Endogenous Water

Endogenous water is a concept that we increasingly encounter in medicine and scientific research. Many of us have heard about the importance of keeping the body hydrated, but few know that there is another water that can be just as important for our health.

Endogenous (or metabolic) water is water that is formed in our body during the metabolic process. It is an important component of healthy cells, tissues and organs. Without her, our life would be impossible.

Water is one of the main elements of our body, it ensures our existence and contributes to the functioning of many processes in the body. Without enough water, we may experience problems in the functioning of the body. Our skin, blood, muscles and even our brain contain water.

When we sleep, our cells work differently. While they sleep, they require less oxygen, reducing their energy consumption, but the amount of water they produce also decreases. As a result of this, we constantly feel thirsty. This indicates that the body is suffering from a lack of water.

To avoid dehydration, it is necessary to maintain the level of endogenous (metabolic) water at the proper level. To do this, you can try to reduce your consumption of coffee and other drinks that can lead to dehydration. In addition, it is important to monitor your diet so as not to consume too much