardianship and guardianship are assigned by the guardianship authority. Both authorities and property managers of the ward institution (schools, hospitals, boarding schools) are authorized to do this. Care is carried out exclusively by representatives of the guardianship authorities. Guardians are parties to the agreement and are granted such powers based on the desire of the guardians themselves to take care of the ward. If we are talking about mandatory events (for children), then representatives of the guardianship authorities will definitely involve close relatives (daughter, son, adult sister or brother), who undertake to support their brother or sister, left without parents, both financially and psychologically.